
The Sorcerer's Odyssey

A curious teen finds himself in a fictional world filled with mysteries and danger. With this second chance, he will live his life how he pleases…with no regrets.

TheNeutralEvil · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 8


They ended up not having any actual club activity, the entire time being spent in the shower essentially making Rias succumb to pleasure a number of times.

He wasn't dumb enough to try to have sex with her. He remembered Grayfia showing up when Rias tried to lose her virginity so he was definitely not attempting that.

At least not unless he figured out a way around that but for now, it was off limits.

He was currently on his way back home, deciding to walk rather than teleport this time. He was trying to figure out how events would play out with his intervention.

There were a number of possibilities he could think of and he wasn't so arrogant to think that he'd thought of everything.

'Hm?' He frowned slightly, realizing that the streets were empty with him being the only person visibly around.

The sound of his footsteps were the only audible sound, causing his frown to grow.

He suddenly spun around, erecting a wall of ice in front of him.


There was a powerful impact but the ice stood strong as he heard a female voice.

"Tch! He survived." The voice said as a shrill laugh was heard.

"You couldn't even do one thing right. He's just one puny magician." A second female voice said.

'Last I checked, dxd magicians couldn't freely manipulate elements the way I do.' Liam thought as he peeked over the wall of ice to the owners of the voice.

Upon seeing them, he immediately recognized them, a smirk coming to his face.

"Hello ladies. To what do I owe the displeasure of seeing your faces?" He asked, looking at the fallen angels Kalawarner and Mittelt who hovered in the air.

"Shut up and die, puny human!" Kalawarner said only for an unseen force to pull her down to the ground as Liam flicked his wrist.

"Oh I'm sorry. This puny human is a bit busy to be killed just yet." He said as he raised another ice wall, blocking a spear of light from Mittelt.

It exploded upon contact but the wall didn't fall. With a gesture, he formed a glacier of ice, trapping Kalawarner within before turning to Mittelt.

"Now you have my full attention, as unfortunate for you as that might be." He said as the blonde fallen angel grit her teeth.

"Don't get cocky because of a fluke. I'm stronger than her!" She exclaimed, forming another light spear.

Liam only smirked. "I'm sure you are." He said in a patronizing manner, enraging her further.

Before she could move, he flicked his wrist, whispering. "Petrificus Totalus."

Mittelt suddenly froze as even her wings stopped keeping her afloat, falling to the ground with a painful thud.

As he walked up to her paralyzed body, he saw the way her eyes flickered in fear. "I hate to bring our little chat to an end but I'm afraid I have to go."

Waving his wrist across her body he chanted. "Sectumsempra."

The blonde fallen angel couldn't speak as a large laceration appeared on her neck, killing her immediately.

He turned to Kalawarner who was frozen in ice, a smirk coming to his face.


With a few spells, he cleaned up the mess and stains that Mittelt's death had caused.

He was back in the abandoned building where he killed Viser and performed the rituals. The circular stone with a ritual circle was there once again as well as a circular arrangement of candles.

With a levitation charm, he laid the unconscious Kalawarner in the circle before entering it himself. A wave of his hand lit up the candles as he pulled out the black ritual knife he used earlier.

He began whispering in an unknown language as he knelt by her body, stabbing down at her heart. The ritual circle lit up, drawing energy from Kalawarner as she died, before said energy coursed into his body.

The familiar pain hit him as he grit his teeth to endure the pain. It felt even worse than when he used the bear and the goat but he pushed through the pain.

The passage of time was lost on him before he finally felt the pain stop. He pushed himself to his feet, feeling much better despite the pain he just endured.

Pulling out his journal to see the changes, he almost dropped it in shock.


Liam Ross

Race - Human


Strength: C+

Constitution: B+

Dexterity: C+

Intelligence: A-

Charisma: B

[Magical Traits]

Magical Reserves: B+

Magical Regeneration: B-

Magical Control: B+


The great changes were to his Constitution, Magical Reserves and Regeneration. Fallen angels were essentially ageless, possessing a high amount of vitality so the increase, while shocking, was also expected.

There was also an increase in strength and dexterity but not as much as the aforementioned ones.

Though he would've preferred to use both Kalawarner and Mittelt for the ritual, he had reached the limit on performing them for the moment.

Any more at this time and he would risk damaging himself rather than strengthening himself. He consoled himself with the fact that he still got essence from killing them.

He had something he wanted to purchase from the store and for that, he needed a lot of essence, hence why he was hoarding it.

He used a few spells to clean up his work before teleporting in his usual method. He felt a bit cheated that he didn't get light magic but he'd already gained a lot so he wasn't too sad.

As he got home, he pulled his phone that vibrated as a text dropped in from an unknown number.

Opening it, he was met with a picture rather than a text of a red haired girl who wore a see through nightgown that did nothing to hide her nude body underneath.

'Always playing with fire, Rias.' He thought with a smirk.


She was getting tired of her subordinates.

First Dohnaseek disappeared without leaving any clues or messages for them. They still hadn't found him yet and now Kalawarner and Mittelt went off on their own.

She first suspected that the Gremory had a hand in Dohnaseek's disappearance but that was quickly disproven. If the devils knew about Dohnaseek, they would also know about their base in the church but nothing had happened so far.

She had considered many possibilities and there was only one last possibility, Dohnaseek had abandoned them and gone rogue. She had some doubts but that was the only possibility she could think of.

She considered herself stronger than the male as well as Kalawarner and Mittelt. After all, Azazel had chosen her for this mission…trusted her for this secret mission.

She would keep an eye on Mittelt and Kalawarner when they returned. She couldn't have them betraying her either or she would kill them.