
The Strategy of washing clean a Slag Shou (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Introduction: Su Yang was bound to a ‘Slag Shou Redemption System’. Every world he entered as a Slag Shou who has been spurned by the Gong. In order to return home as soon as possible, he began the cautious journey of strategizing to take down the gongs who no longer love him. Later, he discovered that these mission targets who were supposed to have normal attributes were all freaking abnormal! In the face of this rabid bunch of bigshots, Su Yang was forced down the road of ‘You abuse my body, I abuse your heart, after all the abusing is done, I make a run for it’. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ This story is also known as: “I say I’m not a slag shou, do you believe me?” “The days of being a scapegoat in different worlds.” “One word out of line will trigger Hell mode.” Tentative Worlds: The President’s Unfaithful Lover The Wángye’s Runaway Fiancée The Crime Lord’s Undercover Boyfriend The Ghost King’s Cold Scholar The Emperor’s Trusted Eunuch The Marshal’s Adopted Omega Son The Lord of the Apocalypse’s Zombie Lover Only available till Arc 3 ............. NOT MY STORY!! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !! SUPPORT ORIGINAL TRANSLATORS AND AUTHOR !! TRANSLATOR - https://deepdreamtranlations.home.blog/the-strategy-of-washing-clean-a-slag-shou/#:~:text=Introduction%EF%BC%9A,who%20no%20longer%20love%20him.

Study_Bytes · Fantasie
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120 Chs


The Wángye's escaped fiancée (Arc 2-8)

Wángyé (王爷) – Brother of the Emperor. Referring to Jing Cheng.

Róng Qīnwáng (荣亲王) – Prince (of the first Rank) Rong. Jing Cheng's current title.

Fūjūn (夫君) – Husband

Su Yang's face was buried in Jing Cheng's chest, his choked sobs like that of a frightened little animal desperately trying to muffle its pitiful crying while licking its own wounds.

Jing Cheng turned his head to gaze out the window. Soft nebulous clouds drifted in the azure sky. A yellow oriole1 was perched on one of the branches of the pear blossom tree, chirping noisily.

Spring has arrived at Jianzhou city, but in the Northern desert, there has never been spring.

There was only endless cold and harsh winds, with no end in sight to the vast and desolate sprawl of the desert. There was only sand and swirling dust storms as far as the eye could see, with not a single greenery to break the barrenness of the landscape.

Overtime, the heart would grow desolate as well.

He thought he would not succumb to this bleakness, because back in the bustling Jianzhou city, there was someone awaiting his return, waiting for him to dress in crimson robes, and, linked by the red silk ribbon2, step into the wedding hall together .

He frequently imagined his triumphant return. With his astounding military achievements, he will escort his bride with full honours and shower him with splendor on their wedding day. No bride in Greater Ming would be more revered, more outstanding, and more glorious than Tao Ziyu, he will be the most dazzling figure in existence.

No matter how willful and arrogant Tao Ziyu was, as long as he was willing to stay by his side and keep his loneliness at bay, Jing Cheng was willing to offer him everything.

Be it wealth, splendor, status, or the moon from the skies, what Tao Ziyu wants, even if Jing Cheng has to risk his life for it, he would gladly offer it up to him.

Unfortunately, this humble wish of his was destined to be unfulfilled.

He was ambushed and critically injured by an assassin sent by Jing Qian and his son. Although it did not kill him immediately, the injury was nonetheless a life threatening one. He had wanted to see the one he cared for the most one last time, but what awaited him instead was a letter to cancel their marriage arrangement, full of scorn and derision.

T/N : Jing Qian is Jing Cheng's brother, and the current Emperor. Previously in Ch 21, I translated his name as Jing Gan, because that was what Google translate gave me, but upon listening to the pronunciation of the name (景乾), I opted to go with Jing Qian.

Every word written by Tao Ziyu on the pure white rice paper had stabbed at his heart ruthlessly like long, cruel thorns, riddling it with holes as blood streamed down.

His dignity was thoroughly trampled upon, and the perpetrator was the boy he had treasured above all else.

Who in all of Greater Ming did not know that Jing Cheng the Fifth Wángyé was a cut-sleeve, who guarded the Young master of the Tao family like the apple of his eye; a man his age who ought to be old enough to be the boy's father, such an old cow trying to reach for tender shoots of grass, was really despicable and should be held in contempt.


Cut sleeve (断袖) – slang for homosexuality

Old cow eats young grass – (idiom) a romance where one party is significantly older. (Tao Ziyu is 17, Jing Cheng is 13 years older so he is 30.)

In order to be worthy of Tao Ziyu, Jing Cheng had chosen the lonely path of the Northern Campaign expedition. But it was because of this choice, that all his ties to Tao Ziyu had been thoroughly severed. Fate has indeed played a cruel trick on him.

Tao Ziyu's actions were not only a ruthless slap to his face, it also woke him up to the truth. If you want to keep a person, tenderness and patience were useless, as were indulgence and understanding. What you require is absolute force, such as to leave no way for the person to escape.

The boy sobbing against his chest is the only grandson of the current dynasty's first ranking renowned General Wu, and the eldest Di son of the esteemed Minister of Revenue. In no way was his birth inferior to that of an Emperor's son, but now he is being kept like a canary in a cage.


一品 (Yīpǐn) – First (highest) ranking official. Chinese officials were ranked according to the relative prestige and importance of their duties. A little reminder: Tao Ziyu's father is a second ranking official.

嫡子 (dí zǐ) – Son of the first (official) wife


Because he has the power to do so, that's why!

This is the law of the world, where the strong prey upon the weak, and history is written by the victors3. Back then, if he had failed in defending the Northern Desert and returned in defeat, what would be his situation today?

The crafty old fox Tao Yunfeng would have definitely thrown his lot with the Emperor and turned against him, hampering all his opportunities and thoroughly cutting off all his chances at advancement within the official ranks. The Wu father and daughter may be apologetic, but they would also seek to protect Tao Ziyu and resolutely pull him out of the marriage arrangement, and henceforth would have nothing to do with Jing Cheng.

As for himself, he would have been the laughingstock of the capital, ridiculed by the common people and become the subject of their daily gossip and jokes.

This is reality, this is human nature.

Everything he has now, be it the lofty status worthy of veneration, the awe and worship of the people of Greater Ming, to the priceless treasure in his arms, was earned at great risk to his own life. He took it with a clear conscience. Who could gainsay him?

He ignored the faint stirrings of guilt in his heart, and callously tilted Su Yang's chin up. His tone was steely as he threatened, "If you continue crying, I will have Granny Wu put to death immediately. You love her pear blossom tarts the most, isn't that right? If she dies, you can never eat it again."

"No, no don't, don't kill Granny Wu, please I beg you….."

Su Yang initially started crying because he couldn't help himself. At Jing Cheng's menacing words, he immediately shook his head, his eyes red as tears continued to roll silently down his face, looking even more pitiful than before.

Jing Cheng's heart softened at the sight, and he reached out to wipe Su Yang's tears away. His hands were roughened from constant practice of martial arts, and his fingers were heavily calloused. Su Yang's skin was exceedingly soft and delicate, and a red mark bloomed from where Jing Cheng's fingers rubbed his face.

Su Yang flinched back with a cry, and more tears streamed from his eyes. "You, why are you so mean," he sobbed. "You want to hurt Granny Wu, and you want to bully me, I hate you, I hate you!"

He began struggling to escape from Jing Cheng's grasp. Somewhat flustered, Jing Cheng tightened his hold and pulled the boy back firmly into his embrace. He was at a loss as to what to say to appease Su Yang, and after a long moment, finally defaulted to his usual gruff manner. "I didn't mean to hurt you. If you're angry, you can hit me back."

Su Yang went still, and blinked at Jing Cheng with glistening eyes as he sized him up, but quickly discarded the notion. The man was like a brick wall, there was no place on his body that Su Yang could punch without hurting himself instead!

He whispered softly, "I don't want to hit you, I want to go home, I want to see my mother!"

Jing Cheng's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You want to leave so badly, do you mean to say that I have not been treating you well?"

Su Yang stared at him dumbly with growing indignation. Was this some sort of trick question?

During this one and a half month's period, he had spent his days in a daze, staring blankly at nothing until it was time to eat or sleep. The palace was cold and dark, even the faintest footfalls sent echoes through the empty halls. His range of movement was confined to a three meter radius, shackled by the silver chain on his wrist that resisted all his attempts at breaking it.

Lavish clothes, sumptuous food, what use does he have for all these? Even those who keep canaries know to let the bird out of its cage at fixed times to spread its wings4. What is the logic in keeping him caged all the time!

At his lack of reply, Jing Cheng asked again, "Do I not treat you well?" A threatening note had crept into his voice.

Clearly, there was no reasoning with this type of person. Su Yang reluctantly replied, "Fūjūn treats Yu-er….. very well."

Sparkling teardrops still clung to his lashes, trembling as he blinked, ready to fall. Even when he was obviously lying through his teeth, his eyes were bright and glistening, beckoning the mind and eye to drown in them.

Jing Cheng smiled. "Ungrateful little thing. These days, who is it that feeds you, bathes you, and changes your clothes for you. In this world, the only one I would willingly wait on hand and foot is you alone. And still you are not content, calling for your mother everyday and wailing about wanting to go home."

Su Yang leaned docilely on his shoulder, mulling over if it was time to attempt at bargaining with Jing Cheng, as the man's mood seems to have improved.

He whispered, "Actually, I can't bear to part with Fūjūn either."

Jing Cheng looked vaguely surprised, but continued listening as Su Yang's voice grew softer. "Fūjūn's arms are very broad and your hugs are very warm, Yu-er likes it very much."

Jing Cheng saw the creeping flush dyeing the boy's fair cheeks, as if they were dusted with a layer of rouge. He suddenly felt a lump in his throat.

He asked, "What else?"

Su Yang lowered his head like a bashful maiden, and said, "Fūjūn's lips are also very soft, kissing feels very nice. When sleeping next to Fūjūn at night, Yu-er feels very safe, like there's nothing to be afraid of."

After using up his artillery of sugar coated ammo, Su Yang rubbed his head gently against Jing Cheng's neck, mimicking the actions of a puppy as he summed up with, "In this world, besides Mother, Yu-er likes Fūjūn the most!"

He had barely finished speaking, when he was suddenly seized around the waist by strong arms and was crushed in a tight embrace. The ferocious way Jing Cheng kept him pinned and the angle of his body was like that of a beast craving to devour its prey, brimming with the desire to control and monopolise.

In all of Jing Cheng's thirty odd years, he has never received such adoring words of love. He felt like the treasure in his arms must have been fished out of a honey pot, to fill his heart with such sweetness. How he wished he could swallow the boy whole, and keep the boy within himself forevermore.

He said hoarsely, "Since you like me, why do you still wish to leave, isn't it better to stay by my side?"

Su Yang replied, "When Yu-er wakes up in the morning, Fūjūn is never around. It's very scary, and there's no one to talk to. I want to go out to see the flowers, I want to fly the kite with Fūjūn. I don't want to be alone. Since you don't accompany me, I want to find Mother to accompany me."

His fair face was filled with grievance, fear and petulance, but there was no resentment.

Jing Cheng knew his heart was softening.

The Róng Qīnwáng who remains unflinching and fearless as he commands an army of a hundred thousand men, has been utterly defeated when faced with this silly boy. If anyone were to catch wind of this, they were likely to laugh their heads off.

But he would gladly endure it.

Jing Cheng gave a self-deprecating laugh, and lifted Su Yang's slender wrist. The silver chain glinted in the sunlight, gleaming brightly against the skin that was as fair as white jade.

Fine. I will take another gamble.

He gazed into Su Yang's eyes, and spoke slowly and carefully, "Ziyu, don't disappoint me, alright?"

Su Yang looked at him in confusion, but suddenly felt his wrist grow lighter. The silvery-white chain fell to the floor with a tinkling crash.

Su Yang stared at the silver bracelet on his wrist, then his eyes traveled to the chain on the floor which was no longer connected to it, and was dazed for awhile.

——He is free!

Happiness abruptly filled him, sending him soaring blissfully amidst the clouds.

Seeing his distracted expression, a hidden gleam darted through Jing Cheng's dark eyes. He gently stroked the silver bracelet on Su Yang's wrist as he said, "Tomorrow you will be sent to your parents' home5, so that your mother and grandfather need not be so worried."

Su Yang felt that there was something strange about Jing Cheng's gaze, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He pouted his red lips gave Jing Cheng a heavy peck on the chin.

"Yu-er wants Fūjūn to come too!" Who said idiots couldn't move men, these are the results of hard work and dedication!

Jing Cheng pinned this honey pot firmly beneath him and kissed him deeply. This little creature's mouth was truly too sweet.

He took a deep breath, then said, "I am busy tomorrow, Deputy General Cao will send you over there. Remember to come back on time."

He was unsure if it was his imagination, but Su Yang felt as if Jing Cheng placed a particularly heavy emphasis on the two words 'on time'.

Jing Cheng said again, "You must be back before the sun sets, do you understand."

Su Yang didn't understand, but readily agreed anyway, "I'll remember, I'll rem–mmph-mmph...."

He was heavily kissed again before he could finish speaking.

This kissing freak!