
The Strongest Curse Master

Ace Lander an average high school senior was dragged into the "World of Curses" hidden beneath the surface of everyday life when he awakened as a “Curse Master” gaining an innate skill "Status Screen" and innate curse tool “Cursed Toybox” with the ability to animate and actualize action figures and adult silicone dolls into his Toy summons. ... [ — Status screen — > Cursed toybox is merging curse core 'divine form' with toy 'Goddess Athena'… > Cursed toybox is animating the toy 'Goddess Athena' as a toy summons… > Cursed toybox has animated the toy 'Goddess Athena.' > Toy summon 'Goddess Athena' added to toy space. > Toymancer can now summon Goddess Athena.] "Toy Summons, Goddess Athena!" [Name: Athena Race: Curse Tool Class: Toy summon Title: Greek Goddess (♀) Durability: (100/100) Enchantment: 1-Star Individuality: (100/100) Curse Energy Consumption: 5 units per hour Skills: Toy actualization, Wisdom of Ages, Divine Warrior, Divine Strategist, Divine Insight, Divine Counsel, Goddess’s Blessing, Forge of Innovation, Aegis Shield Note: i) Class 'Toy summon' will gain new skills with quantitative change in the Toymancer's stats. ii) Title 'Greek Goddess' will give Athena access to all her character abilities.] .. Did you say Curselings are strong? I have Toy summons that can turn Curselings into Curse spirits to aid me in combat. Am I alone in the world of curses? I have a legion of undying Toy summons and Curse spirits in my Cursed Toybox. I am never alone. You are an ancient god. So, what? I have the entire Greek and Norse pantheon goddess silicone doll collection serving in my Toy Legion. Do I want to take over the world? The world is free because I allow it. The world will submit if I demand it. ...

IGotStones · Fantasie
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76 Chs

Curse Council

"Master, that is not a problem as the Curse Mall is built on the land belonging to the 'Curse Council.' CIB or any government entity has no jurisdiction in the land belonging to the curse council," Dame Wasp informed Ace, assuring him that he did not have to worry about CIB inside the Curse Mall. 

"Curse council?" Ace uttered in confusion. 

"Curse council is a government governing the entire 'World of Curses.' They were responsible for regulating and overseeing the curse community and enforcing curse laws.

Unlike the mortal world that is still divided into multiple sovereignties, the 'World of Curses' was conquered and united by the founders of the Curse council and their followers. 

I read that it was founded thousands of years before our government was founded but I could not find when exactly. Some sources claimed that they existed even before the pyramids.

Most importantly, it is rumored a country's government or its ruler needs to be acknowledged by the Curse council to continue their reign without any hiccups," Dame Wasp explained to the best of her knowledge. 

"Sounds like something I should know. So, Rose, why am I hearing about it just now?" Ace did not spend time learning about the 'World of Curses' mostly because Dame Wasp was doing such a good job keeping him informed about it. Imagine his surprise when she suddenly sprung the words 'Curse council' on him. 

"I am sorry master but it never came up until now," Dame Wasp apologized. 

"Forget it, but next time you discover something important, inform me as soon as possible," Ace forgave Dame Wasp understanding that they both were new at this and still learning. Slowly, but surely they will develop an efficient communication system that he and his toy summons would follow. 

"Sure, master," Dame Wasp affirmed nodding her head vigorously. 

"So, does that mean our government is a puppet approved by the curse council?" Ace asked, having heard Dame Wasp say the government required the curse council's approval. 

"No, master. That is not the case. The curse council and their curse enforcers don't involve themselves in the mortal world unless it involves the curse community.

However, if a government or ruler is acknowledged by the curse council, wise men are appointed by them to assist the government or ruler in governing their sovereignties. 

The Wisemen use the ancient knowledge and records of civilizations maintained by the curse council to help the new government or ruler avoid repeating the mistakes that doomed the civilizations before them and ensure prosperity for its people. 

It is believed that the Wisemen helped the mortal government create CIB to deal with the malicious curse masters hiding in the mortal world since the curse council prefers that the government be prepared against threats from the curse community. 

The curse council and the government respect each other and would never try to enforce their law on another. However, for the past three decades, since the telecommunication boom mortal governments around the world have come together to push the agenda of registering curse masters and their innate curse tools onto the curse council. 

The registration law is still being debated in the curse council meanwhile though the governments did not dare to forcefully enforce the registration law on the curse masters the curse masters are free to register themselves and their innate curse tools to access their rights as citizens in the mortal world. 

It was at this time the curse council suddenly announced that they would stop using legal tenders and be exchanging all their legal tender for gold with the respective governments having learned that the mortal governments around the world were tracking the curse masters following the money trail and using despicable means to force them to register themselves and their curse tool. 

The curse community was enraged and believed that the curse council would teach the mortal governments around the globe a lesson for their treachery. However, the curse council never acted against the mortal governments. Instead, they announced that the curse council had no right to judge the governments for what they did in their sovereignties. 

After the announcement, the mortal governments became more daring and have been coming down hard on the unregistered curse masters. However, none of the governments dared to infringe on the land belonging to the curse council as their announcement couldn't be clearer about its intent.

The curse council did not want the curse community to interfere with the mortal world. They used this as an opportunity to stop the curse master from roaming the mortal world and return to the 'world of curses.' However, the Curse Malls and other areas belonging to the curse council continue to remain a haven for the cursed community in the mortal world," Dame Wasp briefly explained the curse council and its impact in the mortal world. 

"Does that mean that if I am caught by the CIB then I cannot access my rights as a citizen of this country unless I register my status as curse master and innate curse tool?" Ace asked Dame Wasp in concern. 

Ace knew that not registering as a curse master with the government would have consequences if caught but he never thought that the consequences would be of such a serious nature. Losing all rights was akin to him being considered an exile. Worst of all his life would be at the mercy of the authorities. 

"That's right," Dame Wasp nodded failing to grasp Ace's growing concern. 

"I am beginning to think heading to the Curse Mall is a bad idea. I bet the Mall is under surveillance," Ace said feeling that the area surrounding the Curse Mall would be crawling with CIB. 

"Master, you are overthinking it. The Curse Mall is one of the most profitable income sources of the Curse Council in the mortal world, though they do not want to interfere in the mortal world their curse enforcers would not sit by if CIB or any other government agency dared to disturb their business," Dame Wasp shook her head and informed Ace that he was worrying over nothing. 

"Who are these curse enforcers you keep bringing up?"