
my lady . my servant

you have to decided to chose your fate to lock to one of the few who knows were there heading don't rich your decision because but once decide your will be chosen and sealed even the earth meet the heavens in a single you can't go back human,so have decided your fate shall I call you me mistress. yes I know what I am doing can fathom it as my mother ,my father, my grandfather ,and grandmother. I know what you are,"oh well then what am i" . you are my servant, as you are my parents, you will follow my orders as you have followeded my parents . I can't well accept any fowl play , or you will be back were I brought from, I am understood my faithful, royal servant." yes my lady, I will serve you as I have served your mother but come on lady cut bullshit.,long time no see . come on bring it in ."oh my look at you have grown so my lovely Erica and your smiling"

smiling!SMILING Jasmine!"oh you sound mad oh God , what am I saying of course you are I have left you behind , my Sorrows to you, I am sorry that I have left, how can show you how sorry I am. tell how can earn your love and trust that I have lost?. "you can start by telling me why"