

During his junior high school years, Nagaki Ryo was widely regarded as a highly talented and brilliant student. However, when he reached his third year, everything took a dramatic turn. He underwent an astonishing transformation and became known as a delinquent, earning the infamous title of "rampaging demon." This sudden change in his character led to a notable shift in his relationships, with many people gradually distancing themselves from him. After graduating from junior high school, Nagaki Ryo faced numerous rejections from schools, except for Taino Highschool—a renowned institution notorious for harboring factions of delinquents. It was at this pivotal institution that Nagaki Ryo's path intertwined with that of Saki Mauto, who held the reputation of an "evil lord" and was considered one of the rising stars. Saki Mauto nurtured a deep resentment towards Nagaki Ryo due to the latter's refusal to join any factions on his first day of school. In an attempt to ascertain the veracity of the rumors surrounding the "rampaging demon," Saki Mauto challenged Nagaki Ryo. He aimed to determine whether Nagaki Ryo was truly deserving of the title. As time went on, Nagaki Ryo's enigmatic past began to unravel, exposing a shocking reason behind his choice to become a delinquent. Now confronted with Saki Mauto's challenge, Nagaki Ryo is faced with the decision of whether to accept it or let it pass. The true extent of the "Rampaging Demon's" strength is yet to be fully revealed. Author's note: The cover visuals utilized in this narrative do not belong to me. I sourced them from Google and edited them accordingly. All credit should be attributed to their original creators. If you happen to know the creator of these visuals, please inform me so that proper credit can be given.

Ryo_Ryuuga · Aktion
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30 Chs

Nagaki Ryo

"Rampaging Demon" ... that's the title given to Nagaki Ryo when he was in junior high school.The Delinquent is well known for his strength in fighting. Now Nagaki Ryo will enter high school as a first year student. The school he entered is not a regular school .It is a school that is very famous because it is special for delinquent only.School where teachers and students do not reprimand each other, do not care about each other and fighting are common.Taino Highschool will be a new school for Nagaki Ryo for the next three years.In entrance ceremony, many senior students came to recruit potential students to join their gang.Among the things that surprised the seniors was that their school had two new students who were very well known.They were "Rampaging Demon" Nagaki Ryo and "Evil Lord "Saki Mauto.Saki Mauto is known for his high stamina in fight until he is able to survive for a long time.They are both were approached by many seniors who want to recruit them.Saki Mauto chooses to join the Cobra Hunter Gang while Nagaki Ryo declines all invitations.He prefers to move as a lonewolf. "It's all just a waste of time", "I does not need to be taken care of by anyone"

was his thought at that time. Saki Mauto was proud to had entered the most feared Gang in the school but hated Nagaki Ryo's action to move as a lonewolf. He approached Nagaki Ryo and whisper "so much confident huh.I doesnt care if you rampaging demon or somewhat,but I hate your attitude.I want to challenge you to become the strongest delinquent in this school its either you or me for the next three years will be given that title".Nagaki just keep quiet while watch Saki walk to his gang.

"So this is where I belong huh" said Nagaki to himself before he stepped into his classroom,1-E.Haruki sensei stepped into class 1-E as soon as the school bell rang. He was being ignored by the students as soon as he arrived. "I don't care even a little about you." He continued "I know you entered this school not to learn but to fight, to decide who is the strongest ". The conversation was answered by Sagumi Yuro, one of the students in the class and sit in front of Nagaki who was in the middle position of the back." sensei, what you said is all right, if you know what will happen, why is you still entering this class, you could get out from here right now"said Sagumi. Haruki sensei walked and stood in front of the sagumi,he stared at Sagumi face for a while before punch Sagumi's stomach.Sagumi bowed in pain. "You had done a big mistake if you talk like that in front of me". "You may be right but that's what the other teachers will do, not me." "I don't care if you wants to fight ,you're free to do anything at this school, but remember ..... as long as I am this classroom teacher, you all must respect me ". The students in the class were still surprised to see the matter including Nagaki. Before stepping out , Haruki sensei said "From now on Naomi Hana, you are the representative of this class". The girl froze for a moment when she heard about that"." See you all again tomorrow "said Haruki sensei before stepping out.

On his way to back to his house, Nagaki remembered the challenge thrown at him from saki mauto ..... "well he must be just kidding about that" said nagaki to himself then he just take lightly about that challenge.

It is this easy-going attitude that will give him problems in the future. Saki Mauto is not the kind of person that can be looked down like that.

"Wait, there are no fights at the school today." "Maybe it's too early for it,it's not like it my problem anyway . The one who likes to fight without a solid reasons is just as dumb as donkey ". he said that before get into his house

I know my story is not as fun as others stories out there.It lacking in many areas.Since it an original story,I dont know how to compact all of them in simple storyboard.I just wanna enjoyed the time I spend to write this story.I also hope you could help me in improving my writing

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