
The Star God Of Ancient.

Mukesh mysteriously transmigrated into the world of supernatural where Ancient Gods ruled the land. He possessed the body of Eric Lancaster who had died by drinking poison when he failed to graduate. Being complete unknown to this, let's see how Eric will gain supernatural powers. How will he solve the puzzle of his reincarnation? Can he return to his home? {The God Of Empty Throne} {The God Of Giant} [As this is my first time writing a novel, I hope you guys will like it.] Disclaimer - The cover photo isn't mine. I gave credit to the real owner, I am not the owner of the cover photo. If the owner wants me to remove it, just let me know.

Mukesh_Dhami · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter - 9 (Wishing Mirror)

"We just submitted the request this morning, and you're already here?" Caroline thought in surprise. She gestures for Eric to sit on the wooden chair and begins brewing tea in two cups.

Eric takes the cup in front of him, sipping the sugarless tea and secretly turns his gaze towards the man standing beside them. Why isn't he speaking about anything?, Eric thought, is he mute?

What's your name again? Caroline seems like she had forgotten his name.

Eric's lampooned and thought inwardly, why are you brewing me tea then? Eh! It's Eric Lancaster.

Ohh, nice name, Hmm... you can work here from tomorrow. The captain just went outside. Maybe you met him on the way. Caroline said while taking a sip.

From tomorrow! Hearing these words, Eric finally felt joy. Then he thought, so that angry looking guy was the boss here.

Caroline secretly signaled her colleague then he hurried into a room, while she continued the conversation with Eric, come tomorrow at ten in the morning.

There aren't any tests? Any interview? Eric questioned to confirm his speculation, I can get a job just like that.

No, I believe you can do it, said Caroline taking another sip, by the way where did you live?

Well, about this. I am in the lower block currently. Although I am poor, my main dream was to become a businessman. But due to poverty, I couldn't do anything. I don't have any wealth for that.

Caroline stared at my eyes, so you want to earn wealth and open business?

Eric nodded and stared at her with expectations in his eyes. He badly needed the job. He was tired of searching for a job. And he couldn't just sit in his room all day. He wants to gain a little experience of this world and open his own business. Finally he gets what he wants. Now, he only needed to explore this world and if he can find the secret of transmigration.

Well, then I will come back tomorrow. Eric said wearing his hat. Then, he walked outside the building.

The man emerges from the room holding a golden mirror in his hand. Does this mirror really work? The man said suspiciously.

Of course, This is a wishing mirror. I asked the mirror for a young person with excellent intelligence. The person should be unique, lucky, temperate, have a talent, and wish to be a supernatural aspect. See, he is here. Caroline said proudly, my wishing mirror works. Although it isn't a top artifact, it can affect the fate of a person to a certain extent.

The man thought, does this actually work? Should I wish for money? Well, don't you think there was something weird about that guy? He can actually see me. He was staring at me for some time.

Ohh, maybe he has cursed blood or he is a descendant of Materializer, Caroline said, Whatever, Captain will come tomorrow, just ask him. The Captain just went to escort the Princess to the Capital. We are very busy right now.

He asked us to arrange everything here before he arrived. Caroline said annoyingly. We just moved here this morning. There are so many things here to be arranged.

Outside the building, Eric walked slowly. He was feeling good, he finally got a job. This building looks expensive. Maybe, he will get more than five gold coins. Eric laughed and walked, he checked his pocket and saw forty silver coins remaining. Eh, I forgot to ask about the salary. Then, I will ask tomorrow.

Eric stopped the carriage and went towards the lower block. He avoided the alley and asked the driver to drive from the street. He was afraid that the beggar would still be there. He doesn't want to meet him a third time.

That skinned beggar, whose body was cold as a dead boy. I had a hunch that he is probably a zombie. A zombie looks like a dead person with a cold body. Argh... Whatever, I will try my best to avoid him. I would die if he found that I had the crystal. The dog's were already killed by him.

After some hours, small houses appeared in his sight. That was the lower block. People were begging around. If a carriage stops they will immediately go around to beg from the passenger of the carriage. The carriage driver avoided them and smoothly crossed the street.

Sometimes later, Eric reached near his house. The carriage stopped, he got off and paid two 'ten silver coins' and a 'five silver coin'. The travelling fee was five silver coins more than the alley. Walking towards his room, Eric checked his coins, there are two 'ten silver coins', one 'five silver coin' and  four 'one silver coin' remaining making it twenty nine silver coins. Eh, I bought some chocolates with silver coins.

In the Sylvania Kingdom, all the silver coins are numbered with, one, five, ten, twenty, fifty but gold coins are only numbered with one in their front. On the other hand, there is a symbol of a crown in the back of the coin. The crown represents King Arthur III. Although the coin doesn't have an image of the King Arthur III but the notes had his image, sitting on a throne wearing a golden crown.


In the upper block, at the villa, Michael, I joined a secret organization and I recommended you. You can join after some days. You are about to advance in the third form.

You mean the 'shelter'.

Yes, Linda nodded.

Nice, after finishing the ritual of the third form, I will join. For, now let's go to Temple. I want to pray to the Goddess for the luck, said Michael

Okay, let's go, Linda nodded and went outside with Michael. Linda ordered her butler to start the carriage towards the Temple.

After some hours, a mountain appeared in front of them. The temple was located on the mountain. It was the holy place of the Goddess. When the Ancient Gods walked the land, The Goddess Of Night Angelica, stayed a day in this mountain. So, her believer created a temple here in her name. But still this was a branch of the Goddess's Temple. The main Temple was on the Capital.

The carriage stopped in front of the mountain, they showed their Identity. The guards let them in, after checking the validation of their identity. Butler started the carriage and drove to the hilly roads on the mountain.

Michael asked turning towards Linda, Eli went to Capital this afternoon. She didn't say anything to you?

Well no, she didn't say anything, Linda said worriedly. She looks sad. I guess it was because of Eric.


Eric reached ten minutes late, he took his time to buy a dozen eggs. He spent two silver coins to buy the eggs. Tomorrow, he will go to work. So, he doesn't want to be on an empty stomach. Putting the eggs under the table, he cooked cooked rice and some vegetables. After leaving the rice and vegetables on the stove for fifteen minutes, it was ready.

Finished eating, it was now eight in the evening. He thought about waking up early so, he lay on his bed. Before closing his eyes he saw his old coat about to be tattered, hanging on the pins on the wall. I also have to buy new shoes, he thought.

At midnight, Eric was still in his deep sleep, snoring. Maybe it was because of the imbalance of the pillow, he kept snoring. Suddenly, the room became very quiet, even his snoring's voice disappeared. A mysterious black fog gathered beside his bed. Slowly the black fog faded out and a skinny looking man appeared with a big smile, showing his unbrushed teeth. His dark eyes looked lifeless as he stared at sleeping Eric. A voice echoed inside the room.

Found you!



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