
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasie
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77 Chs


Enilese couldn't understand how to react . She just kept staring at the presence beside her . Some moments later she heard the presence utter , " G....give me f...food . I ...am ...hungry . "

Standing beside Enilese was a little girl but of course not just any normal little girl . The girl looked exactly like the human looking creatures of the town ...skinny figure ....dry and coarse skin ...deadly pale complexion ....and two blank eyes . The girl was wearing a dirty ragged frock and her feet were bare . Whenever Enilese has encountered those kind of creatures before everytime they were full grown .....it was her first time seeing a young one . She looked at the girl from top to bottom and sighed at the thought that even children can't escape this curse . The girl was pulling her hand non-stop , asking for food . Her coarse skin was literally scratching against Enilese's skin .

After some moments Enilese squatted in front of the girl and spoke up , " Hey , what's your name ? "

" N....name ? "

" Yes , your name . Tell me your name . "

" I d...don't r...remember . G...give me f...food . "

" Okay , I'll give you food . But for that you have to come with me . All right ? "

" N...no I will not go w...with you . Y..you are g... going to k...kill me . " , she started backing off in slow steps but Enilese grabbed her hand gently and said again , " Hey , don't be scared , no one's gonna harm you . I'll give you food , clothes and you will see others like me too . You'll be safe . Come with me , okay ? "

The girl nodded slightly . Enilese let out a gentle smile .


Enilese has brought the girl to their base . Generally , when the angels find less harmful creatures they bring them to their base . Later they are sent to somewhere else where they are kept with proper treatment until they are cured . Over the years the angels have brought a number of such creatures but it was never known whether they were ever cured or not . The girl was eating the food , given by Enilese when Brad entered the hall . He looked at them and began to approach them .

" Where did you find her ? " , he asked Enilese . Enilese told him everything .

" I will talk to the other base . We can transfer her in a few days . Till then you can keep her with you , if you want and of course if she's not harmful . "

Enilese nodded and said , " She isn't harmful , I'll keep her . "


Night time .

Near D street .

Shawn was keeping an eye on his surrounding area . Aaron has reported , in the last few days the activities of a certain group , they are in collaboration with , have increased a lot ; They were openly attacking people in the broad daylight . The dark souls weren't on bad terms with the group but they did told the group , so many times , not to go overboard but they were doing the exact opposite thing now .

Shawn knew that he would definitely come across those people in this area . He needed to talk to them urgently . He was waiting for a long time , at that moment he heard a faint sobbing sound with some indistinct languish . Shawn frowned , and after a few moments decided to follow the sound .


Inside the Willow forest .

Shawn was standing behind a tree . In front of him was sitting a woman on the ground , crying hard . In front of the woman was lying a small boy , covered in blood . Anyone could say that the boy was severely wounded . Shawn slowly approached the woman .

" Baby , please open your eyes .....mommy is right here ..... we'll go home right . Please wake up ..... " , the woman was languishing hard when a pair of feet comes to her sight . She looked up immediately with hopeful eyes . In front of her was standing a tall man in completely black outfit , his face was covered with a mask ....he was emitting an evil aura . For instance she got very scared but the next moment she spoke up in a begging manner , " Please help me . My son is injured very badly...he is bleeding a lot... please help me take him to the hospital .....I can't move my leg....I need help .... please help me . "

There was no emotion in Shawn's eyes . He just glanced at the woman's legs with his emotionless eyes ....her right leg was wounded and probably was broken too . The woman continued to beg him to help her .

Isn't it interesting ? ... all the people in this town pray so hard just not to encounter people in entirely black outfit who are most possibly the dark souls . And at late hours , they believe it to be an inevitable end of their lives if they fall at the hands of the dark souls . But when they do encounter such black dressed people , they , though unsure of the reason , end up asking for help from the very supposed dark souls .... forgetting all the rumours about the people in black outfit .

" I don't think your son would make it even if we take him to the hospital . " , Shawn coldly said .

The woman as if roared up , " NO , HE WILL LIVE ....I know he will be alright . He can't leave me .....he knows that I have noone else except for him . He can't leave me.....he can't leave me.... " , with that she broke into tears .

Shawn squatted down on the ground beside the unconscious boy and began to look at his wounds closely .

" Please , save him . I'm begging you . " , the woman faintly said .

" Hospital can't save your son anymore .....his condition has been worsened beyond hospital's capability to save him . But .... I can save him . " , the woman was listening silently but her exhausted face lit up again when Shawn said he could save him .

She didn't doubt his words even a bit ..... somehow she knew from the beginning that this man wasn't just a normal person .

" Please , save him then . I'll be always grateful to you ..."

" I don't want your gratefulness . I want something useful . Give something which can be a good use to me and I'll save him . "

The woman looked at him in confusion .

" So what will you give me in exchange of his life ? " , Shawn asked again .

" In exchange of his life ??.... Good use for you ?? "

A small silence .

" Don't waste time .... it's your son whose life is at stake . Answer quickly and if you don't have any answer I'm leaving . " , Shawn said .

" I can give you lots of money ...." , the woman spoke up to stop him as he was about to stood up .

" I have enough money . "

" I will transfer all my property ...."

" Property is of no use to me . "

( Pause )

" I am ready to sacrifice my life for him . Is that enough as an exchange ? " , the woman said with a sigh .

A small smirk appeared on his face as if he was waiting for this very words . He said , " It is . And the exchange is accepted . " Shawn didn't say anything further .... he touched the boy's forehead . The air around them changed in an indescribable manner . And in a few moments the boy's wounds started healing up . After some time Shawn said , " He is out of danger . He will wake up soon . Now , give me your leg . "

" Why ? " , the woman was caressing the boy's hair when Shawn said that .

" Let me fix your leg too . Afterall you have to take him home . "

" No need for that . Saving my son is enough ....."

" I think you have forgotten that you've made an exchange .....so your life belongs to me now . " , saying that Shawn grabbed her wounded leg and healed it . The woman couldn't say anything except for a small ' thank you ' .

Shawn got up and was about to leave when the woman said , " Are you leaving ? It means , you are not going to take my life . I knew it , you must have been testing me ..... you are an angel , aren't you ? The black outfit must be a disguise ....."

Shawn cuts her off , " Shut up and remember one thing very clearly , I AM NOT AN ANGEL . I AM A DARK SOUL ... And as for your life , I'll take it when the right time comes . " , with that he left successfully hunting a soul , once again .


After the boy woke up he asked his mother , " Mommy , how am I still alive ? How come my wounds are healed up ? Who helped us ? "

His mother replied with a smile , " An angel . "


A phone conversation .

Voice 1 : I was waiting for your call . Is everything going well ?

Voice 2 : Are you kidding me ? Don't you know that , nothing can go well for us as long as the dark souls have the same goal as us ?

Voice 1 : Yes , yes , I know that very well but we can't forever wait for them to back down . Can we ? We have to find ways to deal with them .

Voice 2 : Deal with them ? We won't be able to even face them . They are too powerful specially the two with fire and water power .

Voice 1: And who told you that we have to face them in person in order to deal with them ?

Voice 2 : Ah , stop these riddles , I'm already very tensed .

Voice 1 : ( Loud laughter ) Okay , okay , let me explain clearly . I meant that if we are unable to face them let them face each other . They know each other's strengths as well as weaknesses very well . So they are definitely able to deal with one another . And we'll make sure to put them against each other very soon . Does it help a bit ?

Voice 2 : So you're trying to say that the dark souls would fight amongst themselves ?

Voice 1 : Exactly .

Voice 2 : And you think that is possible ?

Voice 1 : Everything is possible , my friend ! After all , they are young bloods ....never ready to back down even a single step...we just need to create a spark between them and they themselves will make a fire from it ....a fire which will burn their entire existence to nothing .

Voice 2 : Since you have already planned this much tell me about the next steps too .

Voice 1 : I've gathered some information about the dark souls . I have learnt that there are two boys who can use their powers to the fullest ...

Voice 2 : Yeah , they are the ones I was talking about ....one of them has the power of fire and the other is an expert of water power .

Voice 1 : Right , I've heard that one of them is in charge of making all the decisions in the absence of their boss . Just imagine two persons with same capability .....still , only one of them is given the authority ? We just have to deliver this very message to the right person . And then , there will begin the most extraordinary game of power . And in the game two main pillar of the dark souls would fall off . And then .....

Voice 2 : We will strike the final blow . Right ?

Voice 1 : Absolutely .

Voice 2 : So , who is our target , have you found out ?

Voice 1 : Of course , I've prepared myself very well . Our target is the one with the water power .... Ryan .