One must see through the deceit of one's very own truth. Do you believe in the Old Gods? This story follows the life of a young African boy, who was ripped from the life he had known and thrown into an unforgiving one where a single mistake could cost him everything. Being branded a "thrall", he was to be sold but an unforeseen event swept him ashore in the heart of the Norsemen, the Vikings. What fate has the Gods chosen for this child? is it one of salvation or one of destruction? COVER IS OWNED BY ME!
Tyr snuck back to bed to lay beside Gudrun but unbeknownst to him, she was awake but feigning to be asleep. She wondered, where was Tyr going every time?
The night passed on with relative peace but everyone was awakened by the smell of smoke, the building burning and screams of anguish echoed in the next room.
"Gudrun! Wake up!* Tyr called out, shaking the sleeping girl awake. He was surprised she could sleep through the chaos. No l
Tyr was happy there was a back door to escape from and he rushed there first to see what had happened.
He was confused because there was no reason this building should be on fire, the only thing that came to his mind was an accident occurring but there was no reason it would escalate this badly.
What came to his mind next was the burning building in Kattegat where he had rescued Ulrik and co.