
The Strongest Couple

Ikari Ryuu was a shut-in gamer with little to no objectives in his life, his quirk made no sense and he couldn't figure out how to use it, having his dreams of becoming a hero stripped away from him at a young age, he focused more on his studies and eventually managed to enroll at Tengoku High, the school that was subsidiary to Todai in Tokyo, better known for being the best ranked common studies school in the Asiatic ranks, there he was caught in a completely unexpected situation and end up saving the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Sugihara Ayano, born in a powerful clan that existed since the Sengoku period, was blessed with one of the most powerful quirks in human history, however, this came with a great cost, as she became her family's greatest tool to achieve an even bigger stage of power within Asia. Infuriated by her parents and clan that only wished to use her for their own benefits, she managed to emancipate herself with the help of a friend and left her homeland. Eventually, she enrolled at Tengoku High, where she was unexpectedly saved by a boy to whom she would've never even looked at. ________________________ I do not own My Hero Academia, non-original characters, plots, the cover, and settings belong to their respective owners. I only claim ownership of original characters, setting, and plots. This work has no monetary purposes and is if someone charged you to read it you were scammed.

SoaringDreamer · Anime und Comics
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Tengoku High now has what!?

"To think that this is what happened... are you sure you don't want to see a doctor as well, Sugihara-chan?" The woman with blonde hair sitting on a stove slightly turned her head to look at the girl sitting at the corner of the bed while her hand remained above Ryuu.

Sugihara shook her head and looked at the boy who saved her, after the incident, an ambulance had quickly arrived, however, due to the distance to the nearest hospital, they decided to bring them to Tengoku High where a professional doctor already worked in the hospital wing.

"There's no need to Reiko-san." She smiled and stood up. "I'm only worried about him, I'm not sure if this is a consequence of using his quirk or not, either way, if the person who saved my life, dies, I would never be able to forgive myself..."

Reiko half-closed her eyes and gave the girl a knowingly smile, the green light coming out of her hands stopped and she turned towards the boy.

"Let's see... Oh, now I remembered. Ikari Ryuu, can you open your eyes?"

Hearing this, Sugihara turned to look at the boy, to think that he would be able to wake up so soon. Perhaps his injuries weren't as bad as she thought they were.

"Ugh... I feel like a truck hit me..." Ryuu sat down on the bed and massaged his head.

"Are you feeling a headache?"


The doctor leaned closer to him and touched his head, the green light started to come out of it again, and a few seconds later, Ryuu opened his eyes wide and turned to look at the woman with a pale face.

"H-how did you do that?"

"Hehe, this is my special quirk <Healing Booster>, when I inherited my mother's <Heal> it mutated in a more convenient quirk, although much less effective, I can temporarily boost your body's ability to heal without increasing its energy consumption, unlike my mother though, I would need an entire day to heal a fracture or a broken bone, but at least I can heal people from very far if needed."

Hearing her words, Ryuu blinked his eyes, he didn't even notice the beautiful girl he had saved before who was standing in the corner of the room and looking at him. His mind could only comprehend what he heard by associating this woman to the priestess class from WOP.

"You're just like the priestess in that game..."

"Pfft. Hahaha!" The doctor burst out laughing, this was the first time someone compared her to video game characters instead of associating her with her mother, Recovery Girl.

"Eh... Reiko-san, are you sure his head is healed?"

"Well, who knows, this might be damage received over time, unfortunately, I can only heal the body, not the mind." Reiko and Sugihara smiled as they looked at each other, while Ryuu could only lower his head in shame and forget that this happened.

After standing up, he thanked the doctor and left the school hospital wing. The girl with red hair kept following him for some reason. And that made him wonder if she wanted to say something, so he stopped and turned to look at her.

But contrary to what he expected, a scene that felt extremely similar happened once more as she stepped left and went past him. It was true then, there was nothing else to be talked about, everything that happened was just that, a coincidence, one that would remain in the past until he eventually forgot it.

Sighing, he was about to make his way towards his classroom, when he noticed that she was leaning against the wall with her shoulder and looking at him with a tilted head.

"Will you stand there? Don't tell me you're one of those bad boys that skip classes even on the first day!" She covered her mouth and gave him a startled look as if she had suddenly realized something about him.

"What!? No, of course not! W-why would you think that?"

"Eh? Then..." She half-closed her eyes and looked at him once more, suddenly, she blushed and brought her hands towards her chest as if to hide them before speaking with a shy voice. "Pervert..."

For some reason, he suddenly looked down towards her chest and gasped as he finally understood the meaning of her words. "No, no! That's not what I was doing!"

"Really? Then... you think I'm ugly?"

Once again Ryuu felt like dying, how come all of his answers were being interpreted differently from what he meant? And now she had this about-to-cry face, what is he doing wrong!?

"N-no, you're v-very beautiful! The most beautiful girl I have ever seen, so please don't cry!"

"Pfft. Haha! We just met and you're saying those things, very bold of you." The girl with red hair smiled and turned her back at him. "I'm Sugihara Ayano, what's your name?"

"I'm Ikari Ryuu... Eh, it's written like this..." He approached and showed his smartphone screen, where he wrote, the characters for his name.

"So... Anchor and Dragon?"

"Cough, actually, Anger and Dragon, yeah..."

"Pfft... Haha, what a weird name!" As she laughed, she took his phone from his hand and started to type something.

"O-oi! What are you doing?"

"Be patient, Dragon, a being of your noble status needs at least to have this quality."

Hearing her words his cheeks burnt with a bright red and leaned his head on the wall, regretting having shown how his name was written.

"Here, I'm finished." She gave back his phone and started to go down the corridor. "Oh, thank you for saving me, Ryuu-kun."

Seeing her silhouette disappearing around the corner, Ryuu fell to the ground and touched his chest, his heart was about to explode. He couldn't believe it, he must have heard it wrong... Could it be true? Did a girl just called him by his first name, and so boldly at that!?

'Sugihara... A-A-Ayano... Ayano-s...' His face became even redder than before, he couldn't even finish thinking her name, just what would he do if they met again!? Call her by her surname or her first name!? 'AGGGHH, I don't know what I have to do!'

Unbeknownst to him, Ayano was also struggling to accept her boldness, all the way from the corridor to the classroom, she covered her face with both hands, as the embarrassment from doing that had completely dominated her mind, she couldn't believe she was capable of doing something like that in front of a boy!

As soon as she got inside classroom 1-A, she sat down on a seat at the back of the class and buried her head on the table under her arms after covering her head with the hood of her school jacket. The other students who had already arrived were all confused by her actions, but none of them said anything, they didn't know each other so the atmosphere was still kind of awkward.

Almost one minute later, Ryuu entered from the same door Ayano used, because of how embarrassed he was, he had also decided to cover his head with a hood and avoided eye contact with everyone else, so he went to the back of the class and sat down beside someone who buried her head on the table under her arms...

Sometime later, a very handsome man with large hair tied in a ponytail entered the classroom, he had a katana strapped to his belt and chewed the green stalk of some plant.

He sat down behind the teacher's table and put the large bag he brought with him on top of it.

"Good morning everyone, some of you may have not recognized me since I'm not using my hero costume, and with that being the case, I'll first introduce myself to you. I'm Miyashiro Minoru, better known as Windblade."

Hearing this one of the students, a boy with bright green hair wearing a headband and blue eyes stood up and pointed at him while his mouth was hanging open, despite his reaction being exaggerated, the other students who paid attention also had stars in their eyes.

"Windblade, the hero who singlehandedly wiped an entire branch of the Yakuza during their attempt to assassinate the emperor!" The boy with a headband exclaimed. "Miyashiro-sensei, I'm your biggest fan, please sign my notebook!" The boy kneeled on the ground, prostrating while his body exuded an aura of adoration so big that one might think he was praying for his god.

"Ha...haha..." Miyashiro scratched the back of his neck and coughed to bring everyone's attention back to him. "Now that everyone knows about me, the first thing I want to say is that there was a last-minute change to your curriculum."

This time, even Ayano and Ryuu raised their heads to pay attention, they didn't even notice each other due to how focused they were. The other students were also listening attentively.

Tengoku High could be considered the equivalent of U.A. in terms of quality, being a branch school from the University of Tokyo - the best college in the entirety of Asia - aimed at teaching kids in High school, every change to the curriculum meant that they were once more about to increase the quality level of the school.

"From now on, every student in Tengoku High will be obliged to do our new hero course!"

"WHAT!?" The students shouted in unison.

Miyashiro smiled. "Did you think I would leave my job as a hero just to teach math? Hehe! The fun is about to begin!"