
The story of school boy

the story of a school boy

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the kinder garden

I used to be a happy kindergarten kid who was not worried about anything in life - no exams, clean minds, no homework, no scoldings or beatings. Those were the carefree days of laughter on the playground, taking naps in the middle of arts and crafts, and feeling like I didn't have a concern in the world.

But suddenly, that magical, joy-filled era came to an abrupt end. Before I knew it, I was thrust into grade school with a heavy backpack full of books, seemingly endless assignments, and stern teachers who expected me to sit still for hours. The playful, unencumbered child within me recoiled in shock.

At first, I railed hard against this prison-like new world. I yearned to break free so I could regain those halcyon days in kindergarten where afternoon recess lasted forever. 

Eventually and resentfully, I came to accept my new lot in life as a grade schooler. I buckled down, did my classwork and stopped trying to incite playground revolutions. But once in a while, I'd gaze wistfully out the window, missing the little kid without worries, wondering if I'd ever recapture that feeling of free, unbridled happiness I once knew. The rigours of elementary education made me grow up too fast. Though as more time passes, the memories of that kindergarten paradise become fainter, part of me still yearns for that innocence lost.

"I don't give up because i lose when i give up"

"A great teachers don't teach you lessons they make you a great warrior who is unstoppable"