
The Story Of Yuuki Silver

In a world of magic and Gods there was a day where only one child was born. That child was born into the worlds most prominent mage family, the Silver's. However, the child was deemed cursed and many called him a demon. Shunned by everything and everyone, He makes a choice. Will he become the demon that they think he is? Or will he become something greater? ------------------------------- Might have harem, might not. It's only 17 and up because strong use of language.

Raijuo · Aktion
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19 Chs


Another searing pain racked my body as I lay on the ground trying my best not to scream from the pain. I has already been 5 months since I've been at the castle and 4 since I started training with Jayne, and after our run in with the Hell Wyrm I not only gained the weird insignia but what came with it was an excruciating pain that I had to deal with almost daily. After the pain had faded away into nothingness, I stood up and immediately fell back to my knees before vomiting up stomach acid.

"Damnit! Work body, damn you!" I pounded the floor with my fist, causing cracks to develop in the hard floor.

Jayne stood at the side silently as she waited patiently for my 'fit' to pass. I noticed her brow furrow slightly before she walked over to learn me and helped me stand and walk to the wall to sit down and catch a breather.

"Thanks." I muttered, more in my thoughts than reality.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad that you're still alive." Jayne said as she turned her back to me and walking to the other end of the large training room and grabbing some drinks and snacks.

The insignia on my arm felt like a brand that constantly burned without relenting in the slightest. But what the hell caused it? I took a cup of tea from the tray Jayne had set out and wordlessly sipped at its contents while trying to fit the pieces of my memory together about the battle with the Hell Wyrm. All I remember was dodging the beasts maw when it tried to take a bite out of me and then it was like everything stopped afterwards. I remember after waking up Lyra and Kabuto almost immediately jumped on me in a fit of tears and words, and they told me I had been out for almost two whole weeks. I was shocked after hearing their explanation. What the hell happened in order for me to get knocked out for two weeks? Was it this weird insignia I have?


"Yeah, what's up?" I guess I was too focused on my thoughts because Jayne had an annoyed look on her face.

"Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" She asked

Oh shit I forgot. Today was the day before I had to go to Northgate Academy and I was supposed to meet up with Lyra and Kabuto to get our uniforms. I thanked Jayne for the drink and tried to sit up before I fell back down. Jayne rolled her eyes before tossing me what looked like a cane before dusting her pants off and walking away. I was tempted to call out 'hey nice ass!' but I want to keep my minuscule ability to walk. I leaned on the cane and began to slowly hobble over to the door and towards the castle.

Besides having to hear an earful from Lyra for being late and Kabuto asking if I was okay due to the cane I was leaning on, it was a rather relaxing time just venturing around town before picking up our uniforms. And I later learned through conversation that Lyra was a rare Shadow magic user and Kabuto was a wind user, but it was already quite obvious to me considering he jumped off the top of the castle roof and survived. I still couldn't find a way to breakthrough to the red stage at it was quite honestly pissing me off. If anything I wish this insignia could give me some damn pointers.

My school uniform consists of a white shirt with a black vest adorned with gold buttons and trimming with a red tie, black trousers and some kind of fancy shoes that clacked on the floor every time you took a step. It was a rather 'over-the-top' uniform in my opinion. I'd rather wear my robe and relax.

"So, what do you think it'll be like? I heard it was a suuuuuper fancy place!" Kabuto practically had stars in his eyes as he began day dreaming. Probably about girls or something.

Lyra and I just shook our head in exasperation as we listened to this fool blabber on about how he wished that the dorms wouldn't be separated. As we were walking and looking at the various stalls, a mouthwatering aroma swept all three of us off our feet as we wandered closer and closer to the wonderful smell. It was a special kind of mana beast meat that was so rare that we had only heard stories about its taste until now. Looks like knowing Lyra has its perks as we practically skipped to the front of the line and took some of the delicious food, but not before paying of course.

Lyra was the first to take a bite and she let out a, quite literal, squeal of delight. Honestly, I thought she looked pretty damn cute with her eyes sparkling and her happy smile...but I promised myself to never have another person I cared for in my life. I didn't want to feel the pain of loss anymore. I must've let my expression slip because Kabuto asked me if I was feeling good.

"Yeah, It's just my back acting up a little bit that's all." I put on a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes, but it seemed effective.

We walked back to the castle in relative silence, all three of us thinking about different things. However, when we got back to the castle we were immediately informed by a maid to get dressed into proper clothes for some type of speech that was going to be delivered by the Northgate Academy Headmaster and Kain; or should I say King? Well it was still a pain in my ass.

I greeted Jayne as I got dressed in my usual black vest, slacks, and boots before hobbling back out of the door and into the hallway once again. I was sitting on a bench near the end of the hall and Kabuto joined me soon after and we just sat and talked about various things including the sudden speech that we weren't notified about beforehand. After about 40ish minutes Lyra had finally made and appearance dressed in a light blue dress that matched her eyes, making me and Kabuto feel almost embarrassed by our shabby appearances. Almost.

"So, what do you think this speech is about?" I asked.

"Well, It's probably for the new students coming to the academy tomorrow." Kabuto replied more to himself then to me.

"Well then why weren't we told about it before the day it happened? I mean we were just told and its about to start." Lyra said with her chin in her hand.

The insignia on my shoulder began to throb, or more like 'pulse' as I sat there thinking about what this sudden 'speech' was for. I decided to stop being so wary and just enjoy some more quiet time as much as possible before having to deal with all the rich snobs who were undoubtedly going to try and mess with me and Kabuto. Kain soon arrived and we began walking towards the entrance of Northgate Academy, where the speech was being held, while I was asking him if he knew anything about the short notice. He said he honestly had no idea, leaving me even more confused.

There was a veritable horde of people at the gates with a large stage in front of the crowd. An old woman, appearing at least 50, was standing on the stage with her hands folded behind her back. She was wearing a wide brimmed hat with a solid black robe and boots, making her look quite bland, well I can't really talk now can I.

Kain left us as he went towards the stage and stood next to who I assume to be the Headmaster, causing the growing noise to slowly come down until an eerie silence replaced it. The Headmaster nodded her head slightly before clearing her throat and speaking in a tone that basically screamed 'Noble'.

"As you all know, tomorrow is the grand day that we welcome our new students to my humble academy. Now, I'm sure that you want to know why I called for a gathering under such short notice, as even though I said it was for a speech, it is much more different. I was informed by the Guild that there was a sighting of a Hell Wyrm with the beasts actual corpse brought back for study. I was ordered by the Guild and the Holy Knight's of Ralithon that I should begin training my students for battle against the Demons..." A few gasps and audible swallows followed after her short pause before she started again "I, for one, oppose the idea of raising the children I have been entrusted to as mere tools used in a war that would undoubtedly spell their end. That is why I have called upon King Kain Ralithon to give his opinion on the matter." With a pleasant, yet fake, smile, the Headmaster waved her hand to signal that it was Kain's turn to speak.

He sighed before adopting a thoughtful expression and saying "While I do have a bit of apprehension as to making my citizens children into weapons and lab experiments for a war that might not even happen, I thi-" Kain was cut off as a black smoke like substance began to swirl and take form behind him, but it was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was what appeared to be a man at a perfect 200cm with ashen grey skin and pure black eyes that radiated a chilling cold while the 'thing' had a single onyx horn that extended from its forehead and curved backwards.

Kain visibly paled as the thing strode forwards before stopping at the edge of the stage, frightened cries of various people could be heard all around me. The insignia on my arm was now burning with such an intense heat that I could barely see straight. The 'man' spoke in a cold, monotone voice.

"Humans of Ralithon, I am Raevol Laktrosa, a 'Demon' as you Humans call my race. I am here to tell you that if you do not lay your weapons down and surrender to the Demon clans then you will be exterminated without delay." I felt such a deep rage at that moment, I couldn't explain it but I felt like this Demon had to pay. He had to die.

The insignia on my arm began to slowly spread across my left arm until it reached my fingers. A sudden, jolting power coursed through my body, forcing a gut wrenching scream out from my throat as I fell to my knees. A bright red light enveloped me as I continued to feel a pain that was beyond anything I had ever felt before. I could feel myself losing to whatever power that was trying to take hold of my body, my whole being. The Demon looked at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes as the crowd around me began to frantically run away in fear, but this time I was the cause.

I grinded my teeth against the pain and slowly stood up from my kneeling position, the bright light still around my body, but it was slowly beginning to form and take shape. I locked eyes with Raevol and I immediately felt a sense of dread that was threatening to turn me mad. I wiped a stray line of blood from my nose and tried to will the energy into my left hand. All I got was a small explosion that caused me to yell in pain as I held my arm.

I could hear a voice, one that was familiar. It said 'let me take you' and 'you're too weak, let me show you true power.' and I would be lying if I wasn't interested, but I still continued to fight like my life was on the line. I once again tried to will the power into my left hand and, this time, a small red spark crackled around my fingers. I willed more of the power into my hand, causing the spark to increase in intensity before I willed it to fire at the Demon. The 'lightning' left my hand and caused several shockwaves from the speed it was travelling at, but the Demon just swatted my attack away before his previously amused expression quickly turned into a bored one.

I did something that was probably very stupid, but it was the only thing I could think of. I rushed that bastard and began to throw out a flurry of kick, punches, elbows, knees, anything I could think of to try and catch him off guard, but he just dodged slightly or turned my attack away harmlessly. I sent out a left handed uppercut before spinning on my heels and delivering a reverse axe kick to the Demons head, but he easily back stepped but I wasn't done. I planted my right foot and used my left hand to jab at his stomach, lowering his guard, before using my left knee and, hopefully, planting it against his lowered guard before spinning and trying to catch him off guard with sidekick, but it's never that easy.

The Demon now had an annoyed look on his face and he grabbed my foot and flung me off the stage and onto the dirt below. By the time I got back up the Demon had vanished in a puff of black smoke, right before my vision 'pulsed' forcing me into unconsciousness for what feels like the 100th time this month.