
Chapter 17 The Body

After few hours Bob finally speak.

Bob its in the...

Zaila:Where speak now or I'll kill you!

Man#1:Ma'am sir Jacob ordered not to kill him you should relax.

Zaila:Fine, but make sure he will speak now!

Bob:Fine, fine I'm so irritated because you keep shouting it's in the oldest warehouse of our company.

Zaila:Okay, make sure my dad's there or else(sigh) men bring him to my car and wait there(After few minutes Zaila started driving to the Headquarters file a case against Bob.)

LT. Zaila:(Salute) LT. Zaila reporting sir!

General Hendix:(Salute) okay you can report now!

LT. Zaila:We've found out that this man(Zaila's men bringing Bob in the room) is the master mind, that my mom's alive and theoretically speaking that my dad's dead in the old

warehouse but were not yet sure so I'll be sending forensics to confirm.

General Hendix:Okay, good do it now and leave Bob to me.

LT. Zaila:Okay, thank you sir(Salute.)

General Hendix:(Salute)

LT. Zaila:(Leaves and hoping it not her dad's body but is it find out soon.)