
The Strongest Demon King Beginning From Kuwang Academy (DxD)

High School DxD Roy traveled to the world of Demon High School and became Grefia’s younger brother, the only heir to the Lucifergus family. And obtained the demon chess system, from then on Roy walked the road of crossing the world to conquer his family and become the strongest demon king. Saeko Poshima: I swear by the honor of the Poshima family, I am willing to be Roy’s knight. Butterfly Ninja: As long as I can save my sister, I am willing to be Roy’s soldier. Esdes: If you want me to be your queen, then defeat me! The main world is the world of Demon High School. Across the World: Apocalypse of the Academy – Blade of Demon Slayer – Pokémon – Slashing Red Eyes – Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family – God Eater – To be continued The Strongest Demon King Beginning From Kuwang Academy

Big_Big_0235 · Anime und Comics
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401 Chs

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Cang Na's Dream

Astati, "I think, if I remember correctly, it should be a famous family from His Majesty the current Demon King Beelzebub!"

Sairaorg said suddenly.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a trashy fish. If it churns up, just shoot it to death."

Roy waved his hand as if he was talking about squeezing an ant at will.

"It is said that this man was a sinister who exclusively took pleasure in abusing nuns."

Canna pushed her glasses and said.

The last time Diodora wanted to infect Aisha, she also knew about it, and after that, she investigated Diodora specially.

After knowing what he did, he was very disgusted with it.

"I see."

Sairaorg finally understood why Roy would drive away Diodora so domineeringly.

Then a few people chatted casually.

The official event has not yet started, it is just a spontaneous exchange meeting organized by young demons.

After a while, the door was opened and the servants came in.

"I've kept you all waiting, my lords are waiting for you.

Afterwards, many demons followed the servants and came to the hall where the official event started.

On the high platform of the hall, the great figures of the underworld are sitting there.

Serjax sat on top, next to Serafuru, then Demon Lord Beelzebub and Demon Lord Asmodeus.

The four new demon kings have all gathered.

Although there are many demons in the hall, it is surprisingly quiet.

"Welcome all of you to come here. Today, we gather all of you who will shoulder the next generation to come here to confirm your appearance once again. At the same time, this is also a regular gathering for young demons."

Below the Four Demon Kings, a young male demon clasped his chest with his arms, and his tone was very dignified.

"It seems that someone has already opened the fight…

This time it was a bearded male demon speaking sarcastically.

These words were obviously referring to what happened just now about Gefadel and Diodora.

Behind him, the sons and daughters looked at the bearded demon with a bad expression on his face.

"You are all new-generation demons with no fault of family background and strength. Because of this, I hope you can learn from each other and improve each other's strength before your official debut.

Said Serjax, who was sitting at the top.

What he meant was to let these demons present play a ranking game to see their respective strengths.

"Will we also be sent to deal with the 'Bangladesh' in the future?"

Sairaorg suddenly asked a crucial question.

Because the underworld and other pantheons are not very peaceful, there are still wars in some places.

And these new generation of demons, maybe they will be sent to the battlefield in the future.

"It's not necessarily. But I'd like to try to avoid young demons.

Serjax replied.

Sairaorg seemed to be unable to accept this answer, raised his eyebrows and said, "Why? Even though we are young, we also have the responsibility to support the demon world. If we have grown up to this age thanks to the love of our predecessors, but still can't do anything—"

"Sairaorg, I appreciate your courage, but you are the future of the devil, I will not let you go directly to the battlefield before you grow up, because doing so will kill the future of the underworld.

Serjax's remarks silenced Sairaorg, tentatively accepting it, although dissatisfaction was still written on his face.

After that, the four demon kings began to discuss the big and small things in the underworld.

Roy felt sleepy.

"Okay, I'm sorry to ask you to listen to us for so long!"

"But it's all because we pin our dreams and hopes on you young people. I hope you can understand this. You are the treasures of the underworld."

Serjax seemed to see the way he was yawning, and took the initiative to stop his tirade.

"Then… Finally, please each of you talk about your future goals!"

After speaking, Serjax's eyes first turned to Roy.

Obviously want to hear his thoughts.

"My dream is to become a Demon King."

However, Sairaorg was the first to answer.

He said this in a very firm tone.

For his straightforward words, the four demon kings all cast admiring glances.

Then, wearing an evening dress, the noble and beautiful Rias stepped forward and said, "I want to win the championships in the ranking games, this is my goal in the near future.

So that's what Rias is aiming for in the near future!

You should have your family, so you want to show off your skills in the Rating Game!

Roy stroked his chin and thought.

Seeing Rias express her goal, Sona also stood up and said, "My goal is to set up a ranking game school in the underworld."

A very common wish, just to set up a school.

However, the high-level demons below the four demon kings frowned.

"There should already be a place to learn ranking games, right?"

A male demon asked as if to confirm.

"You mean a school that only high-level demons and some privileged class demons can go to! I want to set up a school with no discrimination, even lower-level demons and reincarnated demons can study, and there is no barrier to the school."

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

As soon as Cana finished speaking, the laughter of the high-ranking demons resounded throughout the venue.


"This goal is too funny!

"I see! You're still a dreaming girl, aren't you!!

"Young people are young people! But I didn't expect you, as the successor of the Sidi family, to talk about this kind of dream! Fortunately, this is just a meeting before your debut."

The high-level demons kept mocking Cana.

Why is the seemingly simple purpose ridiculed by the upper echelons of the devil?

This is because even now the underworld is gradually changing.

But the class distinction between superiors, inferiors, and reincarnated demons still exists.

This system of aristocracy, many people still believe that this is for granted.

However, even in the face of (Li De's) situation, Cang Na still looked at them and said, "I'm serious.

Serafuru nodded vigorously, as if to say "Well said!".

But as the Demon King, her position is not convenient to support her sister.

"Miss Canna Sidi, the lower-level demons and reincarnated demons should serve the higher-level demons and tap their talents in the process of serving the master. This is common sense."

"If you set up an educational facility like that, it would be discrediting for a family that values tradition and self-esteem, eh?"

"Even if the devil's world enters a period of reform, there are still things that can and cannot be changed.

Even "want to teach mere inferior demons,

The high-level demons continued to sneer.

Seeing this, no matter how firm Cang Na was, her expression was a little sad at this time.

After all, this time even her sister who doted on her the most, didn't speak for her.