
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasie
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77 Chs

A Midnight Operation Part 1

" I don't need such people in my life . " , Ryan said in a low voice as Enilese was there .

" Oh dear , believe me , you do . I can help you with your goal ... "

" I think , I should hang up . " , Ryan was very sceptical about this well-wisher .

" Wait , hear me out first . I have same goal as yours but I can't reach my goal alone . But I have relevant informations that can enable you to achieve your goal faster . Since our target is same let me help you complete your target because in that way my revenge would be completed too . "

Ryan put the phone down for a moment and said to Enilese , " Enilese , I think , I've to leave now . It was very nice meeting you . "

" It was nice meeting you too , Ryan . I hope , we meet again . Bye . " , Enilese said .

" Bye and be careful of that dork and remember the moves I mentioned . "

Enilese laughed again and said , " I will . "


Ryan came a little far from the street where he met Enilese and said through the phone , " Let me tell you very clearly , I don't need your so called relevant informations . I'm enough without them . So don't call me again . "


" Are you waiting for a long time ? "

Enilese was busy looking at a group of kids who were playing a bit away from her , hearing Shawn's voice she turned around .

" Not at all , I arrived just a while ago . And honestly speaking , I love waiting for you . " , she said with a little tint of pink on her cheeks .

Shawn replied , " Your likings are really very unique . "

" Unique ? or you meant weird ? "

Shawn smiled and said , " Weirdly unique .... Let's sit . "

After they took seat Shawn asked , " How was your day ? "

" Not very good , not very bad . "

" Why's that ? "

" Both a bad incident and a good incident happened . "

" You can share if you want . "

" Which one do you want to hear first ?

" Bad one ? "

" A person was asking me to be his girlfriend . I said that I'm not interested still he kept on insisting . Typical dork who is proud of his male ego . So we got into an argument . "

" Who is that person ? Just take me to him and let me make him forget his male ego for ever . "

" That's not needed anymore . "

" Why ? Is it solved ? "

" It is . "

" That's a relief . Now the good one ? "

" You know !! I've made a new friend today . " , she said excitedly and then continued , " And ....."

" And ?? "

" He was the one who solved the problem . He was so smart , a bit funny too . "

" So your new friend is a ' he ' ? " , Enilese could catch the tonal change in Shawn's voice .

She said in a teasing tone , " Aww , Shawn , are you jealous ? " , somehow Enilese's question as well as her tone felt surprisingly very familiar in Shawn's ears . He tried to recall it and it didn't take long for him to recall that it was one of the famous teasing lines that Ryan uses on Aaron . For a moment , Shawn tried to imagine what would've happened if Enilese and Ryan were friends .

' We can't even handle Ryan . If Enilese joins him it would be an absolute disaster . ' , he shook his head at the terrible thought .

" Shawn , what happened ? Are you okay ? " , Enilese asked looking at him worriedly .

" Oh , I'm fine . I was just thinking about something . "

" Really ? " , she asked again . Shawn nodded .

" What were you thinking about ? "

" About your friend . "

" What about him ? "

" I'm not jealous of your friend . But tell me , did he flirt with you ? "

" He did but , I could feel that he wasn't serious . " , Enilese said , after a few moments she remarked , " You know , you both have similar dressing style . "

The particular dressing style wasn't anything very unique kind of thing . Many people like to dress up in that way , Enilese also has seen a lot of people with similar kind of dressing but Enilese couldn't seem to find any similarities between Shawn and others with same dresses before . But for some unknown reason she found similarities between Shawn and Ryan , it was , as if one reminds of the another . She assumed it to be the dressing style but in reality there was something else that Enilese found to be similar in Ryan and Shawn . Let's hope , she finds out herself .

" Enilese , what's his name ? " , Shawn asked with a little curiosity .

" I am not telling you . I'll directly introduce you to him . Wait until that . ", Enilese replied .

" Okay . I'll wait to meet him and thank him . Anyway I was going to ask you something ."

" What ? "

" What happened to you last night ? "

" Shawn , I told you , I just woke up a bit early . " , Enilese's voice quivered a little as she remembered the nightmare .

" And , what made you wake up early ? " , Shawn asked .

Enilese was a bit embarrassed to tell him about her nightmare . Just a few days back she was traumatized with her nightmare , at that time Shawn told her not to take nightmares seriously . So now she was hesitating a bit to state the same problem . She was going to change the subject but before she could Shawn asked , " Did you have another nightmare ? " , Enilese was startled . She hurriedly said , " Umm , it's not like that..... I fell asleep very early yesterday , So ...."

" Really ? " , Shawn asked without much expression . Enilese nodded .

Shawn stared at her for some time and then said , " If you say so ." , Enilese smiled .

But Shawn said again , " But .....if you have nightmares again , just ignore them . Okay ? "

Enilese was surprised as well as touched , she asked , " But , how do you..."

" Because I know you ..... very well . " , Enilese laughed a little and said , " With our every date I fall for you even more . "

Shawn didn't reply , after a few moments he asked , " So what do you want to do today ? "

" Let's go for a long walk . "


Same day , evening .

Angel base .

Joseph was scolding Paul for the last half an hour for harrassing Enilese .

" How dare you force someone ? Let alone a fellow member , you have no right to behave like that to anyone . " , Joseph's authoritative voice echoed in the hall .

Paul meekly said , " I'm sorry . I won't do it again . "

" You won't be able to . "

Joseph was very strict with rules and norms . Paul knew that . That's why when Joseph uttered those words he could feel that he is dead . He continued to look at Joseph waited for him to declare a severe punishment .

Joseph declared , " You will leave this base tomorrow . I am transferring you to the northern base . And remember , don't even think of charging Enilese about all these . The consequence would be worse . "

" Okay . " , Paul could only utter that .


A few hours after midnight .

Daisy Hospital .

Emergency ward .

Ryan rushed inside the ward with a woman in his arms . It was very clear that the woman was in so much pain . As soon as he entered two nurses ran to him and asked him to put the woman on a nearby stretcher . The nurses checked the woman . The woman was having labour pain but there was something more to it . She was having other problems along with the difficulty to breath properly . One of the nurses asked Ryan whether any accident happened to the woman ?

" Yes , she almost fell down but the accident was averted on time . A week was still left till her delivery date but probably all the unnecessary jerking during the chaos caused the premature labour pain . Start her treatment , quickly . " , Ryan said in a calm voice .

" Her condition is very critical . We can't do anything without the doctor's instructions . " , a nurse said .

" Then call a doctor , what are you wasting time for ? "

" We informed the doctor ... oh , the doctor is here . " , the nurse said .

Instinctively , Ryan turned to look at the doctor and their eyes met , however just for two seconds . Ryan averted his eyes and set them on the woman again . But the doctor's eyes which had an unreadable emotion in them were still on him .

" Dr. Melvine the patient's condition is very serious . " , the nurse said .

Melvine came to her senses and approached the stretcher quickly . She started checking up the woman .

" How did it happen ? " , she asked to noone in particular .

By that time , the woman was losing her consciousness bit by bit .

A nurse told her everything that Ryan told them .

" Let's take her to the labour room , quick . "

The nurses nodded and started pushing the stretcher to a certain direction . Melvine was going to follow them when Ryan spoke up , " Listen , Dr. Melvine . "

Something struck Melvine really hard . She felt as if she just lost something ..... something very precious to her .

Ryan's address made her feel like a complete stranger to him .

She turned towards him who was standing with crossed arms .

Ryan took a few steps towards her and continued , " Remember one thing , I want her back as a perfectly healthy person . "

Melvine remained silent for a few seconds before replying in a low voice , " I'll try my best but I can't guarantee . "

Ryan frowned a bit . So she said again , " The patient's condition is not good . I don't even know if her baby is okay or not and she lost her consciousness too ..."

Ryan cut her off , " Did I ask you any of those ? I don't want to know your medical science , I just want you to remember that you have to discharge her and her baby in a proper healthy manner . "

( Pause )

" I don't have invincible supernatural powers to treat someone . So I can't guarantee anything this easily . " , she said without looking at him .

Ryan took a step forward and said in a chilling tone , " Just remember this , if anything happens to her or the baby .....I'll burn this hospital and you will be inside that burning hospital too . " , she continued to look down .

" Sir , please calm down ...." , one of the previously present nurse spoke up as she entered the room . Perhaps she heard the last part of Ryan's statement . Both Ryan and Melvine turned towards her . She continued , " Sir , I know that you're very worried about your wife but please calm down and believe in the doctor . And Dr. Melvine , come , everything is ready . "

Melvine nodded slightly , she has been in a trance ....since the moment the nurse uttered the phrase..... ' your wife ' .

She followed the nurse after looking at Ryan for one last time .