

father had told her that bad things always seemed to happen to good people. That those people who devoted their lives to others, who were selfless and giving, always seemed to get dealt the worst cards in the deck. Over and over again, bad after bad, heartbreak after heartbreak.

He had first told her this when she was 6 and she asked why God decided to bring her Nonna Alessia to Heaven.


Eleanora had always gone through life second guessing that statement, because there was no way that it always turned out like that. Her dad was a smart man and almost always seemed to be right, but Eleanora was sure he was wrong on that one.

But right now, laying in the middle of the hallway, soaking in a pool of her own blood with tears running down her face and soft prayers falling from her lips? Eleanora came to one conclusion.

Antonio Vincent Amedeo was always right, and bad things always happened to good people.


, baby, do we have any more peanut butter?" Eleanora yelled from the kitchen, searching through the cupboards.

Mark walked out of their room, his hair still a little damp from his shower. He slips his watch on, shrugging as he leans against the island. "I don't know, doll. We haven't gone grocery shopping in a bit, so my best bet is no."

Eleanora huffed, putting her hands on her hips as she glared at the peanut butter-less cupboard as though it had personally insulted her. Mark chuckled, but then furrowed his brows as he came to a conclusion.

"Wait, you're not even a big fan of peanut butter. Why do you want some all of a sudden?"

Eleanora sighed before opening the fridge and grabbing a water, turning back to her bag to shove it in there. "It's just been hard for me to work morning shifts without eating lately. I just get all gross and feel like I'm going to throw up on an empty stomach. Peanut butter crackers are supposed to help with it."

Mark nodded and pursed his lips, finishing locking his watch on his wrist. "I'll get you something from the coffee cart before rounds. Just make sure you don't run off on me, huh?" He teased, walking over to place his hands on her hips and kiss her.

Eleanora giggled, placing her own hands on his chest, kissing him back. She heard Josie meow and then pulled away, looking around her boyfriend to notice Josie's empty food bowl. She rose his hand from her waist to look at the watch on his wrist before pushing away from him to get Josie food.

"We need to get going in the next five minutes if you want to be able to get me a chocolate croissant."

"Who said anything about a chocolate croissant? You think I'm made of money?" Mark joked, but still rushed to the bedroom to grab his things.

Eleanora laughed, bending down to pour the food in Josie's bowl. The cat rubbed against her leg, purring. Eleanora scratched the top of her head for a moment before standing up straight and grabbing her bag.

Mark comes out of their room with his own things, pressing kisses to his girlfriends face as they hurriedly exited the house. In their haste to leave, Eleanora and Mark didn't notice Eleanora's phone, which was perched on their counter from when she was searching for peanut butter.


way." Cristina stated, her eyes wide.

"Yeah." Their tall friend replied, leaving Eleanora to go next. The small girl was giddy, but hid her smile until she knew for sure how Meredith felt about the situation.

"No freaking way!"


"Oh my god." Cristina blurted, putting a hand on her hip as though she was out of breath. "O-okay, um, were you trying to ge-"

"No." Meredith interrupted, shaking her head as she shoved her hands into her labcoat pockets. "Total accident. I used the thing."

"Really?" Eleanora asked, before nodding her head. "I mean, it makes sense it would've happened to one of us at this point. The things are only 98% effective, but that's only if you use them right everything. So, really, they're what? 80...85%?"

"Sunshine, not now." Cristina told her, patting her cheek. She focused back on Meredith, crossing her arms. "So, are we happy, uh, about this? Or are we exercising our legal right to choose?"

Meredith opens her mouth to speak, no words coming out. But from the look on her face, both Eleanora and Cristina know which one it is. Cristina smiled wide and Eleanora squeals, wrapping her tall friend in an excited hug as Cristina continues to talk.

"Okay, all right! Congratulations!" Cristina even joins the group hug, Meredith laughing out in joy and amusement from her friends reactions.

Cristina and Eleanora pulls away, Eleanora still holding onto Meredith. "How are you gonna tell Derek? Oh, he's gonna be so happy!"

"Have you told him?" Cristina asked, Meredith shaking her head.

"No, I just found out!"

The threes pagers all go off, Eleanora noticing it's Jefferson with an emergency on one of her patients from rounds. "Jefferson."

"Teddy." Cristina tells them, Meredith putting hers back.


Eleanora lets out an excited noise, Cristina looking at Meredith with a raised brow. "Well, are you gonna tell him now?"

"Yeah. Hey, how is the Teddy and Owen thing going?" Meredith asked her, motioning towards her pager.

"Oh, oh fantastic. It's going great, I'm completely over it!" Cristina tells her with sarcastic happiness before taking a long sigh. She placed a hand on Meredith's shoulder, a grin forming. "This is very adult. I'm really proud of you, Meredith Grey."

"I'm....proud of me too?" Meredith laughed, Cristina nodding. Cristina turned to Eleanora and cupped her cheeks, making the small girl look up at her with bright eyes.

"I'm also so very proud of you, Sunshine. With your own apartment and your....cat."

"And my long term boyfriend?" Eleanora asked, her voice holding a hint of laughter.