
The soul sucker

Dan was just throwing some knives to improve his knife-throwing skills but he accidentally throws them into his window a woman passed his home and got hit by the knife Dan threw and he came to grab his knife and he found the knife in a woman's dead body and something from his eyes popped up it says would you like to suck this woman soul and he pressed yes and the woman dead body vanishes into ashes.

Andika_Anindyaguna_8835 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

New set

After Dann robs a bank he now has $1m, dann decided to buy a new set of uniforms with his money, dann wears his formal clothes and goes to a shop that sells guns and other things like armor, dann searches for good sets and after a long time of searching he found the perfect set, the was fireproof and gun proof and the set was light too, dann with the leftover money he buys some new gun and 100 knives then goes to the register to pay but he ended up stealing all of them do now he still has $1m, dann then exit the store and goes home to test his new set of uniform, in the gate of his house he decided to test his new set in there he then eat 3 souls +30 year of life, to make sure he doesn't die from testing it, he then summon one soul and told him to shoot at dann, the soul then shoot dann and it does no damage to him and now the test with the fire dann told the soul to take a bow and an arrow and dann light the arrow on fire with a lighter and told the soul to shoot at him in the body, the souls then shoot the arrow with his bow and hit dann body and it doesn't hurt at all