
The Story Of Yuuki Silver

In a world of magic and Gods there was a day where only one child was born. That child was born into the worlds most prominent mage family, the Silver's. However, the child was deemed cursed and many called him a demon. Shunned by everything and everyone, He makes a choice. Will he become the demon that they think he is? Or will he become something greater? ------------------------------- Might have harem, might not. It's only 17 and up because strong use of language.

Raijuo · Aktion
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19 Chs

Rise of the King

I saw myself like I was looking through someone else's eyes. I was looking down at myself and I saw that my hair had grown to the small of my back and I had two large horns, with a golden strand snaking around their length, sprouting from my forehead while six smaller ones framed the sides of my head in a crown shape. My ears grew longer and ended in points, much like an elves, and I had a pair of leathery wings that resembled a bats and a tail that looked like it was made out of a spinal cord with a barbed end, except the 'tail' was completely black in color.

I looked truly terrifying...I had a crazed smile on my face as I looked toward the now shaking Osotaro. I brought my hand to my face and slowly swiped it down, a mask resembling a skull made entirely of blood forming on my face while my wings began to turn into blood that waved around like a fire in the wind. A massive storm cloud brewed overhead as I drew my katana, which was now glowing with a strange bloody aura that pulsed when it came into contact with my hand. I realized now that the figure with the crown of horns that was engraved into the katana looked almost exactly like me...

I had no control of my body as I brandished my katana and appeared behind Osotaro with my hair whipping wildly in the wind. I stabbed the blade through his stomach causing him to vomit blood when I yanked the blade from inside of him.

"P-P-Please, y-y-y-your Majesty! I d-didn't know it was you!!" He began to beg for his life, but I severed his head without so much as a single blink.

I then turned my head toward Verm lying on the ground and I began to panic...was this thing controlling my body going to kill him...? I began to walk over to him and crouched down before standing back up and holding my arms out wide before saying "Let the body of blood be made into stone...let the deceased return to the land of their loved...turn this soul into a vessel of blood once more...awake!" An audible thump reached my ears at the same time Verm began to breath again. I felt such relief, even as Kyrm crawled out from a ruined building while clutching his arm. They were both safe...

A distant voice sounded out within my mind "If anyone hears this message...I let you know that you are the successor of Tyraxus Silver...you are the worlds savior, and you must unite the Demons and Humans once again...I bid thee farewell...but if you can, please...save my son from his curse...save my Yuuki..."

A single tear rolled down my cheek, and I then realized that I was in control of my body, tail and all. A mass amount of information suddenly flowed through my head, most pertaining to my blood magic and powers that I have while in full Demon mode. Now that I think about it, I never remembered my fathers name, and the voice did mention saving his son who was also named Yuuki...but the coordinated that the information gave me of his whereabouts was a city named Silverwood...the first city to ever suffer from an Invasion, or the Dungeon that they had built their city around collapsing.

(Couldn't remember if I gave a name to the city that the Silver Clan used to run T-T so remind me if I did because I can't remember nor find it lmao...)

The rest of the 'information' was rather hazy but one piece stood out from the rest. It was how to change myself back to my regular appearance and how to get back into the Demon form. I followed the instructions and channeled mana directly into my core, following it was an almost immediate decrease in my senses and overall power. I reached around my back and found that my tail and wings were gone and then I felt that my horns were gone as well, so I felt it was pretty safe to talk to people now. I turned to Kyrm, who had passed out shortly after liberating himself from the rubble he was thrown into, and I picked him up before setting him down next to Verm. I used the strange blood-healing magic to mend their wounds before I hoisted them onto my shoulders and sped off to find a stable looking building.

After around 10 minutes I came across a small bar that wasn't collapsed and set the two inside. As I walked out I cast a thick barrier around the building that even I would have a hard time breaking, then I set out to find survivors, and hopefully Kain. However, no matter where I looked, I only saw death and decay. Every building and every alleyway were covered in blood and bodies, Humans and Demons alike. I came across an alley next to the castle that Kain lived in before this and a cry for help caught my attention.

I whipped my head around and began to listen closely as the cries began quieter. I booted off toward the West and stumbled into a building with two Demons holding poorly made spears while conversing in their native language. I heard the same cry for help and now that I was closer I could tell it was a child. I unleashed a mass amount of bloodlust targeting the two Demons, causing them to freeze before falling to the ground. I saw a small girl wearing frayed clothing hunched against the back wall. She had a fair complexion with rough black hair and...fluffy ears? Oh shit she even has a tail!

"Yo!" I said with a smile and a small wave.

"A-A-Are you going to e-eat me..?" She said while shaking and cowering in fear.

I felt my draw drop before laughing and putting my pack on the ground, taking some food and water out for her. "Here, you must me tired. Don't worry, I won't try to eat you and the food isn't poisonous, I promise." I stood back up and began to walk back outside when a sudden force tugged at the back of my coat. I looked back to see the small Demi-Human staring up at me with big, misty eyes that practically begged me not to leave.

"Alright, alright. I'll keep watch in here then..." I said as I plopped down on to the ground and watched as she began to scarf down the food I had set out. Her ears were rather large compared to her small face and were smoky grey with three black 'rings' that looped around. Her tail was much the same except the black rings covered the entirety of her tail. Her eyes were also rather strange as they were a violet color much like Osotaro's. She finished the food with a satisfied expression before gulping down the water I set out with a 'pah!' sound.

"Ahaha, you feeling better?" I smiled when she nodded her head and her ears flopped around adorably. "Ah, by the way my name is Yuuki Silver, may I ask for yours?" I asked with a charming smile, at least I think it was.

"M-My name is Akatsuki Ebonclaw..." she said in a low voice while keeping her eyes glued to the floor.

"Well, Akatsuki, looks like I'll be in your care for now on, at least until we can find your parents..." I let my words trail off as I saw a tear splash to the floor as Akatsuki trembled in an attempt to keep herself calm. I ruffled the child's hair before saying "Don't worry, if you're all alone and have no where to go...then how about following me so you can grow strong enough to make sure this kind of thing never happens again?" I said with a gentle look on my face.

The pain and anguish in her eyes reminded me of myself when my mother had died, and she appeared to be around the age I was when it happened. But after hearing my words her drooping ears shot up slightly as she turned her teary eyes toward me and asked "R-Really...?"

"Yeah, I'll make sure to protect you until you're strong enough to protect yourself...and even then I promise that you'll be able to stay with me and my family if that's what you wish for..." I said while holding out my hand "So, what do you say?"

Her eyes lit up as she revealed a toothy grin and shook my hand with a renewed vigor.

I dropped Akatsuki off where I had left Verm and Kyrm then I once again took off to try and find more survivors. It had turned dark before I knew it and I hadn't even found a single person alive, only the same blood and gore that was now dried up on the stone ground. I thanked whatever God was watching me that I was able to save Akatsuki at the last moment before headed back to the bar. I was greeted by a ball of fur that slammed into my chest with a small voice accompanying it "Welcome back!" I could practically feel my heart melting in my chest as I reached down to pat Akatsuki's fluffy head.

"Heh, looks like you've got another one on your hand huh?" Kyrm said with a smile as he fished around for some alcohol. I let out a wry smile as I picked Akatsuki up under her armpits and set her down on the ground before walking over to Verm.

"So, how's it looking...?" I asked while my gaze drifted to where Osotaro stabbed him through. Verm laughed and waved his hand as he said "I'm fine thanks to whatever the hell it was you did...thank you, Yuuki...you really saved my life..." I laughed awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my head. Does he know about the transformation thing and the weird ass blood healing?

"Ah, well I couldn't find any other survivors so should we try and look for any refugee camps or should we go and inform the others?" I asked

Kyrm stopped his search for alcohol, but not before pulling out a massive bottle of some dwarven liquid while Verm actually stopped messing with his Time Manipulation and they both adopted thoughtful expressions. We eventually decided that searching for refugee camps would be better for the three lieutenants most likely know where we are and what we're doing so it wouldn't matter anyways. I found a spare room and took my spare blanket out from my pack and gave it to Akatsuki. "Alright, we're heading out tomorrow to look for survivors so make sure to get a lot of sleep ok?" I said as I lightly pat her head.

I silently closed the door behind me after she fell asleep and turned my attention to a window overlooking the plains. A slight breeze flowed behind me and a familiar voice rang out "Ah, long time no see my dearest Yuuki!" I didn't even have to turn around to see who it was "Yeah, long time...Magna."

The ever eccentric Magna took a seat next to me in midair as he whispered "So, I've heard that you met your brother and the two other lieutenants...so, so what are they like?" with a massive smile, but that soon turned serious as he continued "I've found the King and Queen, they're safe and so are a few hundred civilians of Northgate...I felt it when you became the successor earlier." Magna adopted a serious expression as he landed on the ground and knelt down to one knee "I pledge my allegiance to your Majesty and I vow to help you unite the Humans and Demons once again..."