
The Sorcerer's Path: A Cultivator's Journey through the Magical Realms


bone_king360 · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 : A New Beginning

A man was floating in dark space. It seemed like he was the only being in the seemingly never ending dark void , As he looked around.

" where I'm I , what is this place "

As he looked around but where ever he looked it was nothing but pitch black darkness.

" I should be dead, I remember being killed in the prison "

Suddenly a strange light illuminated from a corner of the void it was strangly bright as the man looked at light.

" I was just thinking If this was the afterlife or something but what's this now ? "

( Mc pov )

After thinking about light for some time I decided to check it out. I mean there was nothing else I could do.

I was some how able to propel myself towards the light but no matter how much I tried my speed was that of a walking man . As I got closer to the light , it got brighter and brighter but strangly enough no matter how bright it got i never closed my eyes while looking directly at it as I was just about 50 feet ( 15 something meters ) away I once again looked back to see the never ending darkness of dark void.

" just what is this place ? "

As I was wondering about why I asked this question when there was nobody to answer my question and I was thinking about it , my attention was once again caught by another strange light.

which looked as if it was moving.

" Is it just my imagination or is that really moving "

As I curiously looked at the light which now seemed as if they were two red giant eye balls as I was looking at it , a strange and very loud roar rang through the endless void , the roar was just as endless as the void and it was so loud that it could destroy or kill any thing that may heard it but it was just as the bright light it didn't hurt my ears. But after hearing the voice cold sweat began running on my face , All of my instincts were telling me that I should run but body had froze in place , it was as if I had lost control over my body and there was strange fear in my heart I didn't know what it was but it felt like I was going to die again, the more I looked at the lights , I got more terrified and scared , as the lights were coming close to me I could bearly see a body of a creature that was violently coming at me.

I got even more terrified and scared but my still refused to move , as the creature came kept coming closer , it seemed I was going to die , no it was even more scarier then that it seemed that it was gonna wipe out my existence.

" move...move ....why is my body not moving "

As I was struggling, another void-shaking roar was felt through out the endless dark void but after it was heard I regained the control over my body , without even thinking my body started to move towards that light that looked like it was my only salvation. I didn't not what was it or why was it here but I instinctively knew I have to reach it.

As I was just about to touch it , my body froze once again , as I could feel on my back the breath of

something... something terrifieing , when I looked back , I lost it, there was massive MASSIVE creature floating the dark void , his face that was just inches away from me , looked so terrifying that one could die just by seeing it , as I my gaze went towards his eyes that I previously though to be lights , they looked so terrifying , so dangerous and berming with intelligence , and just the pressure that was emanating from them was so much that It put shame to the supreme elders and emperor's that I had met and were the pincale of life to shame , the pressure alone could have destroyed the immortal world , but strangely enough those terrifying eyes were not looking at me but the light that was just behind me , it was as if me who was supreme king was nothing in front of it as it was hurting my pride put I was some what relived that I was not it's concern .

As I was just taking a sigh of relief , I saw the eyes of the creature move , the eyes moved and looked down , straight into my eyes , my body began to shake and my mind was starting to break apart , it felt as if the force that was holding me was being tore apart , it took all my will power just to hold my mind together , it really felt the end of my life was coming.

" ( arrrrrrr ) no...NO NO NO I CAN'T DIE LIKE THIS I HAVE TO...( ARRRRRRR ) "

My body that was shaking uncontrollably stopped and I felt a strong feeling of pain, as bold rushed out of my mouth , I could s not only see blood coming out of my mouth but my hold body began to bleed uncontrollably , the pain was to much to bear , as my last stand against the creature , I looked towards his eyes again that were still looking at me with curiosity there was no killing intent but the pressure alone was to much , as even my eyes began to bleed and soon my gaze was covered with blood, as I just lost my last will to live and was about to close my eyes.

My hand that had froze before felt a strange but relaxing sensation, as I looked back saw that my finger had tuched the light behind me , I don't know why but a strange smile bloomed on my bleeding face ( perhaps my last desire of reaching the light had been fulfilled ) and my eyes closed.

I heard a strange sound yet again , but this time it was not scary or anything, I didn't felt any fear in my heart and I opened my eyes , a saw man who was realtively old and was looking at me in shock and was saying some strange words he seemed to be stressed , but his words they didn't feel bad but when I suddenly rememberd what had happened to me just moments ago , I began to cry uncontrollably.

The man panicked gave me to another man as I kept crying and crying , he seemed to be even more paincked then the man earlier but suddenly I felt a very warm sensation , the man had passed me over to some one else but this time it didn't feel bad but instead it was warm feeling, when that person embraced me I stopped crying as it felt that nothing could touch me , when I was in the embrace of this person , it felt the safest place in the whole wide world , all my fears and worries faded away and I open my eyes to see the person embracing me It was a beautiful women who seemed to be in her 20s she had dark black hair and Golden eyes that were showing me so much affection and love , they had such a warm gaze that I felt that it was safest haven for me , as I let go of all me worries and my eyes felt heavy and began to close the last thing I heard was sweet and warm voice .

" My baby , Adrian "

( ok I know last part is a little rushed or That's what I think so do tell me if it is or not and also it's my first time writing so please give me advice if there's any thing wrong or if you find a mistake. ❤️ )