
The Story Of The Damsel And Her Demon

STrIkeZz · Aktion
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4 Chs

PROLOUGE 2: The Silent Assassin.

Hiro sat in his room wearing a white T-shirt and shorts. He was playing on a handheld video game console. The girl then walked into the room.

"Hi- Hi... Ro..." She said. Hiro looked up, tilting his head in confusion. She turned, pointing. He raised a brow, getting up from his bed. He walked out of the bedroom, following her down the hall. The two then entered the bathroom, as she pointed at the shower.

"Ah," Hiro said. He grabbed onto the shower head, twisting the nob. She then started lifting the oversized T-shirt. Hiro's eyes widened, pulling the shirt down.

"H-Hold on!" He shouted. He then let go, running out of the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

He sat in his room, visibly blushing. He shook his head, grabbing his handheld. He started playing his game again before looking over at the Katanas. He walked over to the Katanas looking at them. He held them, tying them to his waist. He opened his window, jumping out of it. He walked down the sidewalk, looking around. Suddenly, a person wearing a dark Yukata dashed toward Hiro. Hiro pulled out both Katanas, blocking the attack. Hiro stumbled backward, glaring at the attacker. He squinted his eyes,

"Who the hell are you!?" Hiro asked. The attacker ran toward Hiro. Hiro put his guard up, preparing to block the attacks. The attacker then jumped, forcing his blade downward. Hiro stopped the attack, pushing up against the attacker.

"This guy's strong..." Hiro thought to himself. Hiro dashed toward the attacker, slashing his sword aimlessly. The attacker blocked these attacks, moving them to the side. The attacker then kicked Hiro in the stomach. Hiro fell on his butt, sitting on the ground.

"Tsk..." Hiro sat on the floor as the attacker pointed his blade at Hiro's neck.

"Tell, me how did you get these blades?" The assassin asked with a raspy voice. Hiro grits his teeth, spitting on the assassin. The assassin glared at Hiro.

"Oh, now you've-" BANG! A white bullet then flew through the assassin's head. Hiro stood up, as the assassin fell to the ground. Hiro looked to his left seeing someone standing on top of a building with a rifle. The person then turned walking away. Hiro then hopped on a cell tower, jumping toward the building.

"Hey!! Who are you!?" Hiro shouted. No response. Hiro grabbed the handles of his swords, preparing to remove the blades from their sheathes. The side of a dagger would then appear next to his neck. Hiro stood there, as a little drop of his blood appeared on the blade.

"What the hell!? Where'd this come from?" Hiro internalized.

"You best not unsheathe those blades..." Said a husky female voice. She had blonde white hair in a wolf cut, wearing a black crop jacket, black armored pants, a black eye patch over her left eye, and a huge scar on the same side as the eyepatch. Hiro gulped,

"Y-Yes ma'am..." Hiro said. A woman who looked to be in her early 20s would step in front, looking him in the eyes.

"Where'd you get those..?" The woman asked. Hiro shrugged,

"I Just uhm... Found em..." Hiro said. The woman chuckled, looking at Hiro's hair.

"Then what's with their presence...?" The woman asked. The woman lowered her dagger. Hiro raised a brow,

"Presence?" Hiro asked. The woman looked at him like he was dumb.

"Do you not know how to sense presence?" She asked. Hiro shook his head. The woman sighed,

"You don't feel like something stabbed you in the back?" The woman said. Hiro shook his head once more. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"You don't have kyren!?" She shouted. Hiro raised a brow.

"Kyren?" Hiro asked. The woman nodded,

"You know, Reverse Kyren Infected Weapons, Sealing, turning back time, Healing, Natural Body Armor, Body amplification." The woman said. Hiro shook his head,

"Nope… Wait, did I hear turning back time?" Hiro asked. She nodded,

"So theoretically, couldn't you just do infinite do-overs?" Hiro asked. She shook her head,

"It's all speed, if someone is faster than you chop off your pointer finger on either hand, you can't use Time Kyren." The woman said. Hiro nodded, rubbing his chin.

"You said body armor, right?" Hiro asked. The woman nodded,

"I did," She said. Hiro nodded,

"So theoretically if you used natural body armor to protect your fingers and then went back in time against a faster opponent, and just sneaked up on them in the past and killed them?" Hiro asked. The woman shook her head,

"Nope." She said. Hiro raised a brow,

"Why not, is it impossible to use two Kyren techniques at once?" Hiro asked. The woman shook her head,

"It is," She said. Hiro raised a brow,

"Then why'd you say no?" Hiro asked. The girl sighed,

"Because it's impossible for normal people like us... Only the strongest can use two Kyrens at the same time..." She said. Hiro nodded, sitting down in a cris cross position. She looked at Hiro in shock.

"What're you doing?" She asked. Hiro smiled,

"Who are they?" Hiro asked. The girl sighed.

"They're called the five demons..." She said. Hiro nodded.

"Akumu Ryuji: The Traitorous Demon, Vere Gray: The Holy Protector, Desiderio: The Berserker, Arroren: The Pale Knight, and the strongest and deadliest of them all..." The woman said. Hiro nodded quickly with stars in his eyes,

"WHY ARE YOU ENTERTAINED!? THESE ARE REAL THREATS TO YOU!!" She shouted. Hiro gulped, nodding quickly,

"I'm sorry..." Hiro whispered. The woman nodded,

"You should be... The last one is... Asernio Of Despair..." She said. Hiro nodded standing up,

"So uh, you said these are real threats to me... How come?" Hiro asked. She nodded,

"The thing that just attacked you was an assassin... I don't know why it went after you but it's been watching you all day..." The woman said. Hiro raised a brow,

"It has...?" Hiro asked. She nodded,

"Have you run into any other creatures..?" She asked. He nodded,

"I think..." Hiro said. She raised a brow,

"How do you think you did?" she asked. Hiro put a finger on his chin,

"Well, it was this huge devilish-looking monster with wings... It had huge claws and it stabbed me in the chest." Hiro said, pulling up his shirt. Except... There was no scar, he looked as good as new.

"You say that thing stabbed you in the chest?" The woman asked. Hiro nodded,

"Yup," She nodded, having a suspicious look on her face.

"How the hell are you alive?" She asked. Hiro shrugged,

"I kinda passed out after that..." Hiro said. She nodded,

"Uh-huh..." She said. She sheathed her daggers,

"What's your name, kid?" She asked. Hiro looked confused.

"Uh... Hiroyuki Shiroma... But I'd rather you just call me Hiro..." Hiro said. The woman smirked,

"Well, Hiro. You're going to be my new student." The woman said. The boy from earlier then appeared next to her,

"Akane-Sensei, are we going yet-" The boy said. She smiled,

"Not yet, Hiro meet Hajime Yoshimura-" Akane said. Hiro stood up pointing at Hajime,

"YOU! YOU'RE IN MY 3RD-HOUR JAPANESE CLASS!!" Hiro shouted. Hajime raised a brow looking heavily irritated.

"YOU SIT IN THE BACK, READING A BOOK, LOOKING EMO AS SHIT!!" Hiro shouted. Akane verbally, laughed out loud, holding her stomach. Hajime had an angry look on his face,

"Shut up! You're as loud as you are in class!" Hajime said. The two glared at each other, seemingly out of disgust. Akane laughed, separating the two.

"It seems you two are familiar with each other," Akane said. Hajime crossed his arms, shrugging.

"I guess..." Hajime said. Akane looked over at Hiro, pointing at herself.

"Well, I'm Akane Nishihara! Your new sensei!" Akane said, grinning.