
Chapter 80: Jason

When she covered her tummy with her hand, I covered hers with mine, and we both held the place where I was sure my seed had taken root inside her. “Jason?” I don’t think I’ve ever heard her voice sound so thin and afraid. I wasn’t expecting fear. Anger sure, annoyance, any of those things I could’ve dealt with, but the sound of fear in my otherwise fearless beauty was almost too much for me to bear.

“What is it, love?” I had to clear my throat a time or two to remove the frogs.

“I don’t know anything about babies. I wasn’t going to stay here. What am I going to do?” I got the feeling that that last was more to herself than me, so I concentrated on the rest of what she said. I imagine that, like me, she was thinking about all that she’d been through and worrying about bringing a child into a world where such things were possible, so I went with that first.