
The dragons keep

Deep in the core of once was a home to many creatures hiding in the shadows to save their young. A place called earth; with small creatures called humans, that killed any creature that was not their kind. Deep into the core of the burning hell of fire laid a dragon, who had the power to destroy the world with one claw in its wake. A blood red dragon. One misty night, the dragon went up to the surface, but what he saw was something more then he could ever bargain for. A women, sweet as the honey apple trees, her hair was golden like the sun itself. Her name was Eli. The dragon's heart beater so loudly it sounded like a rhythm of a drum. The women was in shock when she stared at the deathly eyes of the dragon; they grew fond of each other; every day they spend was like their last. One day, Eli was giving birth to a beautiful young girl, who she called Alice. Every day, the family would practice how to fight, cook, hunt, and craft. The dragon hopped they would stay together forever; but it didn't last long. One night, while the family was sound asleep laying on the dragon covered in blankets; the village heard of the dragon and rushes to slay it. The dragon woke up in fear for his love. Eli stood and hid Alice in the dragons paw. She whispered to the dragon, "keep our daughter safe, I love you," the dragon gently held the sleeping child then opened his portal to his old home. As he went through he watched as the humans grabbed Eli. "Tell us! Where is that dragon!" Every villager yelled and threw rocks at Eli, forcing her to get her to speak. She never spoke; on the same day, Eli was burnt to death.

The dragon was heart broken, he shed many tears as he held the sleeping child in his arms. "They will pay," he sniffled. The dragon was devastated as all of the element dragons surrounded him for Comfort. The dragon swore to keep Alice safe. So, his life on his own once again started a chapter for Alice; "May the flame of the world be with you my lily," the dragon kisses the sleeping child and laid in the darkness.