

Chapter -3

After many decisions they got permission to get the pet. so, finally after some time they arrived to the pet store [animal house].it`s look nice so we can use the pet house.

After sometime they had arrived to the animal house. They had seen so many animals in that house like birds, dogs, rabbits, fishes etc. and moreover they are providing the foods to the pets .and they are good care to them. And they show so much love to them.so, the Tokyo felt so happy by seeing that many animals in that house. and he don`t stand at one place and he is checking every animal and he is look like roaming guy.in there finally the owner came and ask what do you want??

The Tokyo said that we want one pet for us.

So, the owner asked what type of pet you want??

He said the pet should be small and low in cost.

many different types of bids in pet house. And they had shown different types birds with different types of prices.

And the owner guy is saying they are imported from the different regions from different countries.

And they had shown the birds like they showed





By seeing them firstly the Tokyo got excited and he is thinking what should he want to choose??

Finale he asked the price of every bird of pair.

And he said cocktail is 5000/-

Budgies is 600/-

Sparrow is 700/-

African bird is 3000/-

And the family members went to shocked by seeing the prices. And the father felt was felt at a time 100 watts of current was flowed in his body.

The owner was thinking???

And the owner said you can take birds. the Tokyo asked is it low cost. and the owner said oh yes it`s cost is so less.

Tokyo asked can see the birds??

you can see them.so they went to see them they so

And the father was asked do you really need it. And he said he will come again to pet house. And the owner said as you wish. So Tokyo asked why we came back father?? And he said the price was so high. so, Tokyo said we can ask them at low price like we can ask discount or bargain the birds. And the father was thinking about the price. And he said we can buy Soon. And Tokyo asked when soon??

And there is time definitely we can by them. Tokyo was felt so sad and he`s thoughts are about birds.

After so many days all the members are forgot about the pets And finally one day his father asked can we go to pet house to buy them and he didn`t believe them. And they went to the pet house to look at the birds and his father asked to choose the birds what type of birds do you want?? And he remembering the last time situation and his brother choose The budgies (love birds) so he asked me to choose of it but in that cage there are so many different colours. And he got confused what colour should he want to choose of it.

And his brother decided the white colour and it was female bird. And he need to choose male bird of it and by searching so many birds and he finally decided to choose yellow colour of it and finally the birds are selected and they need to choose the cage house to them. and the cage cost was 600/- and more over they selected the cage house and they picked the birds and kept in the cage and his brother was paid .

the cash of it and they asked food for it.

They said to feed grains and leaf stem to them.