
The Son of Merlin

Meet Merlin’s one of many creations: Gino, a African-American born in Louisiana where just his aura was enough to unite gangs at his school making him the most feared among everyone and he’s also a martial artist. what differs him from others is his ability to change his eye color from golden to pitched black. he’s a very cocky person except towards people he genuinely respects one day his boring life at the muggle school was about to change

Zaycanwrite · Bücher und Literatur
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14 Chs

Condemned to Azkaban

The grand hall of the Council of the Phoenix fell deathly silent as the Chief Warlock rose from his seat, his aged features set in a grave expression. Cobalt, Merwin, and Gino stood before the assembled council, their faces a mix of defiance and trepidation.

"Cobalt, Merwin, and Gino," the Chief Warlock intoned, his voice echoing through the cavernous chamber. "You stand accused of the gravest of crimes - the murder of innocent witches and wizards, and the utter destruction of the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, our most revered institution."

The trio exchanged a tense glance, their shoulders squared as they faced the judgment of the Council.

"The evidence against you is overwhelming," the Chief Warlock continued, his weathered gaze sweeping over the accused. "Your actions have shaken the very foundations of our world, shattering the peace we have fought so hard to preserve."

Gino opened his mouth, but a stern gesture from the Chief Warlock silenced him. "Your pleas will fall on deaf ears. The Council has deliberated, and our decision is final."

The air seemed to grow heavy with anticipation as the Chief Warlock paused, his expression etched with a mix of sorrow and resolve.

"For the count of murder and the obliteration of Hogwarts, you are hereby sentenced to one thousand years in the depths of Azkaban."

A collective gasp rippled through the assembled councilors, the magnitude of the punishment hanging in the air like a shroud. Cobalt's eyes widened, while Gino's face remained impassive. Merwin's expression shifted from defiance to a flicker of fear, the reality of their fate setting in.

"One thousand years," the Chief Warlock repeated, his voice laced with finality. "May the weight of your sins forever haunt you within the unforgiving confines of that accursed prison."

Merwin stood in stunned silence, the finality of the Council's judgment settling over them like a heavy mantle. "This is bullshit!" Gino yelled as two men came to grab and cuff him, his struggles echoing through the hall. "This is an outrage!" Cobalt bellowed, his outburst met with a shove as he was pressed against the wall and restrained.

Merwin, in contrast, surrendered silently, his shoulders slumped with the weight of their fate. As the trio was escorted from the chamber, the air itself seemed to crackle with the gravity of their punishment, a testament to the irreversible consequences of their actions.

The boys were being taken to a high-security transport vessel that would ferry them to the notorious wizarding prison of Azkaban. The journey would be long and arduous, a harrowing prelude to the torment that awaited them in the depths of that accursed fortress.

As they were marched through the halls towards the docks, Cobalt and Gino continued their defiant struggles, hurling curses and insults at the guards. Merwin, however, remained eerily calm, his gaze fixed ahead with a somber resignation.

They got on the vessel and Merwin and Gino sat next to each other and Cobalt sat across. "Shit, I can't believe you assholes got me stuck in prison. I was happy in New Orleans, pitting people against each other, just because. Somehow being strong as hell and an amazing martial artist. IT WAS NICE, NOW I HAVE TO SPEND THE REST OF MY CHILDHOOD IN FUCKING PRIDON, BECAUSE YOU DECIDED TO HAVE DADDY ISSUES!" Gino yelled angrily and kicked Cobalt in the Face. Cobalt's head ripped off but he quickly regenerated. He then cracked his neck and back fisted Gino. "Stop your whining! I had an empire, fans, a whole cult following behind me! But I gave it all up to be a goody two shoes! SO STOP COMPLAINING!"

Gino used his sleeve to wipe the blood. "Oooh, motherfucker, you so lucky I'm in these cuffs! If I wasn't in these cuffs, I'd take Merwin's Excalibur, and stick it DEAD up your ass before you could regenerate!" He exclaimed and before Cobalt could respond, Merwin finally spoke. "1000 years, I'm not immortal like the two of you. I don't have Merlin's blood, so I'll die." He said silently, resignation evident in his voice.

The weight of Merwin's words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the vastly different fates that awaited each of them in the looming shadow of Azkaban. As the transport vessel departed, carrying the trio towards their unforgiving punishment, the only certainty was the long and arduous journey that lay ahead.

The silence that followed Merwin's words was deafening, the reality of their situation sinking in. Cobalt and Gino, despite their immortality, were not immune to the dread that filled the air. The prospect of an eternity in Azkaban was a fate worse than death, a never-ending torment that would test even their formidable resilience.

Gino, usually brash and defiant, was uncharacteristically quiet. His gaze was fixed on the floor, his mind undoubtedly grappling with the enormity of their sentence. Cobalt, on the other hand, was staring out of the vessel's window, his eyes reflecting the bleak landscape that was rapidly receding into the distance.

The journey was long and silent, the only sound being the hum of the vessel's engine and the occasional clink of their shackles. The trio was lost in their thoughts, each dealing with the impending doom in their own way.

As the notorious silhouette of Azkaban came into view, a chill ran down their spines. The fortress was as imposing as the legends described, its towering walls and ominous aura a stark reminder of the despair that awaited them.

The vessel docked, and the trio was roughly escorted off. As they were led towards the entrance of the prison, the reality of their fate hit them like a physical blow. This was it. The beginning of their thousand-year sentence.

Merwin, the mortal among them, was visibly shaken. His face was pale, his eyes wide with fear. Cobalt and Gino, despite their bravado, were not faring much better. The sight of Azkaban had a way of humbling even the most formidable of beings.

As they were led into the depths of the prison, the weight of their sins seemed to grow heavier with each step. The cold, damp air of the prison was a stark contrast to the warmth of the Council's grand hall, a cruel reminder of the life they had left behind.

Their cell was as grim as they had imagined - cold, damp, and devoid of any comfort. The only source of light was a small, barred window high up on the wall, barely enough to illuminate the gloom.

As the heavy door closed behind them, the finality of their sentence hit them. They were prisoners now, condemned to spend an eternity in this hellhole. The reality of their situation was a bitter pill to swallow, a stark contrast to the lives of power and freedom they had once enjoyed.

As the first night fell, the trio huddled together in the cold, their minds filled with thoughts of the long, arduous journey that lay ahead. The only certainty was the grim reality of their sentence - a thousand years in the depths of Azkaban.