
The Space-Time Conundrum

After winning a lottery, Allen decided to quit his boring desk job in order to open a business in a newly-built futuristic city. However, 3 years have passed and circumstances led to him becoming the head of a lowly criminal organization. Even worse, an apocalyptic Lovecraftian spaceship now threatens to destroy human civilization. What will Allen do to survive? Author's Note: I'll try to upload daily! Be sure to help support me by adding this your libraries!

Lord_Drakonus · sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 - Chaos Ensues

'Can my luck get even worse?!'

I thought to myself as I peeked outside the window.

The streets were littered with people, everyone was running around like ants on a rainy day.

People were screaming, looting, and beating each other. Some even had a public orgy session, while others stood with lifeless eyes.

The police and their robots were doing all their best to keep people from panicking, but it was clearly not working.

Sirens rang and loudspeakers brought by the police were advising people to seek shelter in an orderly manner.

I rubbed my eyes while thinking it must all be a dream. But when I looked back outside, the skies didn't change.

I pinched myself multiple times. But there I stood, still not waking up from this dream.

To look at "It" better, I went to the balcony.

I climbed the stairs like my life depended on it and reached the rooftop of the small old building I was in.

There "It" was in the sky.

An insanely huge tentacled monster-robot-spaceship thing was covering 95% of the skies.

It was like looking at a Lovecraftian deity.

The shadow of "It" shifted day into night.

The sky, previously clear and sunny, was now getting darker and darker.

'Is it getting even closer?'

It was an apocalyptic sight. Everyone who looked at it either lost all hope or went crazy.

I myself seemed to be in the second category.

"Ah, haha. We're fucking doomed!"

I exclaimed as my wide-opened eyes shed tears of blood, likely from a burst blood vessel caused by extreme stress.

I looked around the rooftop to see that my "employees" were also here, recording the apocalypse with their phones.

I saw that a few of them had soiled their pants. I might've also soiled my own.

The fear of death was something I was used to. But this, this current fear of mine was different.

It was the fear of everything I knew, loved, and hated, ending.

"B-Boss, what should we do?"

One of my "employees" asked me.

Not caring about my tears of blood, I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Hey Connor, do you see those ships? I think we're all fucked."

I said as I pointed towards hundreds of human-made spaceships leaving our city.

"Look at the flags painted on those ships. The US, China, Russia, Japan, UK, and ton of other countries. I can even see the logos of multrillion dolar corporations on some of them."


"Yeah, they all left us here to die alone while they escape to the moon."


Around 50 years ago, the United Nations announced the plan of building an independent city-state located on a small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

They promised a futuristic city-state in which citizens of all member nations can live on legally. Their main goal was to build a place where the world was truly united.

To promote the so-called "True Unity", the leaders of all nations started living on the 28,000 square kilometer island city-state.

Every single former and current leaders of a member nation mutually agreed to live on the island.

What's even weirder was the fact that billionares and other rich people also insisted on living on the island.

I learned all of this in school.

But even as a kid, I thought that reality was very different from what was taught.

Even though the city itself was futuristic, it seemed that main selling point was not the city, but its second goal.

'All this time, they've been talking about colonizing other stellar systems by building spaceships in this city. They even boasted about building a huge spaceship on the Moon.'

'I guess this was their main goal after all. Forget about the True Unity bullshit, it was all forced by fear of something else.'

It was weird how bickering nations and rival corporations all suddenly decided to work with each other one day.

'All these rapid technological advances weren't for us. It was just them trying to save their asses.'

Suddenly, one of my "employees" named Jin yelled and pointed at the apocalyptic skies.


One of its tentacles was rapidly approaching Earth.

I could hear everyone on the rooftop and on the streets screaming.

The tentacle was coming straight at us.

'Ah, this is truly the end.'

The tentacle, entering the atmosphere, caused huge shockwaves to ripple down from the skies.

It was so large that it could cover half of the city with its width alone.

'It looks like it's one of the smaller ones compared to the others, but it's still this insanely big....'

I widened my mouth at what happened next.

The tentacle, which looked like it was aiming straight at us, changed its trajectory towards the escaping spaceships instead.

The ships tried maneuvering out of harms way, but the tentacle seemed to have a mind on its own and destroyed the ships one by one.

One might expect the military to show up by now, but they were also part of the group escaping with the ships.

After destroying the ships, the tentacle came towards the city again.

'Those ships only acted as a delay to all our deaths.'

I looked towards the "employees" who were staring at me, waiting for me to tell them what to do next.

'Heh, they probably hope that I have a plan to somehow escape, but sadly I don't.'

"Well boys, it's been one heck of a journey, but I guess we'll all die here together!!!"

I announced to my "employees" while forcing a smile.

My bloody tears coupled with the forced smile made me look like serial killer, but I couldn't care less.

They were also accepting their imminent death.

I looked at the current date on my phone.

14th of February, 2081.

'I'll be dying single at the age of 28 right on Valentine's Day. Couldn't be more poetic.'

Suddenly, just before the tentacle could touch the city, a pillar of light came out of nowhere and enveloped the entire island city-state.

It was so bright that I only saw white no matter where I looked.

I am seriously trying to write this novel as frequently and as comfortably as I can. My previous novel is in an indefinite hiatus due to me burning out from a busy life and excessive amounts of topic research for the novel. I'll try to write this in a way that I don't have to research things for hours like in my previous novel(Yes, I researched really advanced science and scientific theories like a madman for that novel, even though most of what I researched didn't even come into the writing). So, I'll try to upload a short 1,000 word chapter everyday in order keep the schedule consistent. I hope people actually read this one, because almost no one was reading my last novel and that also contributed to my burnout.

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