
The Son Of Madara Uchiha

The greatest shinobi to ever live. The God Of Shinobi. The World Guardian. The Tailed Beast Tamer. The Black Reaper. Demon Of Red Eyes. All titles given to one person, Izuryu Tsukisumi. Yet hidden behind all that power and knowledge was a man who had come from a place where he had seen all that would happen decades in the future. He had three wishes that he could fulfill, yet he choose to be the son of The Ghost Of The Uchiha. The Son Of Madara Uchiha.

Wushu_Drunken_Hobo · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 4: Early Graduation Assesment, Becoming a Genin

As the sound of a pencil writing echoed around the room, Izuryu finished the last question of his theoretical exam. The theoretical exam had mathematics, shinobi history, world geography and chakra studies.

For an earthling who had 15 years of compulsory education, everthing was pretty easy. Even though some subjects were completely different, as long as he paid attention in his class, he would be able to pass those subjects easily too.

After he reviewed his answers, he pushed the paper forwards as it went through the glass wall and appeared in the hands of the Hokage. The paper was turned into 3 more papers as he passed them to the council-members.

25 minutes later all four nodded towards each other as they declared:

"Izuryu Tsukisumi, you have successfully passed the theoretical segment of the graduation assessment. Head to the 25th training ground for your practical examination."

Izuryu nodded and stood up from his seat, on which an Anbu member opened the door of the room. Izuryu headed out of the room and moved towards the 25th training ground where 4 Anbu members, The Hokage and Danzo were waiting for him.

"For your practical assessment, you'll be tested on your Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu. Councilman Danzo and I will have the final decision of whether you pass or not. And because you requested for early graduation, the difficulty of your tests will be up by a notch."

Izuryu nodded as he prepared himself for the upcoming test.

"First you'll be tested on your Taijutsu prowess. You'll have to be able to fight an Anbu member for 5 minutes without getting serious injuries or passing out."

An Anbu member wearing a dog mask came forward as he stood in-front of Izuryu.


Izuryu rushed towards the Anbu member as his Eight Gates buffed vision quickly scanned him for any muscle movement. He punched towards the Anbu's abdomen as Izuryu jumped towards him.

The Anbu grabbed Izuryu's leg as he tried flinging him away only for Izuryu to use the force of the fling to hook his neck.

Izuryu moved some chakra on his fist as he punched the Anbu's neck.

The Anbu ducked as Izuryu was interrupted in the middle of his move.

He tried to fling Izuryu again, but Izuryu slipped down from his back, kicking the Anbu in the back of the knee.

The Anbu lost his balance and Izuryu utilized that opening as he sent a kick right in the middle of the Anbu's legs, aiming for his crotch.

But as he was about to kick a voice interrupted the battle.

"Stop! The Taijutsu test is over."

Both Izuryu and the Anbu member got back to their positions as Hiruzen announced the next test.

"The next test will be the Ninjutsu test. Here you'll have to perform as the Clone jutsu. And due to the added difficulty, you'll have to perform an elemental jutsu that needs to reach genin standard."

Izuryu nodded as he started making hand-signs for the clone jutsu.

Ram → Snake → Tiger

"Clone Jutsu! (Bunshin No Jutsu)"

An identical afterimage of Izuryu appeared next to him with a poof as he shouted the name of the jutsu.

The Hokage nodded to Izuryu as he approved of the clone.

The clone disappeared with a flash as Izuryu started making handsigns once more, yet this time with a much higher speed and number of hand-signs.

"Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu! (Great Dragon Fire Jutsu)"

A giant fireball was fired off from Izuryu's mouth as the fireball transformed into a giant dragon head, heading towards Hiruzen with great speed, burning everything in its path.

Hiruzen raised a giant earth wall to block the fireball, which hit the wall with full force. It moved around the wall as a semi cuboid of flame was created. Yet the fireball couldn't pass through the it even though the wall was almost turned into ashes due to the sheer heat of the flame.

'It didn't break even though I used two-thirds of my chakra reserve! What a strong wall… I did expect at least that much from him, after all he's the Hokage.'

Hiruzen too was surprised. The power Izuryu's jutsu had was completely off the charts in comparison to a normal genin, almost reaching chunin level. Along with the fact that Izuryu hadn't even reached 7 years old, such prowess was less like a genius's but more like a monster's.

While Hiruzen was pleasantly surprised for the fact that Konoha was about to soon have another pillar of support, Danzo had more dangerous thoughts.

'If I can acquire this child in my Root, then I'd have a very good tool. By nurturing him I could use his talents to unite the world with Konoha as the greatest of all. I'll be able to become Hokage and Konoha will become the greatest of the world.'

Danzo inwardly smirked at his 'intelligence', unknowing that a 6-year-old child had already seen through his thoughts.

'This bastard is probably thinking about making me his tool…' Izuryu thought as he shivered at the thought of being tortured until he lost his will.

"As for the final examination, a genjutsu will be cast on you. You'll pass if you're able to either break through the genjutsu or be able to resist it for a certain amount of time."

Hiruzen explained as a female anbu member came forward.

"Are you ready?" asked Hiruzen.

Izuryu nodded as he faced the female anbu member.

She put her palm on Izuryu's forehead as chakra started flowing into his nervous system.

A second later, Izuryu was in a battlefield with hundreds of shinobi fighting against each other. Some were wielding kunai, some katanas, swords, tantos etc. Jutsus were all around the battlefield as tens of hundreds died every second.

A shinobi in the attire of the hidden cloud rushed at Izuryu who was possessing a leaf ninja's body. Izuryu knew what he had to do, simply do enough damage to break out of this illusion.

While inside Izuryu's head he was going through a physical battle, outside the illusion, Hiruzen and Danzo were arguing quite a lot as well.

"Hiruzen, I shall be taking this child for Root. If nurtured properly, he can become a great tool to fight against the hidden villages."

"No! Danzo, Root is the shadow that protects Konoha within the darkness. Yet, when someone is protecting the hidden leaf from the shadows, someone needs to protect the village within the light as well!"

Danzo was about to argue back when Hiruzen suddenly yelled.

"Shimura Danzo! Do not think I do not know what happens within Root. Even if it is lead by you, I as the Hokage still have authority to know what happens! Just because it is hidden from the light doesn't mean you can do things that are consumed by darkness and hatred. Root was made so that Konoha could do things that should never be shown within the light, not so that you can fulfill your ambition and experiments within it. Beware, just because you are my friend and fellow comrade doesn't mean you cannot be punished by me."

The training ground was had an eerie silence as Danzo, who was behind Hiruzen had an ugly expression.

While this moment was supposed to be a reality check, it was also the moment of birth of the infamous Juinjutsu, Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal.


Within the genjutsu, Izuryu had already killed quite a lot of enemy shinobi.

'I know this is a genjutsu but it's not making it any better! Fuck!' swore Izuryu inwardly as he stabbed into a Suna-nin aiming for him.

'I'd be dreaming if I want to break it from outside, I've lost all contact with my body yet the scary part is that what Danzo could be doing to my body…'

As he was fighting, something clicked in his mind.

'If this is happening in my mind then isn't this just like a lucid dream!'

While the Anbu member had indeed put him into a complete metal Genjutsu, she couldn't intervene in it. After all, Tsukuyomi was the only know ability to be able to complete control a target within a Genjutsu.

As such, this 'world' was almost like a lucid dream of sorts, where Izuryu knew about his real identity while at the same time, was participating within the activities happening in the Genjutsu.

This Genjutsu was based off on the assumption that Izuryu wouldn't know how it worked.

Yet, now that he did, his Eight Gates enhanced brain quickly went into action, making chakra flow into Izuryu's cerebral cortex, trying to expel the foreign chakra out of his body.

Inside the dream, Izuryu was using the chakra within the Eight Gates by stretching the world within the Genjutsu to it's limit.

The Genjutsu worked by using the chakra within Izuryu's cerebral cortex to make it seem like he was in a real battlefield. It had to constantly make sure that the require nerve signals were going properly at each moment to make the Genjutsu as effective as possible. Each second, chakra was being used to send certain brain signals. As long as Izuryu didn't to anything too atrocious, it would have been a pretty effective illusion.

Yet what the Anbu ninja didn't know was that Izuryu wasn't actually a normal kid who didn't know a lot about the world.

He was a cultured soul from Earth who had read and seen many atrociously powerful and mind-boggling things in many different forms of media.

Then came a scene very spicy for the eyes.

Characters ranging from a certain AI idol performing a move with syllables including "Ka", "Me", "Ha" while having her hair floating straight, to a blue racoon like cat using a torch to make anything the light shined on extremely tiny were constantly influencing the illusion.

While the mastermind of this illusion was admiring his masterpiece while sitting in a luxurious seat while being fed different fruits by ladies from many different shows.

But as a few minutes went on, certain 'black spots' started appearing within the genjutsu. This was because there wasn't enough chakra to be able to 'load' those spots.

So, as minutes passed by more and more of these 'black spots' appeared on the mindscape.

Eventually, as that was left was a black void, there wasn't any chakra to make the brain think there was anything there, yet the effects of the genjutsu were still there, making it as though Izuryu was in a 'spectator' mode.

He couldn't do anything within the void because his brain hadn't recovered to the point of being able to move his limbs, yet the chakra within his cerebral cortex was gone, making his sensory functions go back to normal.

So, Izuryu watched as Danzo and Hiruzen fought. And jusr as his brain recovered and he 'loaded' everything, their argument finished.

Izuryu opened his eyes to Hiruzen watching him. As he successfully got control of body, he slumped down onto the ground from exhaustion. Even though the Anbu member had only used a little bit of chakra, it was still more powerful than Izuryu's chunin level chakra.

The process of expulsion had tired his body out, mentally as well as physically.

So, as Izuryu's consciousness became fainter and fainter from exhaustion, he finally heard the words he wanted to hear.

"Congratulations Izuryu Tsukisumi! You have passed the exam and become a genin of the Village Hidden In The Leaves."

But what he didn't know was that due to the large amount of stimulation his brain had received due to the Eight Gates as well as the Genjutsu, a certain chakra was emitted from the brain to the eyes.

Izuryu's eyes that were hidden under his eyelids slowly started changing as the pupils became blood red, eventually forming one tomoe right above Izuryu's pupils.

His sharingan had awoken.
