
Clan Ryodan

At this precise moment in the Great Hall of the Old Biang Clan, you could see some figures who were sitting at a round table looking at each other

Some showed friendly smiles others simply gave a nod in acknowledgment or ignored the looks and although they behaved like that there really was no enmity between them

Rather they were all wearing the same clothes, you had tight suits on their black bodies and a black tunic on top with the symbol of a twelve-legged red spider printed on their chest

There were also dark-colored hats perched on the table, these hats were clearly meant to be worn by them

(The hats resembled those used by the Akatsuki)

If someone entered the Great Hall now they would be confused because no one could recognize these people, but if an Otaku entered they would take the biggest surprise of their life


It was because the people who were here were all beings that caused a lot of fervor in their worlds

Meliodas of the Seven Deadly Sins

Madara Uchiha and Hashimara Senju who were considered Legendary Ninjas in their worlds

Broly a being whose existence could be called a huge mistake in his universe

Sosuke Aizen a person who has caused a great revolt to his world, there was also Yachiru Unohana who was the best Captain and without a doubt the best Kenpachi of all time

Nagato Uzukami the cause of a lot of damage throughout Konoha, accompanied by Kurumi Tokisaki along with Hisoka Morow

Edward Newgate and without forgetting ... To the mother of all Ninjas ... Kaguya Ōtsutsuki

They were very powerful people and even if in their worlds they were not ... Here it was different since everyone was clearly exuding the presence of a cultivator in the <Primordial God Stage>

They were undoubtedly beings who would be feared and acclaimed in this world for millennia but that is a story for later, at that time the door of the Great Salon of the former Clan Biang opened showing a young man in his twenties with long hair black along with blood-red eyes

The man came dressed in a tight black suit along with a black tunic carrying a dark hat in his hands, instantly the others present rose from their seats while leaning slightly

"Welcome our Creator!"

"Our God..."

"God of Creation ..."

Each one referred to this young man with different titles but all showed deep respect and also curiosity

Ichigo watched them as he nodded and took a nearby seat which coincidentally was the chair where the Patriarch of the Biang Clan originally sat

He looked closely at everyone gathered here and smiled slightly, it was only one day ago that he had 're-created' these people ... Why does he recreate them and not bring them from their original worlds?

It was because it would be silly, let's take Madara, for example, what if Ichigo had brought him by force while he was still fighting Naruto and Sasuke? That would cause enough problems that he preferred to avoid

It was also better to create them for themselves and improve them with their own powers, that is why now all those who were gathered here were such powerful beings

Madara maintained her original appearance but was actually as strong as Kaguya Ōtsutsuki at her best, instead, Nagato had been rejuvenated and kept two bright Rinnegan in her eyes

Instead, Kaguya Ōtsutsuk now had a creamy white skin that any human woman with good treatment would have this was considered by Ichigo so that he did not attract unnecessary attention having a pale skin without meaning, but it didn't matter where he looked ...

The beauty of Kaguya Ōtsutsuk would absolutely attract many looks but he decided not to pay attention to that, instead of fixing his gaze on Meliodas, this Meliodas was very different from the original because this man had all his unlocked seals ready to expel all his power but his emotions they would not be affected

In all, everyone had their changes and one considerable thing is that they all had a lot of loyalty to their creator, although obviously there were only ten people here therefore gathered ...

At that moment the doors of the Great Salon opened again just when a dazzling woman dressed in a black outfit and tunic very similar to the other way with a small smile on her face

"Master, I have gathered all the information you have asked me ... Do you want it delivered right now?" Albedo ... An NPC of the Great Nazarick Tomb and the most powerful Guardian and now a person belonging to the Gen'ei Ryodan

Now the Gen'ei Ryodan Organization was complete!

Ichigo looked at Albedo before nodding and taking the papers she had in her own hands, Albedo showed a slight smile before taking a seat next to the others

Ichigo left the papers aside before observing everyone and then closed his before slowly speaking "One year ... You will all have one year for our Organization to become fully known throughout this world ... It doesn't matter what way do it ... Hero, murderer, warrior even if you decide to enter a church, your duty is to earn a reputation for all of us. "

Ichigo's words made the blood of all present boil with emotion, although all of them were 'Re-created' they still kept their memories intact therefore they were very sure that this was a new world for them

They also knew that something inside them was forcing them to be loyal to this young man but none of them showed disgust ... Why?

It was because everyone present here wanted to be strong ... This man named Ichigo was really such a powerful being that they did not even know the full extent of their powers that was why they wanted to follow him and gain even more strength.

In addition, Kaguya Ōtsutsuk was also somewhat relieved of her situation, from her memories she could realize that her other 'I' was betrayed by her children and sealed in a single place for a long time ... She felt some pity for her other 'I' and she decided to gain strength to someday rescue her from that nightmare

As for Albedo she was unsure of the situation but she decided to see and observe for now, when she was 'Re-created' her 'Master' Ichigo gave her an option, if she didn't feel comfortable under her command in just two years then she could leave freely, even if she wanted it then he would transport her to the world where her true 'I' was

"So ... What are you waiting for? Come out and let the world of our Organization know, make the name of Gen'ei Ryodan ring in every corner of this world!"

Ichigo's words will cause everyone to leave their thoughts before they nodded and soon some of them decided to form a small team of two before leaving.

Each of them disappeared instantly showing great speed, Ichigo nodded with satisfaction and at that moment a rather familiar presence appeared just behind him and massaged his shoulders

"Father, I have finished registering the name of Gen'ei Ryodan in the Assassins Guild, at first they decided to give us a Copper rank, but when they found out that we eliminated the Biang Clan they decided to grant us the Silver rank"

Ichigo meditated on that and then nodded, the feeling that it was quite reasonable for him to be given the Silver Rank, was because in reality the Assassins Guild had branches throughout this world, therefore, comparing to a Biang Clan that only commanded in a small city as it was with some Clan of the Empire or other stronger cities was quite reasonable that they only gave it the rank of Silver

Tian'er watched the papers that were on the table with curiosity and just when she wanted to ask what they were about, Ichigo picked them up and spoke loudly

"We will participate in the War between the three Empires to the West, we will be in charge of killing any request for murders ..."

Tian'er nodded before giving a slight nod and then placed the black hat on his head which caused his face to hide only revealing the upper part of his jaw

Ichigo did the same and they both looked quite mysterious, but the symbol of a spider with twelve red legs on chests clearly showed that they were part of the Gen'ei Ryodan

"Since we will leave for a while, wouldn't it be better to leave some security in this place? ... I don't want someone to enter my room while I am not there" Tian'er suddenly let go of those words in a bad mood

Ichigo watched her and shrugged ... Enter her current residence? JA! what a silly joke "That is already solved"

Just when Tian'er wanted to ask what Ichigo meant she felt some presences and the door of the Grand Salon opened showing three people

Two beautiful women who were dressed as Maid while keeping cold expressions on their faces, the first was a young and attractive woman who has blonde hair that covers one side of her face and uses a bun, her eyes are green and she has a big bust

She was Hilda, Hildegarde de Beelzebub

Instead, the other woman is young with pale skin and very long dark purple hair that is tied with low pigtail braids, blue eyes and large, thick and too round glasses

She was Roberta, Maria Rosarita Cisneros of Black Lagoon

Instead, the last one member was an older man wearing a dark aquamarine suit adorned with golden ornaments, and he had long white hair that was tied in a ponytail on the back

No doubt this man was Valkenhayn R. Hellsing

Tian'er watched these three people and soon smiled because she could feel that these people who looked 'helpless' were real people who hid a great power within them

"I see you had everything ready ... But what about her?" Tian'er had also noticed that there was a fourth presence that was being hidden or rather that person thought that

The person behind the door was startled while she was very scared, it was because only a few hours ago she was at home when these three people dressed as servants had come to look for her

She clearly resisted but did not have the strength to escape and simply surrendered to her destiny but since she arrived everyone treated her very well even she felt like those Young Clan Masters who everyone adored

But just a few minutes ago they had informed him that it was time to see the 'Master' she felt quite discouraged in her heart, she had lived a lot in this city and things like being kidnapped to be raped by Patriarchs or Young Masters of the Clans not it was very rare to happen these days

But when she arrived at the Great Salon and watched the black-haired man she felt a lot of familiarities that was when she heard him speak and she quickly realized that this was the man who had saved her!

"... M-Master ..." She came out behind the door while leaning slightly nervously

Ichigo and Tian'er looked at her, Tian'er had realized that this woman in front of her was actually the peasant who had been saved from the Young Master of the Biang Clan before, she gave him a look at Ichigo questioningly

Ichigo just rolled his eyes before looking at the woman in front of him "You don't need to bow down, I haven't brought you here to become my subordinate, much less my wife, I've brought you with another intention that's all"

The woman's heart tensed a lot while she seemed to feel fear, but Ichigo's next words made her feel confused

"I want you to take care of this place, I want you to become the Young Teacher of this place ... The Young of the Ryodan Clan ..."

"Y-I ... Why?"

"It's because even if I said you were under our protection there will be a time where someone will try to hurt you because of us, that's why I decided to give you this opportunity ... If you decide to keep my words then you will live peacefully in this place"

"But ... Why me? ... I don't understand, I don't even know them"

Up to this point, even Tian'er was quite confused with the situation, but Ichigo's next words only made her laugh softly

"It's because you remind me of a certain person that's all ... So what have you decided? Mei"

Mei ... Mei was scared when she heard how Ichigo said her name but she clung to the edges of her clothes with an expression of confusion, she didn't know whether to accept this offer or not

On the one hand, she would live peacefully and no one would bother her, but on the other, she would have to keep making a living selling cheap food at the City market ... It was a very easy decision to choose, but was it really?

What if she joined and these people tried to use her?

If she were being played by these people?

... If these people suddenly changed their minds and abused her, she could not get those ideas out of her head because in this world where the strongest is right she had observed how this kind of thing happened

Even her best friend was kidnapped by a person from a Clan and a week later they found her dead in the nearby rivers ... She didn't want to risk her life, much less when she was supposed to have a little sister

Suddenly while she was breaking up, what decision to take felt a warm hand rub her head with love and she raised her eyes just to notice how the man who had saved her was smiling friendly

"You think too much ... I promise I wouldn't hurt you, I know it's only words but I keep my promises ..."

Mei was silent and she nodded, she had made a decision, she didn't know if she was being a fool for believing in such words but she had already decided

"... I will ... I will become the Young of the Ryodan Clan, starting today my name is ... Ryodan Mei"

Ichigo showed a smile, why did he do this?

He didn't know very well either, but when he found out that Mei had a little sister he had felt quite a synergy between them, it was because he had seen himself

Mei was a woman who was trying to get her life going while she was taking care of her little sister, Mei who apparently was only eighteen years old already had a big burden on her but still, she persisted and tried to give her little sister everything

How could someone like Ichigo who loved his little sister very much not feel emotional enough seeing those things, therefore he had made this decision because he needed someone to take care of this new Residence and also because he wanted to help Mei

"You should bring your little sister with you now ... Roberta I want you to accompany her and take care of her on the road, from now on you have to take care of both"

The three present nodded, Mei looked at Ichigo before bowing "Thanks ..."

It was those words ... They were the same as she had said the same time she had been saved but this time she had said it with greater gratitude, Ichigo nodded and then Mei went with Roberta to look for her little sister

Tian'er looked at her father and she was quite happy with the situation, she knew that this man in front of her had a mysterious past and also an unfathomable force but still had very open feelings

She could not call him a God, but rather a mere human with overwhelming power

"Come on ..." Ichigo said softly and Tian'er nodded soon both had disappeared from that place, they were ready to cause disturbances in this world and make themselves known

The next morning things in the City were quite agitated, it was because the news that the Biang Clan had been eliminated was spread word of mouth throughout the City as if it were a fire

Some Civilians even approached the Property of the Biang Clan just to notice that now things had changed, the old 'B' Logo of the Biang clan had been replaced by the symbol of a twelve-legged spider

In addition, nobody knows how but you could see an absolute renovation to the place, it was as if they had been working overnight to rebuild the place since the old gray walls were now black

There was a blood-red metal fence covering the entrance while the symbol of a spider with twelve red legs gave everyone a sense of danger

Beyond the metal bars, you could see the main houses that had many beautiful decorations outside and when they noticed how a servant swept the dry leaves they almost felt that the world was gone

It was because they saw such a beautiful woman! Hilda who was usually already beautiful in this world was like seeing an Elf or a Fairy for these people

"Please move away from the vicinity of the Ryodan Clan" At that time all those who were immersed in the beauty of Hilda froze when they noticed another beautiful woman looking at them through the metal bars

It was a beauty with a cold look but she clearly exuded an air of danger around her, nobody could feel that this woman contains 'Qi' but instinctively everyone stepped back

"Clan Ryodan?" One of the nearby Civilians asked quite confused

The beautiful woman who was Roberta raised her hand pointing to the spider symbol "Clan Ryodan, Gen'ei Ryodan ..."

The words spoken by her caused some to feel quite nervous when they remembered that the people of Gen'ei Ryodan murdered the entire Biang Clan therefore instinctively withdrew

Even so, some people stared into the distance, it was the Patriarchs of some Clans who were looking towards the new Ryodan Clan with rather confusing expressions.

"Did they become a Clan now?"

"Why would they do that? Try to fight with us in the takeover?"

"I don't know ... Hey, isn't that? ... The Peasant woman from before?"

Just when this man's words were over everyone now watched as Mei, now known as Ryodan Mei was walking in the Ryodan Clan complexes while the servants bowed politely towards her

This caused the Patriarchs to place confused and tense expressions in their eyes, one of them was about to speak when a subordinate appeared with some agitation in his expression

"Master! Master!"

"What happens?"

"The ... The Gen'ei Ryodan has registered with the Assassins Guild!"

"And that?"

All the Patriarchs here knew that Gen'ei Ryodan registered in the Assassins Guild yesterday so hearing from this subordinate was pretty stupid.

Even so the subordinate took some air before speaking "They ... They accepted a mission in the City nearby and ..."

"And? Speak now! Leave the detours!"

"They destroyed it ...!"


Yes, exactly that kind of explosion happened in their heads when that information was told to them ...

Gen'ei Ryodan ... What monsters do you have in your Organization?