

Nowadays , everyone's becoming nature lover and

they are trying to get better environment to there life

and they are trying to be friendly with the animal's and

bird's .

So , the people's are trying to care of the animal's

and they are adopting the animal's and getting more

affection and more love with them. And we can call

them pet lover's.

Now ,the pets also believing with humans love .

And now I am going to say one of the pet story?????

Nah!!!! Nah!!!! Pet story it is look like separating the

love >>>> so I need to change name as "EFFECTION


I think the name was good..

There are so many stories in the world but this is the

one of the small story in the world .

Let's start …



There was a town in that there are so

may people are living in that town >>>nahhhhhh!!!!>>

it's old model to say it!!!!>>>>..

There is a small family and they are

living in the town. In that family father, mother and two


So in that family there was a kid name as tokyo san and

he is the small member in that family.

And he is always happy and moreover he is a shy guy.

moreover he is a fear guy..

One day he was going by a walk and he saw the pet

store and in that there are so many pets in there and he

try to go the inside but he is fear to go inside of it so, he had one friend name as uzumakisan he is one of best

friend to him.

And he had apodapted so many types to pets in his

house. So one day that uzumakisan came to tokyosan and they went for walking outside and they saw the pet

store and uzumakisan was saying about pets to tokyo

san and he gave more information about the pets like

how to keep food and giving protection to them and

some of the tips told and he said how he take care of

the pets . The Tokyo san had interest on to grow pets in his house but he had problem that his mother won't

accept to enter the pets to home.

But that kid felt some sad about it .but he went ask his

father and brother .at firstly they said

No, but after sometime they are agreed after when we

went to take permission from mother

By the mother was so angry with that and that mother

was trying to explain the situation when you bought the

pets and she is saying that you can't care about them

and you can't manage time with them and the kid said

you can take care of them she said yessss I can but iam

busy with the home works how can I manage to works

at the time by the so many arguments the mother gave

permission to get it . and she said one final word to



after you realise you can regret it in your life

but the kid doesn't care about it ..

And finally they decided to get birds to there home...

And they are exciting to take what type of birds to get

and they are searching on net and which house should

pick to them …..

Sooo many things they had discussed to it

And they felt so excited to get the birds...