
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · Fantasie
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64 Chs

Illusion (2)

Two days later, Elaine fully recovered. The two of them finally found their direction and were ready to enter the human world.

The final part of the journey, even though they took a detour to avoid the Reeves family's influence, was still much faster than before when they were exploring. However, it still took three or four days. This free time was used by Drogo to digest Matthew's memories and prepare for the new life ahead.

After all, the environment here was different from their previous life, and there were just too many things for Drogo to learn and remember. Fortunately, with Matthew's memories and Elaine as an active dictionary, Drogo's learning speed was very fast.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed, earlier than expected. Drogo and Elaine finally emerged from the Forest of Kings.

At this moment, Drogo once again felt the strange nature of the Forest of Kings. Normally, any change in environment is gradual, with some blurry overlapping areas in between. However, inside and outside the Forest of Kings, there was no such distinction. The layer of hazy mist clung to the trees on the outermost edge of the forest, clearly marking the boundary between the two areas.

One moment, the fog was so thick that even the sun was not visible, and the next moment, the clouds cleared and the mist dissipated, revealing a completely different world. This inexplicable change left Drogo unable to comprehend, and he could only marvel at the incredible and mysterious Dominic continent.

Drogo and Elaine were lucky. Just as they emerged from the Forest of Kings, a small path appeared before them. Moreover, judging from its direction, this path seemed to correspond to the map in Drogo's hand and should lead them to their first destination, the city of Barlow in the Cantrell Kingdom.

The sun was shining, and this feeling of happiness was long-awaited for both Drogo and Elaine. Drogo stretched his arms and yawned, "Finally, we're out."

Elaine next to him was clearly excited, greedily breathing in the warm air and her little face turning red again.

"Okay, now it's time to send this guy back who's even more handsome than me."

Drogo was referring to the skeleton warrior, but it was no longer the same skeletal frame as before. Under Elaine's illusion, it had taken on a completely different appearance.

When Elaine was transforming the skeleton warrior, she had asked for Drogo's opinion. Drogo's choice was quite interesting: since this guy was an undead skeleton warrior, they should make him look completely opposite.

And so, the skeleton warrior put on a clean and bright set of armor. Unlike Drogo's mismatched attire, Elaine had conjured up a standard temple knight's armor for the skeleton warrior. Coupled with the glow that emanated from the warrior itself, obscuring the bony face, the overall effect was much more impressive than Drogo's armor made of poisoned arrow armadillo scales.

So when Drogo had spoken earlier, there was actually a hint of envy - jealousy even - in his words. That was because the skeleton warrior looked incredibly cool now.

"Aren't you going to bring him into the city with us?" Elaine was a bit surprised, and even a little reluctant. It was only with the protection of the skeleton warrior from the very beginning, starting with the poisoned arrow armadillo, that the two of them were able to make it out of the Royal Forest unscathed. Emotions are built through shared hardship and crisis, and it was no different for a fleshless undead creature.

Not to mention Elaine, even Drogo didn't want to send the skeleton warrior away, but he also couldn't bring it with them into the city. Although the skeleton warrior was now more impressive than a temple knight, precisely because of this, it was also a little too dazzling. If they really brought such a big light bulb into the city, they would likely attract more trouble than Drogo walking around with a skeleton warrior.

"There's no choice, it's not convenient with it around. But you don't have to worry, I can call it out again at any time," Drogo said, and Elaine nodded, blinking her eyes to see what Drogo was going to do.

Normal necromancers, including Matthew, wouldn't imprint the first skeleton warrior with a mental mark. Usually, the first summoning was just to test the magic. Only when the necromancer found the desired strong bones would they imprint the mental mark for long-term use.

But Drogo didn't expect that the first time he summoned, he would summon such a powerful and strange skeletal warrior. And how could he give up such a treasure so easily? Therefore, while resting earlier, Drogo had already placed his spiritual imprint on the skeletal warrior. This way, he could send the skeletal warrior to the realm of the undead, which only necromancers could communicate with, and summon it at any time.

Sending the skeletal warrior to the realm of the undead, a magic that is completely opposite to summoning, is not complicated. Drogo recited an incantation and pointed his finger at the skeletal warrior, and a black light suddenly appeared around the warrior's body, with cold and eerie energy swirling around it. The skeletal warrior's body quickly faded and then disappeared completely within this black light.

After sending away the skeletal warrior, Drogo and Elaine remained silent for a while. Needless to say, despite various reasons, both of them felt a hint of reluctance in their hearts.

"Okay, let's go."

Drogo patted Elaine's shoulder and looked towards the distance along the path.


Unlike the difficult journey in the Forest of Kings, this part of the journey was much calmer. As more and more people appeared on the path, a magnificent city finally appeared in front of the two of them.

Because this was a border city of the Cantrell Kingdom, it not only had to guard against the changes from the forbidden Forest of Kings, but also had to be wary of threats from neighboring countries. Drogo could imagine that the inspection to enter the city would be very strict.

Looking at the two teams of sword-wielding and armor-clad guards at the city gate, Drogo's heart was raised. If he couldn't spot the flaws in Elaine's illusions, then what about these experienced soldiers who had been guarding the city for a long time?

As their thoughts raced, the two of them had already arrived at the city gate...