
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasie
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77 Chs

Let's Go for a Ride

It has been a while since Shawn and Enilese last met . He hasn't contacted her for so many days . She tried to call him but he didn't pick up . It was quite usual , he used to stop contacting her whenever he got busy . Enilese couldn't really do anything but wait for him . But this time , Shawn was really taking so long .

Right now , she was staring at her phone , contemplating about calling Shawn . A part of her knew that he would , most probably , not pick up but she really wanted to talk to him .

It was very late but she wasn't sleepy at all , she was missing him so much . After contemplating for a long time , she finally sent him a text , ' Are you busy again ? '

She wasn't expecting any reply that's why she got a bit surprised when , after some time , a text popped in with a ' ting ' sound .

( In texts )

' Kind of . Why are you still up ? '

' I'm not sleepy . Am I disturbing ? '

' Not really . My job is done for today . '

' I miss you . '

' Want to meet ? '

' Hmm . When would you be free ? '

' If you want , we can meet right now . '

' What ? At this time ? '

' Why ? Are you scared to go out at this hour ? '

' I'm not . '

' Is it against the rule of your boarding house to go out at night ? '

' That's not the problem . '

' Let's meet then . Wait at your stop , I'm coming . '

' Um , Shawn leave it . You must be tired . '

' Not at all . See you . '

A wave of happiness spread in her heart . Since the incident with that dark soul in the S forest she had been really stressed . Just the mere thought that she would be able to meet Shawn , after so long , made her feel much better .


Enilese was waiting near the main road . She was looking at her surrounding , there was not a single soul around her , the only sound that could be heard was of the soft blowing sound of the wind .

Enilese has never been out at this hour except for that one time when she rushed to the burning park after having the dreadful nightmare about Shawn . That night , she wasn't in her right state of mind , she was just running without thinking about anything . But today she couldn't help but admire the beauty of the night world . She was busy staring at the night sky when a faint sound of a vehicle shattered the serenity of the night , Enilese turned her head only to find a black coloured bike coming toward her . To her surprise , the biker stopped in front of her . She frowned a little . She couldn't see his face because of his helmet and she didn't want to either . She knew , he was just a random bastard who was upto harassing a lonely woman at night . She made an irritated expression and walked a bit far from him .

Of course , the biker also followed her and stopped beside her . Enilese was just trying to ignore him and wishing that Shawn arrives fast .

The biker horned to catch her attention but she didn't look at him . He horned a few more times but that only made her more irritated .

She dialled Shawn's number , the other side picked up almost immediately .

She instantly spoke up , " Where are you ? Can you come a bit fast ? "

Before she could say anymore , he spoke up , " Why ? A rogue is messing with you ? But the person , you are waiting for , is not really different from a rogue . "

She got surprised when she realised that the voice didn't come through the phone rather it came from the side of the biker .

She turned to him with a frown and found him taking off his helmet , the next moment Shawn's face came to her view as he continued , " Shouldn't you check if they are the same person ? "

Instantly her cheeks turned red in embarrassment , she looked at him with a small pout .

He was looking handsome as always . A few strands of hair were falling over his forehead , he brushed them backwards with his fingers which only made him look more seductive . She just stared at him without saying anything .

He looked straight into her eyes and said , " Well , say something . "

She spoke up in an embarassed voice , " Um ... I'm sorry . "

" Sorry ? For what ? For not recognising me ? " , he said teasingly .

She retorted , " Uh .... uh .... I couldn't see your face because of the helmet . And h...how would I know , you'd suddenly come with your bike ! I haven't seen you with it before so ... "

" Okay okay , I get it . " , he said , " And I didn't mind . Now , let's go . "

" Um ..... go where ? " , she looked confused .

" You are not in a hurry to go back , are you ? " , she shook her head as no .

" Then get on . Let's go for a ride . "


In the dead of the night , a lonely vehicle was running through the dark endless road . The loose strands of Enilese's hair were blowing in the soft wind , she was looking at the surrounding with great excitement in her eyes .

This part of the town was unknown to her , the road was leading to uncertainty , there wasn't any house or other buildings around , just the towering trees were standing on the both sides of the street , like sleepless guards . In the faint moonlight the surrounding was looking absolutely magnificent .

Her restless mind calmed down , after so long . She couldn't believe that the cursed town could look this beautiful at night , she closed her eyes taking a long breath .

After a while , she spoke up , " So , where are we going ? "

Shawn turned his head a bit and said , " Do we need a destination ? "

She remained silent for a moment and said , " We don't .... I don't care about the destination as long as I am with you . "

She put her head on his back and continued to look at the beauty of night . It really didn't matter to her where he was taking her neither was she worried about that , she was just wishing that the dream like journey never comes to an end .

She smiled a little as she thought , how beautiful it would have been if they never had to stop , if they could go on like this forever .

He had a nice dark chocolate fragrance on him , she couldn't help but snuggle a bit more into his back to inhale his scent .

Shawn felt her actions on his back . He spoke up , " Are you sleepy ? "

" Of course not . " , she said in a lazy voice .

" Then ? ... Are you trying to seduce me ? " , he teased her .

Enilese also jokingly said , without raising her head , " What if I am ? Am I not allowed to do that to my partner ? "

" It's not that but don't you think our current situation is not so suitable . " , he said . She just giggled a little and wrapped her arms around him more tightly without saying anything .


The journey finally came to an end as Shawn stopped and spoke up , " It's the end of the road . "

Enilese tried to see ahead and asked , " End of the road ? "

" Yes . "

They got down and walked a bit forward . The road ends with a railing , far away a mountain range was visible , and in between was lying a vast river that was cutting the road from the other side world .

The breeze was sweet , in the river , the water streams were crashing against one another , the soft sound , produced by the waves , was very pleasant to hear . The reflection of the moonlight , in the water , was glistening like pearl .

Enilese's eyes were shining as she was looking at the magnificent view in front of her , slightly leaning against the railing . Shawn was beside her . Nobody said anything for a while .

Finally , a vibrating sound broke the silence of the night . Shawn checked his phone but didn't receive the incoming call . He cut the call and put the phone back in his pocket .

Enilese turned to him and said , " What's so urgent that they're calling you even at this hour ? "

" Well , I hold an important position in my group , so it's normal that they call me to inform about stuffs . "

" Then why didn't you pick up the call ? "

" Because right now , nothing is more important than you . "

She smiled a bit and again turned to the view in front of her .

" Shawn , what is your job actually ? " , she asked suddenly . Shawn raised his brows .

She continued , " I can understand , it's not anything good but what exactly ? "

" Enilese , I've told you , it'd be the best if you don't interfere in such things . " , he said in a straight voice .

" I know and I am not interfering , I am just curious about what kind of things you guys actually do . "

Shawn shook his head and said , " I've said enough about myself ... today , it's your turn . Tell me about yourself .... you're not from this town , are you ? "

" How do you know ? "

" I just guessed . "

" Anyway you are right , I am from C city . "

" That's a good city . Why did you move to a town like this leaving such a nice hometown ? "

" Actually , my father was from this town . He was born here . He owned a small farm in this town . Later he wanted to expand his business , so he purchased two more farms in C city . There he met my mother and they got married . He settled there but he used to come to this town occasionally to check on his farm .... few years ago when he came here he brought me with him . He gifted the farm to me ... Um , I wanted to stay here for some time , my parents didn't object , so I stayed . "

" So , you are a farm owner ."

" Yes and you know what , my farm produces the most beautiful flowers , you can ever find . " , she said proudly .

" Is it so ? "

" Yes . Just wait , I'd definitely show you my farm someday . "

" Okay . " , he said , " By the way , why do you live in a boarding house ? I mean , you are wealthy enough to have your own apartment . "

" I could've just stayed in my father's house which is near the farm . But that area is very remote . So my mother didn't allow me to live there alone . She said , rather than living alone it's better to stay with good people who help one another in need . "

He nodded and then asked , " Do you go there often ? "

" Not really . It's quite far and I don't have much to do there anyway . I go whenever I feel like . The workers are really good in their job , I am not as experienced as them but I really enjoy working with the plants . You know , when the small buds of flower start blooming a sweet fragrance spread throughout the farm , it feels really magical ..." , she continued talking about other things in an excited voice .

Seeing her excitement , Shawn spoke up , " I see , you like gardening so much . "

" Yes , I really do . Even when I was little I used to spend my free time in the garden rather than playing with toys . Gardening has always been my dream job , my parents knew that , that's why they decided to give the farm to me . I am really lucky that I can do what I wanted to . " , he nodded she stopped for some time and asked , " Shawn , what was your dream job ? "

" I didn't have any . " , he replied nonchalantly , she frowned a little , he continued , " At an early age , so many unexpected things happened in my life that I didn't get enough time to dream about anything . "

Enilese felt bad hearing his words , she spoke up , " Shawn , I'm so sorry . "

" Come on , don't let this insignificant thing ruin our time . " , he said as he pulled her towards himself holding her wrist where , under her sleeve , the faint mark of the dark soul's grip was still present .

She got startled by the sudden closeness , she looked into his eyes and stuttered , " What ..... are you doing ? "

He wrapped his hands around her waist and said in his deep voice " Just think that ..... your seduction worked . " , after that he didn't waste any time before smashing his lips on hers .


Today , the kiss was rough and a bit rushed too but not to such extent that it would hurt Enilese . Their bodies were pressed together ..... Enilese was gripping onto his shirt tightly , he was holding her slim waist to support her posture . Enilese could feel that today's kiss was very different from the first soft and gentle kiss they shared but she couldn't help but kiss him back as his kiss had a different effect on her . Her body was heating up as his hands were caressing her waist and back . She herself was surprised to see the way her body was responding to his touch ..... how her body wanted more .

When Shawn finally left her lips Enilese was a total mess . Her head was rested on his shoulder while his fingers were playing with her hair .

" Did I rush too much ? " , after a while he spoke up in a straight voice .

" It's not about you . " , she said without raising her head from his shoulder , " It is about me .... My body is too sensitive to your touch . " .

" I hope , that's not in a bad way . "

She didn't say anything , just hugged him more tightly .

" Something is bothering you ? " , he asked as she was quiet , " Did someone mess with you ? "

His simple question brought back some vague memories in her mind . Since the eventful day in the forest , her emotions had been very unstable . Time to time , the memories of the day were flashing in her head , there were times when she was confused about her own emotions . Even now , as he asked the question the very familiar figure again flashed before her eyes . She thought about his question which raised some more questions in her mind ..... did that dark soul really ever mess with her ? ... did he ever want to do anything with her at all ? .... wasn't it always she who interfered in his job ? ... Wasn't it always she who ended up in trouble because of her wrong judgements ?

She pulled away from his embrace and said , " No , it's rather contrary . I messed with wrong people . "

Shawn raised his brows and asked coldly , " And may I ask who these wrong people are ? "

She shook her head and said , " Leave it , I don't want to talk about them . "

Shawn nodded and like always didn't press her further but he spoke up a moment later , " I hope , it's not the dark souls . "

Enilese looked at him with nervous eyes . She tried to say something but before she could he continued in his expressionless voice , " Because staying away from them is the most sensible thing to do . "