
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

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794 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen Cheers! Bastards!

Before playing, Xiaohe was booed by his own fans just when he showed his sharp corners. Degan is also unprecedented. The booing continued until the game started. I really admire their strong lung capacity. It's really embarrassing for them to be so red-faced and thick-necked. How much do you have to hate a person to torture yourself like this.

"Rod! Is it okay?" Pacini and Digan stood in the middle circle, ready to kick off, and asked worriedly, "They don't mean anything malicious, they just don't know you well enough for you~~~~~~ !"

Digan sneered, and said, "Gianpaolo! I'm looking forward to what kind of expressions those bastards will have after this match!"

Pacini was taken aback for a moment, he felt that standing in front of him was not Digan at all, but the mighty Caesar, the fierce man who shouted "I have come, I have seen, I have conquered", this The strong self-confidence made Pacini almost kneel on the ground and recognize his elder brother.

Pacini is also very curious now, what is Degan going to do?

The referee blows the whistle and the game begins!

Atlanta took the lead in attacking. Under the anger, Degan became more calm. He didn't expect to rush in, hit the goal of Lecce, and then rushed to the camera, slapped his arms, and the fans were amazed , Natou bowed, and from then on he was astonished as a heavenly man.

That's a plot that only appears in nine-rate competitive novels, but this book is only third-rate, so there won't be such a bloody plot.

After passing the ball under the feet of Digan and Pazzini, it was finally handed over to Albertini, the core player on the field. Albertini has the title of metronome in Serie A football. No one can match the rhythm of the game. he.

After Albertini received the ball, he was not in a hurry to pass it out. He waited until Lecce's formation began to press forward and press down before passing the ball to Zenoni on the left.

Degan pressed Lecce's back line and kept wandering. Mandolini nodded his head off the field. Degan's current performance really made him very satisfied. Generally, young people encounter this kind of people who are demolished by their own fans. The situation, either it will become tense and timid on the court, or it will rage and do some reckless things, but Degan's performance is very good, he doesn't seem to be affected at all.

Not affected?

If you don't mind it at all, it's a strange thing!

Degan's lungs are going to explode now, it's like a warrior who is going to war, uttered his ambitions, vowed to rely on the sky to slay the dragon, but a group of teammates said "Forget it! Wash and sleep ! Your mother called you home for dinner", morale dropped instantly, and was instantly killed by a mob with residual blood as soon as he went out.

Look at the Atlanta fans in the stands, singing and dancing one by one, telling people what 2B youths are so happy, Deegan hated it.

But soon Degan's chance to face the face came. The two teams entangled in the midfield for a while, and seven or eight people became a mess. In the end, Albertini couldn't stand it anymore. He went up and selected the ball. The foot passed to the left.

Digan, who was booed by the fans for five minutes just now like a wandering ghost on the pitch, and basically labeled as waste, suddenly appeared on the track of the football, quickly catching up with the football, tiptoe With a poke, the ball rolled out for more than three meters, Degan accelerated again, and by the way passed Darabona who was jumping over to defend.

When they were still in Milan, the two had been teammates, but after that game, one of them was loaned to Lecce and the other to Atlanta.

Darabona just felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and before he could understand what was going on, Degan had already left with the ball, leaving him with a big back, making him even if he wanted to catch up , can't make any effort.

"Is this still that trash Digan?"

"Deegan! Deegan received the ball!" The on-site commentator was boredly reporting the statistics related to the game. Suddenly, the situation on the field changed suddenly, which made him unable to react in time. He almost bit his tongue, looking like a gust of wind. Degan, who was also scraping across the court, couldn't sit still, and fought violently, shouting, "Deegan! Deegan is still accelerating, God! He is like a truck moving at high speed! No one can catch up with him, Lalo stepped forward to defend, the beautiful bicycle, it is unbelievable, this 194 cm big man is not only extremely fast, but also can make such difficult technical moves! I bet , Atlanta must have found a treasure this time!"

The fans at the scene were also shocked by the series of wonderful performances completed by Degan. They passed two people at high speed, each stretched their necks, and wanted to continue booing, but their lungs seemed to stop. Already working.

Lecce's central defender Stovini hurried over to make up for it, trying to stop Digan from advancing, and when he was nearly two meters away from Digan, he fell to the ground and shoveled. The game has just started, if Digan is allowed to continue, it will hurt morale too much, now is not the time to be polite.

When Stovini came over, Degan noticed that when the opponent fell to the ground for a tackle, he already had a countermeasure, and then the most exciting scene of the game was born.

Degan straddled the football with his right foot, moved the ball forward with his left foot, clamped the ball with the heel of his right foot and the toe of his left foot, and then threw it upwards, jumping up at the same time. It also crossed Degan's head, and before the football landed, he dunked the ball with his right foot and changed direction into the penalty area.

"Beautiful! I bet this kid will definitely be an artist on the football field in the future. The beautiful ball scoring reminds me of Ilhan of the Turkish team in the 2002 World Cup. No! He will finish better than Ilhan. Even more beautiful, he flew over Stowney like a hurdler! He is a real court artist!"

Just as the commentator finished his sentence, Degan, who had just been canonized by him as a stadium artist, showed his violent side to people.

After a wonderful pass, he entered the penalty area, causing Lecce's entire defense to be in chaos. Diamutne wanted to step forward and let go, but he couldn't lose Paccini behind him, just when he was in a dilemma , Deegan shot.

The anger accumulated from being booed by the fans of the team exploded instantly, and he hit the goal with a heavy cannon. The moment the football was drawn by him, there was a brief deformation.

The football flew towards the upper left corner of the goal whistling with the wind. Lecce goalkeeper Sicignano reacted quickly, but he still couldn't keep up with the flying speed of the football. He only caught a hand of air, and the football had already got into the net.

A series of "GOAL" from the on-site commentator instantly ignited the atmosphere of the entire Blue Italy Stadium. No matter what these fans thought of Digan, but seeing the team they supported scored a goal, they hesitated for a while. , or erupted in addition to the huge cheers.

"Beautiful! Beautiful! I can't think of another word to describe this goal. Degan started with the ball from midfield and played the entire Lecce defense. He was so fast that the youngsters of Lecce could only Follow him and eat ashes! Beautiful goal, belongs to Digan!"

Seeing the football hit the net, Degan went berserk in an instant. He pushed away Paccini who was running over to celebrate his goal, and ran all the way on the field, directly past his own half. But there was no way to stop Degan, who had gone crazy, so he was carried by him all the way to the South Stand of the stadium, where all the craziest Atlanta fans gathered.

Did Degan want to celebrate with the fans?

What a joke!

When he entered the arena just now, Digan could see clearly, counting these grandsons booing him hard, but looking at their happy appearance now, Digan only felt disgusted.

Just standing under the stands, Digan raised his right hand, pointed at the fans, and roared loudly, "Celebrate! Bastards! Come and pay homage to your new king! You pathetic clowns!"

Tabby froze!

The other teammates who ran over were stunned!

The fans in the stands were stunned!

Mandolini on the sidelines was also stunned. He grabbed his hair and murmured with a bitter face, "You bastard!"