One must see through the deceit of one's very own truth. Do you believe in the Old Gods? This story follows the life of a young African boy, who was ripped from the life he had known and thrown into an unforgiving one where a single mistake could cost him everything. Being branded a "thrall", he was to be sold but an unforeseen event swept him ashore in the heart of the Norsemen, the Vikings. What fate has the Gods chosen for this child? is it one of salvation or one of destruction? COVER IS OWNED BY ME!
The long-awaited day arrived, and the streets of Kattegat lay quiet and calm. The skies were clear, with no hint of rain to disrupt the proceedings
Vikings were stationed outside, standing guard. However, the citizens remained hidden indoors, wary and uncertain of King Asmund's intentions. Tensions ran high.
Askild understood that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Asmund and extend his influence into Vestfold. Yet, such an act would tarnish his reputation. Trust among kingdoms was a currency more valuable than gold, and Askild could not afford to squander it.
Asmund arrived at last, mounted majestically on a white horse and flanked by a retinue of towering Vikings. This precaution was expected; it would have been reckless for him to come alone.
The men surrounding Asmund were all giants, the shortest among them standing at 6'3". Their sheer size intimidated many of the Kattegat Vikings, though some saw it as a challenge. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, and a few were eager to test this adage.
Signy was on a black horse beside his father, they were the only two on a horse as the rest of his men were on their feet, they had walked here.
"Welcome, King Asmund," said Asger, stepping forward to greet the King of Vestfold. Tasked with ensuring Asmund's safe passage to the throne room, Asger had prepared meticulously to avoid any incident.
Asmund scrutinized the brawny man before him. He matched the description given by the boy who had been spared to deliver the news of Egil's defeat. "Are you not Asger?" the king asked.
Asger nodded, meeting Asmund's gaze for a moment that lingered too long.
"I am honored that the King of Vestfold knows my name, but I can only permit you and one other to advance past this point," Asger told the mounted King. Asmund looked right at him, there was no hostility from Asger despite the Vikings around him emitting killing intent.
Asmund dismounted his horse and motioned for Signy to do the same. The young prince complied, though his legs wobbled slightly as they touched the ground. He quickly steadied himself, masking his nerves.
"I will bring my son," Asmund declared. Asger bowed respectfully before gesturing for them to follow. The Vikings from Vestfold glared at Asger, but he paid them no mind. They might emit killing intent, but standing deep in enemy territory, it was clear Kattegat held the upper hand.
King Asmund and his son followed Asger into the throne room, where Askild waited.
Asger, however, stood outside as this was the wish of King Askild and Askild being the strongest warrior in Kattegat meant his combat skills were far from lacking.
"Welcome to Kattegat, King Asmund," Askild said, rising from his throne. "And who might the young man beside you be?"
Askild descended the steps, a gesture of respect that acknowledged Asmund as an equal.
Signy, however, glared at Askild. When their eyes met, Signy quickly looked away, unnerved. Askild's gaze was cold and void of emotion, like staring into an abyss.
"That is my son, Signy. Forgive his manners, he is still a hot-blooded boy," Asmund said to the descending king.
"Hahaha! We were all hot-blooded once," Askild laughed. "I understand his feelings. But let us get straight to business." He stepped closer to his visitors, stopping just inches away.
A table and two chairs had been arranged in anticipation of the meeting. "Please, take a seat. We have much to discuss," Askild said, his voice gravelly.
Asmund sat down while Signy stood behind him. "Where is Egil?" Asmund demanded, his tone brimming with hostility.
"Father!" Bjorn shouted, bursting into the house, with Tyr close behind, equally energetic.
Both children ran into the house, they saw their father resting his head on the luscious thighs of his wife.
"What is it Bjorn, can't you see I am resting?" Ragnar complained to his son, he was interrupting his resting time.
"Father! Tyr just said he will beat me in a fight! Tell him he is wrong!" Bjorn shouted from the top of his lungs.
"Tell him, father!" Tyr shouted back with Ragnar fuming internally, these little runts had ruined the mood because he could not get back into it now.
"Damn it you little brats!" Ragnar shouted louder than both of them combined, jerking himself off Lagertha's thighs and glaring at his children right in the eyes.
"Soon, you'll learn there's more to life than fighting!" he added, his voice firm. But his words were cut short when he noticed a figure approaching the house.
The man inched closer every second, and the closer he got the closer Ragnar got to the door.
Tyr and Bjorn were both curious about who made their father act this way but they could not see through the window as their father had already instructed them to go back.
"Everyone be quiet," he whispered before throwing open the door and leaping at the approaching stranger.
Elsewhere, Ulf remained in his home, unconcerned about King Asmund's visit. Ulf rarely ventured out, dedicating his time to building his strength and honing his skills. His only indulgences were the company of whores and slaves during his leisure hours.
Ulf longed to earn recognition from King Askild. He knew the only way to achieve this was by surpassing Ragnar in the upcoming expedition.
Suddenly, a loud knock echoed through the house, three aggressive bangs. Ulf tensed, gripping a small butcher knife as he cautiously approached the door.
When the door swung open, Ulf lunged at the visitor, ready for confrontation.