
C11 - Heritage Power. (part 1)

Lucas heard his big sis advice. 

He must have trust in himself and have confidence in his decision.

He turned his head and looked at Riolu. He was curious how Audino suffered a poison enough to kill her.

"Riolu tell me how Audino acquired this poison?"

Riolu didn't answer, but he looked in the entrance. Lucas turned his head and saw Chansey standing in the entrance.

Chansey's appearance caught his attention not to her rarity in the Region, but scars around her. She went through physical torment.

Lucas used the system status in the new guest and was surprised by his discovery. She had a Blue Aptitude and suffered the same poison with minor injury.


Lucas used his Heritage Power to communicate with her. Since he lacks the mastery to use Aura to communicate with other Pokemon, unless they used Aura move likewise in his Psychic.

Few Minutes later.

Lucas learned the bitter truth of the situation of every Pokemon inside the sanctuary. He understood the source of Riolu's hatred, Pokemon's hostile gaze and Audino situation.

Chansey, Audio and the rest of the Pokemon in the place were from different Regions, but all of them had one common situation. They're all caught by the Poachers group and brought to Hoenn Region.

Audino suffered a poison experiment by injecting a different poison mixture. She only managed to survive with her Healer ability. 

"Ch, Chan~ sey." (Luckily, Jirachi answered our prayer. We managed to escape from the Poachers and hide in this place.)

"Mn. Extreme Poison." Lucas muttered. 

He looked to unconscious Audino with complicated emotion and turned her gaze to Chansey.

"I have a way to solve the poison, but this place isn't safe anymore. Chansey, you know it right?"

Chansey was happy at Lucas' word, but she became silent. His words aren't a lie if he is able to reach this place. 

Sooner or later some trainers or even the previous poachers are able to trace them.

Riolu and Buneary were silent, his words weren't wrong. They won't deny it, both of them were afraid.

Riolu holds her hands tightly, Buneary is the only friend staying in this place. Because of her he takes the risk to help Audino.


Lucas shook his head and explained to them. 

"We will discuss things later, but I need to help Audino. Since she won't last for three days, but if she managed to survive. She will become crippled."


They're all shocked and looked at Audino in worry. 

She is the pillar of the sanctuary if she died many Pokemon will be affected especially the toddlers group.

Lucas took a breath and walked toward her side. He touched her forehead and pulse. He warned them before he closed his eyes.

"Don't disturb us." He said.

Using the Heritage Power to communicate in her subconsciousness while healing her wounds physically.


Lucas found himself in a dark place.

He looked around and discovered himself inside the research facility. 

Where he found different mummified Pokemon in every corner, they had different expressions of anger, fear, anguish and hatred.

Lucas shook his head. He can't understand why they need to do something like this against them.

"How cruel." He muttered.

Few Minutes later.

Lucas soon reached the end of the corridor. He saw a bloody Audino lying in the bed crying like a knife stab in his heart. They treated her cruelly and he looked at her closely. 

Lucas witnessed his previous self in her place, a child living in the white room. He made a determination, entered the place and slowly approached her.

"Audino, I'm here to save you." He said and looked into her eyes. Audino opened her eyes and saw a strange human.

"Who are you?" Audino asked in curiosity. 

"Your new friend, Audino." Lucas replied, breaking the chain around her.

"Friend?" Audino muttered. 

She found it strange for a human to call her friend. In the beginning of her captivity. She was treated as a tool, yet the strange human called her friend.


Lucas looked to her eyes in surprise. The Audino in front was more gentle than he thought. He unconsciously smiled and caressed her face, wiping the blood in her cheek.

"I'm your friend, your new family and I'm here to save you." Lucas explained and looked at her. 

Audino looked into his eyes. She didn't see pity nor loathe, but concerned and loved. A small tear fell in her eyes and muttered "Thank you."



[Hidden Quest complete! Healing the broken heart. Reward: Fairy Mark, 1 Special World (upgrade token), Life Orb (replica)]


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