
The Sorcerer's Odyssey

A curious teen finds himself in a fictional world filled with mysteries and danger. With this second chance, he will live his life how he pleases…with no regrets.

TheNeutralEvil · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 5


It hadn't taken more than three blasts of the powerful variant of the explosion charm to kill Viser.

With a body that big and clunky, she had no chance of dodging it and was therefore killed, granting Liam some essence.

If only that made him happy.

"I'm an idiot." He muttered with an exasperated sigh as he dropped the book in his hands.

After killing Viser, he decided to look through his library for magic types of interest. It was only out of curiosity that he found the current book and only after studying it a bit did he find a solution to his main problem.


[Ritual Mastery: Novice]

You have started on the path of a true occultist, having learnt how to perform rituals of many types, including summoning and contacting beings from other planes.


It had the answers he was looking for, making him regret spending his essence on stat upgrades so far.

A ritual to fix his physical weakness. He already knew how to do it and all he needed was a sacrifice.

It was a ritual that would take the magic and life force of his victim and transfer it to the ritual master, him.

There was also the fact that one couldn't do rituals nonstop, they'd explode if they go past their limit. He'd have to be careful about that but until then,

'Time to get my sacrifices.'


As interesting as it would have been to grab the perverted trio as sacrifices, the ritual didn't necessarily need a human. He could use normal animals or even magical beasts for his sacrifices.

He didn't have any magical beasts so he'd have to apologize to the zoo for their generous contributions.

Using his unconventional method of teleportation, he had teleported back to the abandoned building where he killed Viser with two animal cages in his hands.

He stood on a circular stone platform with a large ritual circle carved into it. He already made his preparations before going to the zoo, transfiguring a rock to get the shape he wanted and getting some candles which were arranged around the circle.

Opening one of the cages, he pulled out a dog sized creature before undoing the shrinking charm, allowing the bear to return to its full size.

It was still unconscious from the stunning spell he used on it so he had to hurry in case it woke up quickly.

A ritual for physical enhancement wasn't advanced compared to those that raised the dead so he was confident that he could handle it.

With a levitation charm, he lifted the bear into the circle. Unfortunately, he had to purchase a ritual knife with essence but it would be worth it.

Pulling out a strange black knife, he lit up the candles with a simple charm and began whispering in an unknown language.

He didn't stop as he kneeled over the bear and stabbed down, the blade piercing the bear's body and heart in one go.

The circle flared up, drawing energy from the bear as it died before it coursed forward and into his body instead.

He felt his mind go blank with pain for a moment as he grit his teeth to endure the pain that flared in his body. He had the foresight to lay a silencing charm before starting but he wanted to avoid screaming if possible.

He didn't know how long it lasted but by the time the pain vanished, he could feel the difference. He felt more powerful than he'd ever felt, physically of course.

Bears represent strength, which was his reason for using it in this ritual. Pulling out his journal from his pocket, he looked at his stats with pleasant surprise.


Liam Ross

Race - Human


Strength: C-

Constitution: D-

Dexterity: D-

Intelligence: A-

Charisma: B-

[Magical Traits]

Magical Reserves: D-

Magical Regeneration: D-

Magical Control: B+


Strength and Dexterity which were previously at F- and E- respectively had now risen. Though strength was the main increase, it affected dexterity a bit.

With the joy of the first success, he let the other animal out of the cage and undid the shrinking charm, allowing the goat to grow to its full size.

Goats represented vitality which would increase his Constitution. He'd have gotten a cheetah for speed but the zoo didn't have them.

Lighting up the candles that had gone out, he began the second ritual and began whispering in the unknown language.


He'd gone through the same agonizing pain a second time, only managing not to pass out. After cleaning up any evidence of what he was doing, he'd teleported into his library and from there to his room were passed out for a few hours.


Liam Ross

Race - Human


Strength: C-

Constitution: C+

Dexterity: D-

Intelligence: A-

Charisma: B-

[Magical Traits]

Magical Reserves: D+

Magical Regeneration: D-

Magical Control: B+


He was sore but it was worth it. The second sacrifice had not only increased his constitution but also his magic reserves.

'I guess vitality is more than just constitution.' He thought idly as he read through another magic book.

The soreness in his body had motivated him to delve into a new branch of magic.


[Healing Magic Mastery: Novice]

You have a decent understanding of the art of healing magic and restoring targets to their optimal health, curing damaged organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning.


His hand lit up in a green color as he held it over his chest, a soothing feeling traveling into him.

With what he had accomplished today alone made him feel safer. Not a hundred percent safe but still safer.

His body which was lean before had now gained some muscle. Not enough that he looked bulky but enough that he looked defined while retaining his lean stature.

"Well Asia, you're not the only healer now." He muttered, sitting in his hot tub. He was supposed to be getting ready for school but he felt too relaxed to get out. 'A few more minutes won't hurt.'


Watching Liam walk into the building, she frowned for a number of reasons, the first being his casual lateness and the second being his refusal to wear the blazer of the school uniform, preferring his cardigan to it.

The final thing that caused her to frown. He felt different. She couldn't put her finger on it but he felt different, stronger even. Though the increase in his magic wasn't large, it was noticeable enough.

It was getting difficult to resist the urge to simply make her move and recruit him into her peerage.


Classes passed as quickly as usual, with nothing eventful happening.

As he left the class, he half expected Kiba to attempt to stop him again but he found the knight nowhere in sight.

"I must have scared him off." He thought with amusement as he got an idea, a very stupid but fun idea. 'If you don't come to me, I'll come to you.'

It didn't take long for him to navigate his way to the Occult Research Club building. He smirked as he pushed the door open, meeting startled faces as he walked in.

"Hello devils!"