
U.A. Entrance Exam

"----" Speech

'----' Thought

(----) Thought in the middle of a sentence.

*----* Sound noises


(Rick's Pov)

Today is the day. The entrance exam for U.A. happens in a few hours.

I'm already wearing my military uniform and my helmet, waiting for breakfast to be ready while smoking a cigar and reading 'The Art of War', the greatest war book in history. Let's hope it's not bacon and eggs again. It's almost like the only recipe Nemuri knows. [1]

"Rick! Breakfast is- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Speaking of the devil…

"What? I'm chilling."


"Relax! This is part of my quirk. I can summon cigars at will, with no health problems whatsoever." I explained to the woman.

"I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" She yelled back in full force.

Urgh. While she rants about things 'I'm not supposed to do', why not remember the last 5 to 6 months I trained with my bro?



"Hit like you mean it!" I said to the grenette in front of me. He clenched his fist and threw his arm at my open hand.


After a long silence and processing what could be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen, I say.

"… was that a punch?"

"Y-Y-Yes?" The boy answered.

"Have you never thrown a punch in your life? I've seen kids punching harder than this!"

"I-I-I… never threw a punch, ever." He replied.

"Really? Have never got pissed and punched some maggot that f*cked with you? You are quirkless, I'm sure you had at least once in your life." I reasoned.

"… It's wrong to hurt others." For f*ck's sake! I decided to teach him how to fight since having a strong body with no experience whatsoever is not more than a useless piece of meat, especially against U.A. robots. But I'm beginning to regret it…

"Yeah, you are right. It's wrong to hurt others, not 'them'. Some bastards only learn through a shovel in the head. What about All Might? Does he stop villains by giving them a pat on the back?! No! He f*cking punches them! In a perfect world, you would be right." I continued.


Izuku stood there stunned at the 'revelation', or what a normal man would call, 'common sense'. I had to bring out his inner rage. Make this marshmallow harden to a stone.

"Now, punch my face!"

"W-What?!" The boy shook at my demand.

"Yeah! Punch my face! Or are you too much of a p*ssy to do it? I guess I wasted my time knowing you." I turned my back on him and started walking away.

"All that talk about doing whatever it takes to be a hero, and you can't even throw your arm at me, who is literally asking you to do it? You can't be a hero."

"W-W-Wai-" I cut him off.

"Your mother supporting your training, All Might trusted his own power and legacy into useless you, and you can't do something even brainless monkeys can do?!" I hissed at him.

"Rick! P-Please, it's not like that!"

"Then PUNCH. MY. FACE! You useless green piece of shi-"


I stumbled a little bit, surprised at the sudden fist meeting my face.

"Wow, you actually did it. I was half expecting you to chicken out. My nose is even bleeding a little!" I told the boy who was panting for breath.

"I'M SO SORRY, RICK!" Izuku bowed to me frantically.

"I asked you to do it! That's what I wanted to see! Converting emotion into motion! Into physical power! Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield! But now, you are ready to learn the art of combat." [2]

After this, every day I mock fought Izuku. It was a bit hard at the beginning, since he insisted on only using his arms like a boxer, or rather, All Might. After days of me sweeping his feet off the ground with my legs made him realize he had legs! How dense can someone be?! It was smooth sailing from that point forward. The maggot learned pretty fast.

I also gave my bro a gym pass for him to continue working out since He and I cleaned the Takoba beach. All Might from time to time came there and gave some pointers to his protégé on what he did wrong in his battles.

I also didn't lazy around in these months. I trained my muscle control, air maneuverability endlessly. I can move all my body muscle fibers into a punch, making it hit much harder, and dodge in ways that for someone with my body build should be impossible.

I can change my directions mid-air easily. I can't make sharp turns though, it completely stops my momentum and I just fall straight to the ground. This, however, can be quite useful. I can stop my movement while in the air completely, this means that I shall never fear someone throwing me at high speeds towards something (if I'm in the air), and can be a good surprise for enemies predicting my directions.

I also took a martial art to train. Jiu-Jitsu. Why? Because of my [Mantreads] boots' 3x damage multiplier on enemies I land on. I found out that my [Crit Boost Mode] actually stack on top of this multiplier, making it exponentially more powerful. But, I know jacksh*t on how to use it properly! My army training did not have complex leg movements or attacks to properly make this boot a good weapon and not a circumstantial one.

Jiu-Jitsu has what I need, and it's a Japanese martial art so it's easy to find a place to teach me. Plus, legs are stronger than arms, it's bound to be useful.

Izuku after finding out about it recommended me some videos about a hero called Mirko. She has dark skin, red eyes, white hair, rabbit ears and tail, and a muscular frame buff enough to be attractive while not like those women in steroids (and a pair of tights that could squeeze the life out of a diamond, damn). Her entire style was around her legs which had super strength. Her super moves packed a hell of a kick (Ha!), maybe it could even rival All Might. I practiced them in my free time.

And 1 month before the exam All Might finally gave my bro [One for All]. It still gives me laughs how Yagi just went full proud and serious, giving a speech about Izuku's hard work and determination (even showing a picture of him at the start of his training), to just give him a piece of hair and say 'Eat this'. His surprised Pikachu face was so good; A pity I didn't take a photo.

The No.1 also brought both of us to U.A. so that Izuku could test his new power for the first time. And oh boy.

"Clench your butt cheeks, and yell smash inside your heart!"

"*Pftt* Hahaha! That's how you use your power?! HAHAHA!" I wheezed at how silly the strongest hero on earth sounded.

"Young Rick. This is an important moment, please stop laughing!" All Might told me, trying to collect his shattered pride.

"Alright, alright. I'm good now. Well, let's see it then."

Izuku concentrated at the open field in front of him, took a battle stance, pulled back his now glowing arm with red energy lines, and with might that could knock God off his throne, his fist shoot forward.


The punch blew away all air in front of it like a natural disaster, raising a gigantic cloud of dust.

"WOAH! That was awesome!" I said to the spectacle in front of me.

"MY ARM!!!" Izuku screamed at his now purple arm. That must hurt.

"What the hell is that?! All Might!" I yelled to the hero.

"Relax! I'm calling Recovery Girl. She will heal him in no time!" He said as he typed on his phone.

After a few minutes both the nurse and the principal come to where we were on a bus.

"What happened here? Why is that kid's arm broken?!" The granny yelled at All Might, already preparing her cane to beat the hero. Yagi was already raising his arms in surrender while backing away.

"Young Izuku used [One for All] for the first time. I didn't know what would happen. I swear!" He answered the enraged lady.

"You kids always give me trouble." She walked to the crying and kneeling Izuku and her mouth stretched and kissed the boy's head. Very creepy. The greenette limb was healing extremely fast, back to normal as if nothing ever happened.

"That's a pretty powerful Quirk." I commented at the event.

"Yes it is, isn't it Rick? She is the reason I can have lots of fun making life-threate-, I mean, hard challenges for my students." The rat replied. I'm getting bad vibes from him…

"By the way, Rick, why did you choose the regular entrance exam instead of the recommendation one? I'm sure your mother gave it her recommendation to you?" Nezu inquired. Annoying little sh*t.

"I don't need any recommendation to get into this school. Besides, it's fun pissing her off." I retorted.

"I see…"

"Getting back to the elephant in the room. Izuku, we are gonna need to work on the whole braking-your-arm thing."

"Yes. But how? I can't control it." The greenette declared. This is going to be a problem.

"All Might, do you have any tips?" I tuned to Yagi.

"Unfortunately, no. From the moment I got One for All, I could use it like it was nothing." For f*ck's sake!

"You have no ideas? It's your quirk! You are useless!" The hero scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

Why am I surrounded by idiots?!

"Izuku, you have a month to either figure something out or learn how to lower your power. Use your head, you're smart."

After a week since this incident, Izuku had an epiphany after seeing me practice my [Crit Boost Mode]. He remembered the suggestion he gave me to concentrate my crit into my limbs instead of my whole body to not exhaust my whole body and just the affected body part.

He did this in reverse. Instead of focusing all the power in a single limb, he dissipated throughout his whole body evenly, dramatically reducing its strain, and achieving what he calls [OFA: Full Cowl]. It gave his whole body a boost in every aspect.

All Might said he could draw only 5% of [OFA] in this state, which shows how powerful this quirk really is. 5% might sound little, but it's stronger than I expected. 5% of a mountain is still big. Izuku even managed to land a clear hit on me in one of our spars, something he never achieved in the past months.

(Flashback Ending)


(Rick's Pov)

It took Izuku some time but he managed to learn how to maintain this state just before U.A.'s exam. And now here we are, driving to U.A. in my Cadillac with him on the passenger's seat. Izuku couldn't stop squirming from anxiety, muttering a storm of words impossible to understand. Good thing I know a cure for this.


"OWW! Why you keep hitting me with a shovel?!" He yelled while rubbing his head.

"Why you keep getting possessed by spirits?"

He looked to the side, evading my eyes.

"That's what I thought. Anyway, we arrived."

I got out of my car towards an 'H' shaped glass building, with a pathway made of red bricks and a blue arc with a U.A. golden logo on the middle of it, followed by other cement arcs after it.

"Let's move out!" I went forward towards it with Izuku following behind me.

"Outta the way, Deku!" A guy with short, spiky, ash-blond hair, red eyes, and a light brown scarf yelled behind me.

"Kacchan!" Izuku replied to him. A friend? But my bro doesn't have any friends besides me.

"Don't stand in front of me. I'll kill you." 'Kacchan' said as he walked forward. Not giving a single f*ck to Izuku. Yep, definitely not a friend.

"M-Morning. L-Let's both do our best…" The spiky-haired boy ignored Izuku's greetings and continued going towards the exam.

"Hey, isn't that Bakugo? The one with the sludge villain?" I heard a brown-haired guy talking with an orange-haired one.

"Yeah…" They whispered to each other.

Sludge villain?

"Bro, who is that maggot?" I asked him.

"He is Kacchan, my childhood friend." He explained.

"Doesn't look very friendly to me." I rebutted.

"H-He is like that…"

"If you say so… what about the sludge villain thing? And 'Deku'?" I asked.

"I and Kacchan were involved in an attack by a villain who had a formless sludge-looking body. And Deku is my nickname. I-It means useless." Izuku explained.

"Interesting… and he is a bully too, huh. Good to know." I replied.

I resumed my steps to the massive 'H', but I was stopped by Izuku who somehow tripped and went face-first to the ground. Or it would have, if not for a girl.

"Are you alright?" A girl with shoulder-length auburn hair, eyes of the same color, a curvaceous yet slender short body, with perpetual blushes on her cheeks, asked Izuku who is now floating in the air with wide eyes, trying to make sense of the situation.

"It's my quirk. Sorry for using it without asking first." She said.

I just observed the exchange as Izuku failed to utter even a single word. I knew he was bad in social interactions but what is this?! It's like he saw an alien!

"But it'd be bad luck if you fell, right?" The brunette continued.

Izuku was blushing with his hands going everywhere in the air as if trying to get a hold of anything to deal with his current situation.

"Aren't you nervous?" It's like two completely different animals meeting for the first time in nature: A social butterfly girl and the forever-alone boy.

"U-Uh…" The greenette uttered.

"Let's do our best. See ya!" She left with a wave.

Izuku just stood there, completely in shock.

"I-I-I talked to a girl!" He declared his 'amazing' exploit with such a proud and happy face… too bad nice things have to end.

*PFFTT* HAHAHA! You call that talking? You didn't even say a single word! Jesus, bro. I knew you were bad at this, but not THIS bad."

'Deku' just looked down in shame.

"But no worry. I shall teach you how to pick up girls. I swear in America's glory!" I said as I took a step back, raising my hand to the sky. I didn't notice someone was behind me at the time, and accidentally knocked it to the ground.


"Ops. Sorry, I didn't see you there." I extended my hand towards the person.

It was a short girl with a round face and a short equine muzzle, her face framed by thick, wavy blonde hair which reaches halfway down her back. Her eyes were Prussian blue in color, and she has a pair of tall, lyre-shaped pale tan horns on her head. Her calves are notably rounded, shaped similarly to those of a horse, and she has brown hooves for feet, and a short horsetail poking out from the end of her tailbone.

Her clothes did nothing to hide her goddamn fine ass, nor her perky rack. How can someone so small be so big? Damn.

An adorable, yet hot sight. Hotness and cuteness… Perfectly balanced, like all things should be.

She took my hand to pick herself and stand up.

"N-Not a problem." She replied with a strong accent. A very, familiar accent.


"Are you an American?!" I exclaimed in English (instead of Japanese) with stars in my eyes.

"Y-Yeah! Are you one too?" The blonde girl



"LETS F*CKING GOOOO!!!" I picked her by the hips and raised her to the sky, showing the world its American glory. People were looking at me like I was crazy, they didn't understand the value of what was in front of them. Fools.

"H-Hey! C-Can you please put me down?" Said the girl, embarrassed by suddenly becoming the center of attention.

"Sure!" I put her back to the ground. I was about to asker her name when-


A loud bell rang throughout the entire place. Shit, this meant we had a few minutes to get into the room, or else we lose the written exam!

"Crap, we need to move! Pretty girl! After the exam, meet me here! We Americans gotta stick together!" I said as I ran to the building with Izuku. She stood there for a second and followed us, she was late to it just like us. Unfortunately, our rooms were in different places.


(Rick's Pov)

It took a few hours, but I was finally free from that cursed written exam! So many questions, come on! Not even the army had that many. Japaneses are freaks of nature!

I followed the instructions and went to a room where the exam orientation would happen.

It was a big room with a lot of seats aligned towards a giant screen with a U.A. logo and a stage at the end of it. A guy with upward spiral blond hair with 90' rock star clothes at the center of it. Wait, I know that guy. He is in the pictures hang on the walls in my home! He is probably the HIzashi guy that she talks to from time to time. The Voice Hero: President Mic.

"For all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today!" The hero started talking.

"Everybody say 'hey'!" He tried to motivate everyone in the room, only to meet with total silence.

I couldn't leave him hanging there. Not when he said the 'hey' part in English.

"HEY!" I yelled. Everyone in the room looked at me, who broke their sacred silence.

"Helmet kid! That's the spirit! Since everyone here seems so serious, then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam!"

"Are you ready?" He asked in English. You know the drill.

"YEAH!" I yelled again, much to the annoyance of everyone in the room. Present Mic gave me a thumbs up.

"As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this!" The screen behind the guy changed to show a bunch of squares with letters from A to G, all of them connected to a 'You are here' rectangle.

"You can bring whatever you want with you. After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, okay?" He said.


"Okay?!" He asked once more. Here we go again.

"OKAY!" It's pretty funny how everyone is cringing at me. I might need to do this more.

"Three types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty." The screen behind the hero showed a blacked-out image of a robot with a single wheel and two arms having 1P on top of it, a scorpion-like robot with 2P, and a car-like one with what seemed like boxes to launch missiles with 3P.

"You goal, dear listeners, is to use your Quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains." The screen showed a pixelated minigame with Present Mic destroying the robots, pretty neat. "Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!" He explained.

"May I ask a question?" A dark blue-haired guy with glasses stood up and raised his hand.

"Okay!" The hero pointed towards the questioner and a spotlight fell on him.

"On the printout, there are four types of villains. If that is a misprint, then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes." The four-eyed maggot continued to rant.

"In addition, you over there with the curly hair—" He pointed towards Izuku, who was behind this weirdo.

"You've been muttering this whole time. It's distracting!" I couldn't help but giggle at this. My bro has a talent for being in awkward social spots. People were grinning towards Izuku. I would feel pity, but he deserved it.

"If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!"

"I'm sorry…" Deku muttered behind his hands.

"Okay, okay, Examinee Number 7111. Thanks for the great message. The fourth type of villain is worth zero points. That guy's an obstacle, so to speak. There is one in every battle center. An obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either." The minigame on the screen showed the pixelated hero running from the weird robot.

"I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it." He suggested.

"Thank you very much! Please excuse the interruption!" The glasses examinee sat back on his seat.

"That's all from me! Finally, I'll give you listeners a present – our school motto! The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: 'A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes.' Go beyond. Plus Ultra!" The screen showed a gigantic 'Plus Ultra!'.

"Now, everyone, good luck suffering!"

One by one we left the room and went toward the buses that would bring us to our battle centers. On the way there I wished good luck to Izuku and parted ways since our designated sites were different.

When I step on the bus and went for a seat, I see the American girl in the back left corner! Today is a good day! [4]

"Pretty girl!" I shouted and sat on the seat next to her.

"O-Oh! You are here, are you also going to the G site?" She asked.

"Yeah, what luck. Isn't it?"

"Yes! Are you really an American? From what state are you from?" She questioned excitedly.

"I'm from Minnesota, Minneapolis. And you?"

"I'm from Texas! My parents moved here recently because of work, though. I-I still don't know how to speak Japanese very well…" She brushed her hair and looked to the side a bit embarrassed.

"I also moved here pretty recently too. However, I practiced Japanese years back so it is pretty good. If your speech bothers you that much, I can teach you some tricks I picked up. Wanna exchange numbers?" I asked while summoning my phone to my hand.

"Yes, thank you. I would love to." She picked her phone from her pocket and we exchanged numbers, only to realize we didn't ask for each other names.

""What's your name?"" We said at the same time. We stared at each other for a moment and burst into laughs and giggles.

"I'm Rick May, and you pretty lady?" I asked her.

"I'm Pony Tsunotori, pretty gentleman." She remarked with a grin. Hoh, so she likes to play around.

"It's a cute name. It fits you perfectly. And Tsunotori? You are half-Japanese? Me too!" She blushed a little bit at my praise. Score!

"R-Really? What a coincidence! We have so many things in common." She voiced.

"Almost like a match made in heaven, right?" I flirted with a wink. She just looked to the side, not meeting my gaze.

"Aren't you going a bit too fast? We just met each other." The horned girl rebutted with mock courage. She clearly wasn't expecting me to be so brazen about my interest.

"Sorry, not sorry." She pretended to not hear it.

"About that thing with your phone? It appeared out of nowhere, is it your quirk?"

"It's a part of it, I can store things about my size and weight in a pocket dimension I call [inventory]. It can also summon guns." I spawned one of my shotguns and de-spawned right after. "And I can change clothes in a blink." I changed my military uniform to my casual clothes and then back to my uniform. "It's called [Gun Summoning]."

"Woah. That's so cool, and convenient. Not having to change clothes? I'd die to have that. And being able to store your things in a pocket dimension? I wouldn't have to worry about my phone breaking in the exam." She observed a little sad and jealous. [3]

"If you want, I can store your phone in my [Inventory] so you don't have to worry about it. I can give it back after the exam, just meet me at U.A.'s main gate." I suggested.

"For real? Thank you, that would be so nice of you."

"It's nothing, especially for a pretty girl like you." I said while wiggling my eyebrows.

"Oh, stop you flirt! That's so dorky!" She lightly pushed me with her shoulder with a smile. Score again!

"And your Quirk? I'm going to guess it's about your horns." I questioned.

"It's called [Horn Cannon]. I can launch my horns as projectiles and other horns will grow back almost instantly. I can control 4 of them remotely at a time. I can fly by grabbing them." Pony explained.

"That's a pretty good Quirk, definitely has room for improvement. I have a friend who is a specialist when it comes to them. You know that green-haired boy who that glasses weirdo complained? It's him. He helped me develop my own in ways I didn't think was possible, I think you would gain a lot from it." I proposed

"That boy was your friend? Poor him, he was so embarrassed back there." She recalled.

"He is a bit of a socially awkward and loner, but he means well. Remember this if you ever meet him, be nice. He is going to be overwhelmed by your presence alone, he never talked to a girl in his life! I'm trying to make him come out of his shell but he stuck there like a damn turtle." I explained.

"No way. Poor him. Maybe after this, I'll give it a thought. It would be nice to meet new people, especially a potential classmate!" She reasoned.

"You got that right."

We talked a little more until she asked about my military uniform. I explained about J.A.M.S. which to my surprise she knew. I didn't know J.A.M.S. had such prestige. She was blown away that I graduated there and had a military rank already, which I of course flexed my awesomeness, getting another dork remark which I count as an absolute win.

I also noticed every man on the bus staring daggers at me. Probably because I got close to a cutie while they worried about passing or not. Hah! Get owned, maggot!

The bus stopped in front of a gigantic wall and an equally gigantic wooden gate. It reminded me a little of J.A.M.S.'s gate.

"I guess this is it. See you on the leaderboard!" I said to Pony as I got out of the bus and began to stretch my muscles, preparing for what was coming. A cool trick I found I can do is to lightly vibrate all my muscles so that all of them are warmed up and ready to go.

Pony was also stretching beside me, which made me wish I had a camera quirk. Forget about the exam, the real challenge was resisting those curves and hiding my boner. Good thing I'm wearing some pretty tight underwear today. Cuz damn, look at those curves!

I moved to a more isolated place from the group since as soon as this begins, I'm gonna fly like an eagle, soldier's style!

"Start!" The instructor yelled, people were a bit confused at the sudden declaration. Not me though, that's a rookie mistake that was beaten out of me by J.A.M.S.

I equipped my [Mantreads], [B.A.S.E. Jumper], and my [Rocket Jumper] and did what could be the most iconic thing Team Fortress 2 invented: Rocket jumping!

In a show of fire, I shot a rocket under me and flew sky high and forward, leaving all the other competitors in the dust while giving me the perfect vantage point to spot the faux villains. I found a bunch of 1P and 2P robots clustered two blocks away, and glided towards there quickly with my parachute and boots, occasionally using my [Grappling Hook] on the buildings to increase my speed.

As I flew my way over my objective I equipped my trusty [Stock Rocket Launcher] and fired an airstrike against the tin cans, leaving a pathway of scrap metal.

"There you are."

I see from the top of a short building the robot cluster, more of them coming from hangars under the street. Was this where they came from? Jackpot.

"Just me and you, lady-bots!" [5]

I switched my R-Launcher to the [Beggar's Bazooka], the perfect weapon for reckless destruction. I blew the [Buff Banner]'s horn and gave myself 10 seconds of guaranteed Mini-Crits for that sweet 35% extra damage.

"Let's kick this robot's ass back to the Bronze Age!" [5]

I jumped towards the metal horde and fired 3 rockets at once towards them, destroying a dozen robots and landing on top of one, crushing it completely under my boots 3x damage multiplier. They took notice of my actions and rushed towards me.

I took out my [Half-Zatoichi] katana and my [Righteous Bison] raygun and cut every bot closing in on me and firing at any possible moment. Even with my ruthless efficiency, the steel army managed to hit me a couple of times, but with my katana special effect of healing 50% of my health each 'kill', I was unstoppable.

Each time I fire my raygun, more than one robot gets destroyed by its piercing effect. This pistol is divine against crowded areas. Its damage penalty is completely negated with my [Buff Banner], which recharged at light speed from all the damage I was dealing (they recharge through damage), making its effect practically eternal.

My robot genocide was stopped by missiles that rained on me out of nowhere. I used a robot as a ramp and leaped over the sea of soup cans to see a row of 5 3P robots aiming their iron dome (the box which fires the rockets) at me.

"Let's give this soup can hell!" [5]

I slashed and fired my way to them and threw my grenade's belt towards the 3-Pointers, turning all of them into hot garbage from the resulting chain explosion.

The other examinees started coming where I was, probably from all the chaos they must have heard. The robots still focused on me though, so I was still ripping and tearing… until I felt the ground shake.


(3rd person Pov)

Far away in the same street, Rick was, a massive hole opened up, and from it came a colossal machine.

"Big robot!" The soldier yelled as he was about to ru- *Cough!*, tactically retreat, he hears with his enhanced ears a pained moan. [5]

Beyond the dust and destruction, there was the cute American girl he met minutes ago. She was under the rubble caused by the giant mecha from the hips below, trying to lift it with her arms and controlled flying horns from her [Horn Cannon] Quirk… to no avail.

The boy could see her face morphing from struggle into desperation as the 0-Pointer tank treads grew closer. Rick's mind went blank, but not his body, nor his soul.

He sprinted past everyone running from the robot. His body shining with energy as it left a red and blue trail like a comet.

Rick swore he would never leave a man, or woman, behind. That he would never let someone feel helpless around him.

Not while he existed.

He could not save his father, but he could save her. He would save her. He must save her. HE. WILL. SAVE. HER.

He ran with [Crit Boost Mode] towards her but saw that it was not fast enough.

Rick equipped the [Concheror] and blew its shell-horn, gaining a speed boost, but it still wasn't fast enough.

He gritted his teeth and forced the [CBM]'s multiplier to rise.


He felt his muscles burning and spasming, but it was not enough. The treads were almost on her. He pushed beyond the pain. To his utmost limit.


He ignored the taste of iron in his mouth, his screaming flesh, and the popping sounds of his bones and took another step. He felt the asphalt crack under his feet, gravity itself failing to keep him grounded, and then leaped towards the girl with a war cry. He would not have time to remove the debris from above her and then pull her, the robot was just too close. He would have to improvise and deal with them both at the same time.

He summoned the [Necro Smasher] hammer and with both hands he hammered the incoming tank treads, breaking them and stopping its movement briefly, giving him time to raise the wreckage above her. Now freed, he picked her in his arms and ran away from the zero pointer while turning off his [Crit Boost Mode], his entire body relaxing.

But he was not done yet. The robot had to pay.

"Pony! Can you move?" He asked the American girl.

"No! I think I broke something in my feet." She said with a noticeable wince of pain. For his plan to work the girl needed to be out of danger, away from him and the mecha. He suddenly had an epiphany.

"You said before you can fly by using your horns, right?" Rick asked her.

"Y-Yes?" The girl-mare confirmed.

"Get ready to fly away on three. One… THREE!" He threw her up and forward, ignoring the screams of protest Pony made. She quickly summoned 2 horns and grabbed them in her hands, controlling the pair to not fall on the ground, her momentum pushing her out of the danger zone.

He turned back and faced the massive metal giant.

Equipping his [Rocket Jumper], he propelled himself high towards the 0-Pointer. The steel colossus tried to slap him with its massive hands, but he moved out of the way with his [Air Maneuverability] increased twofold by his boots, and used the hand as a platform to rocket jump of it and reach its head, being face-to-face with the oversized tin can, literally.

This robot was like nothing he ever faced before. A couple of rockets would not bring it down. It required something powerful. His mightiest attack.

He summoned one [Cow Mangler 5000] in each hand, one with red markings and the other blue ones, and increased his [Crit Boost Mode] to 8x. Rick could already feel his body not handling the strain, blood leaving from his mouth, nose, and eyes, his clothes shredding into pieces, his shirt turned into coal. He needed to finish this in a single shot.

And a single shot is all he needed. His weapons gave an electric sound as all of its energy concentrated on its charged shot. He pointed towards the metal maggot.

"[Cow Mangler 5000: Double Charged Shot Eightfold]!!!"

Rick shouted his strongest attack to the world and pulled the trigger, yelling the last words his enemy would hear.


Two vortexes of energy shot forward, one red, and the other blue. As they raced through the air they came closer and closer with each other, until they became a single, massive, energy tornado.

For an instant, the world became silent, the power of the chaotic energy ignited the atmosphere itself before making contact with the 0-Pointer's head.

The next moment a flash of light blinds Rick, and when he opened his eyes, the head was gone. Completely vaporized, with carbonized pieces of scrap floating while getting disintegrated by a bluish/reddish plasma aura enveloping it, serving as proof that one day it existed.

Everyone froze with their mouths hanging, shocked at the display of power.

"One minute left!" A voice echoed through the fake city.

Rick, like a cartoon character that finally realized he was not on the ground and instead in the air, started falling at high speed.

'Crap! I forgot about the exam! Let's hope those points back there were enough.' He thought.

The soldier activated his parachute to stop the fall to his death. However, it had a little, tiny, problem.

'Why I am not slowing down?!'

He looked up and saw his parachute full of cuts and holes. It must have been damaged in his fight against the horde of robots! He should have unequipped it to protect it, now he was screwed!

"FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!!!" He screamed as he dive-bombed into the asphalt.

Rick seeing his imminent demise closed his eyes and embraced the incoming hard hug of stone… which never came. Why was taking him so long to reach the ground?

He opened his eyes and saw two pairs of familiar horns on his body: One between his armpits, and the other behind his knees, slowing his fall dramatically. It was Pony's Quirk!

Rick looked over the crowd of examinees and saw her standing against a wall for support, giving him a reassuring smile. Now, it's official. She is the best girl.

"Pony, haha! I own you my American ass!" He shouted in English, a language understood only by him and her, while laughing. Pony just had a small smirk and suddenly the horns stopped supporting him, making him fall flat on his face.

"Ha! Jokes on you, I'm wearing a helmet!" He stood up and went towards the girl, or what he would've done if his body responded to his commands. Pony seemed to realize something was wrong with him. She flew towards him with her horns. He was about to say he was alright but instead of words, blood came out of his mouth.

"Rick! Are you okay?!" The girl-mare blurted out in worry while kneeling near him.

"I-I'm fine, this is nothing. I c-can heal myself." He said as he equipped his [Concheror], the color slowly returning to his skin.

Pony released the breath she was holding with a sigh, and in another breath, she began to mouth off.

"Why were you so reckless?! He could have just run away! Now you are hurt!"

"Relax, U.A. got this covered. And I couldn't let that robot go unpunished, as a man and an American, I had to enact justice on his crime of hurting you. By the way, thanks for worrying about me, very sweet of you." He said with a grin.

She was about to scold him on his self-neglect but an announcement echoed.

"Time's up!"

"… Oh yeah, we were in an exam." He remembered.

"I completely forgot about it!" Pony despaired.

"Sorry for taking your last minute, Pony. I'll see if I can give you some of my points to compensate it."

The girl was touched at him willing to part his points with her. "You saved me back there. You don't own anything to be. Rather, I owe it to you."

"Nah. if you ever owed me anything, you paid it by saving me from becoming one with the earth. So, We're even?" He raised his first with difficulty for a fist bump.

"Yeah, we're even." She beamed a smile and fist-bumped his first.

Rick looked over and saw a small familiar figure walking towards him.

"You took your time, granny." He said to the person.

"Rick, you are reckless as always! Jumping towards danger, part of me wants to leave you there and see if it can get some sense past that helmet of yours!" The nurse complained.

"C'mon! What about the whole 'Plus Ultra'? Ouch!" Rick grunted as Recovery Girl hit her can on his stomach.

"These teenagers… Midoriya was already enough." The grandma ranted as she kissed him, healing all his injuries.

"Oh? What did he do this time?" He asked.

"Broke almost all his limbs and nearly fell to the ground by fighting that thing instead of running, much like you mister." The granny fumed.

"HA! That's my bro!"

Rick got up and after Recovery Girl healed Pony, they got out of the G site and went to U.A.'s main gate to meet with Izuku. He had promised Izuku to give him a lift home with his car.

After introducing Pony to Izuku (after a couple of minutes of Izuku trying to form a coherent sentence), Rick gave back Pony's phone he had stored in his [Inventory] and offered the girl if she would also like a lift to her house.

She didn't want to bother him so she refused. But, after some convincing she relented. She found his Cadillac amazing, especially since it's a custom one. She even laughed at how American it looked with its colors, bringing immense joy to Rick. A girl liking your car is definitely a score.

Rick created a chat with both him, Pony, and Izuku. While they went towards Pony home to drop her off, the girl asked the grenette about his supposed talent in analyzing quirks. He stuttered like a gag, but as soon as she told him about her quirk, he became a machine gun. Spewing word after word with no stop.

Pony was actually interested in the training they did for the exam, which the soldier took notice of and invited her to try it, explaining all the benefits she might have. Totally not an excuse to see her in gym clothes. He was such an innocent man…

As they arrived at Pony's house, they promised to meet each other soon. He dropped her off and headed to Izuku's house, and then his own.

That was one hell of a day!


(3rd Person Pov: Midnight)

Nemuri was at U.A.'s camera room, with a long screen full of camera views, watching all practical exam sites with other heroes and coworkers, seeing site G in particular. There was her son, slashing and shooting robots with a maniacal smile on his face, clearly enjoying the mayhem.

He found where the faux villains came from, and 'spawn killed' them over and over. No matter how much he got hurt, after a couple of swings of his katana, they simply disappeared, only to repeat this masochistic cycle. She wondered if he somehow inherited a bit of her personality… that was a can of worms she didn't want to open today.

"… In this practical exam, the examinees have not been informed of the number of villains or their locations. They have a limited amount of time in a vast area. They have to draw the villains out from there." Her boss, Nezu, continued talking.

"Information gathering ability to understand the situation before anyone else." The screen showed a masked six-armed tentacle guy on top of a building scanning the environment.

"Mobility that can be used in many different circumstances." Another screen showed a boy with a kind of engine in his legs.

"Discernment to be able to stay calm in any situation." Another camera showed a boy with strange clothing using a belt to fire lasers.

"And pure combat ability." The last window showed a spiky-haired boy panting with a bloodlust smile surrounded by robots, and Rick still in his frenzy.

"These basic abilities needed to keep the peace in the streets are turned into points in this test." Nezu summarized.

"Doesn't this year's group look promising?" A female hero commented while watching the cameras.

"Well, we can't know for sure yet. Their true test is still to come" A male voice replied, pressing a red button on the control board. Releasing the 0-Pointer.

The examinees ran from the giant robot like a plague. However, in Battle Center B a girl was trapped under the debris made by the big faux villain. She had short brown hair and permanent blushes on her cheeks. And in Battle Center G there was a similar sight, but instead, it was a blond girl with horns.

They could see on a screen a green-haired boy crying while seeing the metal colossus and he freezing on his tracts after seeing the girl trapped. Rick was in a similar situation, seeing the blond girl trapped. Both girls were going to be crushed by the robot's tank treads, well, not really, but the examinees didn't know that.

And both the boy and her son ran, but Midnight could only pay attention to Rick.

Nemuri saw how he started glowing in red and blue colors, lightning cracking around him. The R-Rated Hero observed how he realized he would not reach the girl in time, and then she got a glimpse of a face she only saw a few times in her entire career.

A face with an absolute resolution, the kind of face a hero had when he was ready to throw everything away and stop a threat. A dangerous face. A powerful face.

The glow on her son's body started becoming more intense, the lightning cracked violently as it ran through his body. She saw how his pained face and a trail of blood coming from his mouth. And then in a leap, he flew towards the tank treads and destroyed them with a weird hammer.

Midnight saw how he saved the girl, and then was confused why he threw her away and turned back to the 0-Pointer. She got a bad feeling from this…

'Wait… he isn't going to do it, right?' She thought.

Her son summoned a weird R-Launcher and exploded himself high towards the robot.

'That madman!'

"There is absolutely no merit in taking on that faux villain. But that creates the opportunity… for it to shine brightly…" A skeleton-looking blond guy said as a greenette and Rick jumped towards the colossal robot.

"… and rise to the surface." All the teachers and heroes in the room become wide-eyed as they look at both screens.

Rick's body glowed blue and red again, his shirt getting ripped apart and carbonized by the energy, two weird-looking weapons appearing on his hands, his nose and mouth bleeding. The green-haired kid having his sleeves shredding to pieces by glowing red veins.

And then both of them attacked the robot.

The greenette punched its face, completely smashing it, leaving a giant mark of a punch.

Rick released two vortexes of energy which combined and enveloped it in plasma, completely vaporizing its head.

"That's right. It rises to the surface…" The guy continued as both 0-Pointers exploded.

"The most important qualification of a hero…"

"The spirit of self-sacrifice!" Nezu jumped on his seat, opening his legs and arms constantly, the skeleton guy had a smile on his face.

The camera room was thrown into chaos, it was so rare someone destroying one 0-Pointer, much less two. It was the first time it ever happened.

"Midnight, how are you feeling by the spectacle your son just gave us?" Her boss asked her, every person in the room turning their head to her. Damn sadistic rat! How he loved to put people in spots.

"Wait. That's her son? She has a son?!" Cementoss asked stunned at the revelation.

Urgh. Nemuri slapped her face at the soon and as she was about to answer it—

"Hey, Nezu. Should we send someone to help them? They are falling to their deaths." Aizawa said looking towards the screen.

Both her son and the other boy fell from the sky. Rick's parachute seemed to be too damaged to work, and the other had his legs and arm broken.

"Nezu! We need to send-" She was interrupted by the rat.

"Calm down, Midnight. Trust me, look more closely." The principal pointed towards a screen showing the trapped girls positioning themselves to the falling boys, clearly planning something.

Her son's momentum was stopped by horns shot by the blond girl that seemed to be controlled by her. She saw how her son saying something, which made the girl drop him fast first to the floor. A couple of laughs were heard in the room.

The green-haired kid was slapped by the brunette, stopping his momentum with her quirk.

"This year truly is promising." The rat said with a smile.

"They a too reckless, they are going to be trouble." The beggar-looking hero commented.

"That's why I have you. Right, Eraser Head?" The principal grinned at Aizawa, much to his dismay.

"I'm taking early vacations. I'm not ready to deal with this." The scarfed hero left the room.

She giggled a little at the exchange. He was always fun to mess with his moody personality.

She left the room soon after seeing Rick getting healed by Recovery Girl. She would have some words with him about his decisions…


(Rick's Pov)

I woke up the next day with Izuku sending me a volley of messages.

[4LL_M1GH7_Gr33n]: Rick! I don't think I passed the practical exam! I defeated so few faux villains…

[S0Ld/3r]: Bro, why you think that especially so early in the morning?! Didn't you destroy the giant robot? That's gotta be of some value.

[4LL_M1GH7_Gr33n]: But they are worth 0 points!

Oh. This might be a problem.

[S0Ld/3r]: Hold a second there.

I went out of my room towards the living room.

"Nemuri, did I get points by destroying that giant robot?" I asked the hero, who was also a teacher at U.A.

"Rick, this is confidential information. Just be patient and you will see in a few weeks your score." She said while watching the T.V. on the sofa.

Crap. I might need to pull my secret weapon. I don't like using it, but for my bro, I shall sacrifice my dignity just this once. Calling her… 'mom'.

"I got a friend who is super nervous. He is a hero fanboy and dedicated his entire life to it. His heart might stop beating from anxiety alone. Please, mom. I promise me and neither he will reveal anything to anyone." I looked at her with puppy eyes.

She moved from the sofa slowly, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"… You know that helmet block your 'puppy eyes', right?"

I lifted my helmet just a little bit, showing her my eyes.

"*Sigh*. Fine. You better not make this go public. The robot itself is worth zero points. But beyond the points gained by defeating villains there a rescue points. Since the 0-Pointer is an overwhelming threat, any rescue points you gain by saving anyone from it are increased." She explained.

"Thanks! I'll make you pancakes later!" I ran back to my room.

"That kid…" She muttered in the background.

[S0Ld/3r]: I'm back!

> [4PPL3_Pi3] is now online!

[4PPL3_Pi3]: Hello, everyone! \(●◠‿◠●)ノ

[S0Ld/3r]: Oh, hey Pony. Good morning! You arrived just in time.

[S0Ld/3r]: My mother just told me that U.A. has not only hero points, but rescue points awarded by saving people from danger. Bro, you said you destroying the big tin can because of that nice girl at the entrance, right?

[4LL_M1GH7_Gr33n]: Yeah.

[4PPL3_Pi3]: Wait. You also destroyed the 0-Pointer?! That's awesome!

[4LL_M1GH7_Gr33n]: T-T-Thanks.

How can someone type stuttering?

[4PPL3_Pi3]: And Rick. How does your mother know that?

[S0Ld/3r]: Oh yeah, you don't know. My mother works there. Have you ever heard of Midnight?

[4PPL3_Pi3]: You mean the R-Rated Hero who made hero costumes have exposure restriction?! SHE IS YOUR MOTHER?!

[S0Ld/3r]: Yup.

[4PPL3_Pi3]: You two look so different from her. Even your Quirk is different. (╭ರᴥ•́)

[S0Ld/3r]: American genes are stronger than Japanese ones. ┌(▀Ĺ̯ ▀-͠ )┐

[4LL_M1GH7_Gr33n]: U-U-Uhh… c-can we go back to the topic, please?

[S0Ld/3r]: Ahem. Anyway, the rescue points are higher depending on the danger. The 0-Pointer is the max level threat. Since you saved that brunette, you probably got a lot of them. Now stop being anxious! That's an order!

[4LL_M1GH7_Gr33n]: SIR, YES SIR!

*Sniff*… I trained him so well…

[4PPL3_Pi3]: I feel like I'm missing on something… ●︿●

[S0Ld/3r]: If you show up in one of our training you will get it. Muahaha!

[4LL_M1GH7_Gr33n]: R-Rick get a bit carried away on our… training.

[4PPL3_Pi3]: Mom, pick me up I'm scared. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

We talked a little more and convinced Pony to meet us at the Takoba Municipal Beach Park for a 'test drive' of training. Izuku already had a couple of pages worth of notes on her Quirk, the perfect bait- I mean, the reason for her to come.

Now I had to cook some pancakes for Nemuri, a promise is a promise after all.


Writing Notes:

[1] There is a taunt/animation where soldier smokes while reading 'The Art of War'.

[2] "Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield!" – Soldier

[3] Women are dying for being able to switch clothes in a second. Am I right?

[4] "Today is a good day!"

[5] All of those are soldier's lines from the TF2 mode Mann vs. Machine.

Author Notes:

Today is a good day!

I made a new cover for this fanfic and oh boy, turned out way better and easier than I expected!

Pony's image that I found has just the right amount of attractiveness without being porn-like, in such a way that nobody can call my cover a smut cover, or as I like to call them, horny bait covers.

Every time MC meets a new love interest, I'm going to add her to the cover. It's hard to organize it since the cover doesn't have much space and I still want MC to be in the center of it. He is the most important after all.

The days I spent wasting brainpower to find the perfect images and organize them perfectly within the cover… It was worth it.

A shout out to LordValmar who posted a cover pic in my last chapter. It was pretty good, but Momo is not one of my love interests sadly.

And a special thanks to everyone who posted memes (especially TF2 ones). Funniest sh*t I've ever seen.

This chapter was a bit hard to make since it finished Izuku's training and he getting OFA, while also having the whole U.A. Entrance Exam thing. I had to re-watch those MHA episodes to make it perfect.

About this chapter, did you guys like it?

Was the first interaction with MC and Pony natural?

And the scene of MC vs. The giant robot? Was it epic?

About the personalities of each character, are they natural?

And the chat thing at the end? I think it was a cool addition, but let me know.

And why I choose Pony as the love interest? Her pure, innocent, and caring personality allows her to accept MC with other girls for reasons I will not spoil. It's a bit silly, but in a world of quirks, it actually makes a lot of sense. She is also American, and in my opinion, she is the cutest one (not counting Eri). Good for a vanilla romance to start with and a somewhat normal relationship, instead of going right in a slutty type one and shamelessly make this a smut fanfic that I hate with a passion. It's also a good way to connect class 1-B with 1-A sooner.

(By the way, people think class 1-B got worse scores than 1-A at the entrance exam. But I think it's not like that. It's simply a separation, nothing like better or worse than the other. My proof to this? Tell me how an invisible girl managed to get more points than all class 1-B students? Some of them have way better quirks than invisibility, especially against robots).

The rest of the love interests have anomalous/weird personalities that they wouldn't mind or easily accept an equally anomalous relationship with MC with other women. There are some crazy b*tches in MHA, you can't deny that. I wonder how they even got friends with how… 'intense' some of them are.

Pony is going to play a huge role as a hero too. I have some good power-ups for her. She is very reliable in anime; I plan to live up to that here too.

I also made this chapter twice as long to compensate for my lack of chapters this past week. Almost 10K words…

My uncle almost died, I had my grandpa's birthday to go, the extremely taxing exam to study for (which made me completely brain dead), and all kinds of stuff. That's why it took so long.

See ya!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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