
Non-Sport Clubs

As the bell rung, the students started going out of their class to take their morning break. Suzuki is still standing in the middle of the hallway dumbfounded then he shook his head 'Let's head back to class then' Suzuki thought as he sigh helplessly, as Suzuki walk he saw a majority of the students going to their club instead of eating 'I guess they wanted to move their body first before eating huh' Suzuki thought then he felt an impact from his back "Gugh!!" Suzuki reacted from the sudden pain from his back then look at what thing that hit him, it was the lime green pony tailed beauty Chitose.

"hehe I found you~!!" Chitose said sounding happy while still sticking to Suzuki's back

"Yes you've found me but what are you here Chi-chan and isn't your classroom is downstairs?!" Suzuki retorted

"Oh that after the class was over I instantly ran upstairs to find you!!" Chitose answered as she released her grip from Suzuki

"Did you ignore your teacher and just ran out!!!" Suzuki retorted

"Hehehe" Chitose laughed with an awkward smile

"So you did ignore your teacher. how am I going to tell your sister about this?" Suzuki said with a grin

"Nyaa!! don't tell Onee-chan Senpai!!! I beg of you!!" Chitose begged as she start clinging to Suzuki again

"Alright alright I won't tell your sister, then can I go to my class for a bit" Suzuki said as points the other direction of the hallway

"Okay~" Chitose said then Suzuki and Chitose started to walk to class 2-1. Alicia and Natsuki was waiting in front of the door with Caroline for some reason. "She wanted to join us touring the school" Natsuki said with a helpless smile as she shook her head then they started to tour the club once more. Since yesterday tour was delayed by Alicia running away the started to tour the non-sport clubs, in Corona school the clubs are in a different building so there is a lot of clubs since there is more than 5000 students ranging from pre-school to high school and the minimum requirement for an official club are five people and a room and the minimum requirement for a non official one is three people only, so there is a lot of clubs in this school and there was even a club about undergarments.

Suzuki doesn't how to react about this information he just got 'What is wrong with the students here seriously!!!' Suzuki thought he felt like he wanted to shout as loud as possible though. So Suzuki's group touring the non-sport clubs one by one, passing through the normal looking one like board games, game programming, and the likes until Suzuki saw a sign that said "The Grand Gathering of World's Eye Guild" on top of a door. If a club that has a room it mean that they are an official club, Suzuki was speechless when he saw the sign.

"Hmm? what's wrong Suzuki?" Alicia asked when she saw a change in Suzuki's expression

"No it's nothing, is this club in front of us is an official club?" Suzuki asked with a wry smile

"Yes apparently this club has been here for 5 years I think since they changed the principal at that time" Natsuki replied

'What is wrong with the principal now!!' Suzuki retorted in his mind

"What does this club do-desuwa?" Caroline asked

"I think they do some kind of research, do you know anything about it Na-chan?" Alicia replied

"Yes I think they research some thing about forbidden art or something like that" Natsuki said

"Forbidden arts?"-desuwa?" Suzuki, Chitose and Caroline asked at the same time

"Yes I heard some rumours that they are summoning demons or try to unlock their magical prowness that humans once had" Natsuki replied

Then the door flew open and the one who opened the door said "It's exactly like that!!!". It was a beautiful girl wearing the school clothes but she has a big black cape and a big black pointy hat that has a crooked smiley face on her head also she wear a white mask that has a black tear mark under the eye that only cover the right half of her face, she has a rose red hair that fall until her elbow. The girl was standing in front of the door holding a staff that is taller than her and looks very proud of her self though she don't have that much figure to show off.

"Ma-may we asked what is your name?" Suzuki said with a wry smile

"Hehe so there are fools who doesn't me? very well I shall give the mine prénom, waga na wa Scarlet Phantom!!" the girl exclaimed as she struck her staff on the ground then Suzuki went close to her and forcefully grabbed the white mask on her face

"He-hey what ar-are you doing!!! st-stop or else my identity be revealed!!!" the girl said as she tried to resist Suzuki's grip

"Then seriously say your name" Suzuki said with cold eyes

"wow such a fierce look you have~ ah!! ye-yes I will tell yo-you my name pl-please stop!!!" the girl hurriedly said when Suzuki give more force on his grip, the girls that was with Suzuki have different respond towards Suzuki action. Natsuki was laughing, Chitose was saying "Go!! Senpai show her who's boss!!!", Alicia was dumbfounded, while Caroline was confused towards what is going on and she looks left and right to ask the other girls for answer but she was ignored by them. Suzuki then remove his grip on the girl's mask then the girl felt relaxed and took a deep breath.

"Alright my real name is Akira Shimamura" Akira said as she puffed her cheek in annoyance

"See was it that hard Shimamura-san?" Suzuki said with a helpless smile

"Call me Shima!!! and yes it is, the name before was cooler!!" Akira said as she folds her hands and looks the other way while still puffing her cheek

"Alright Shima-san since we are done good bye!!" Suzuki said as he happily smiled and waved good bye then turned around

"Yes good by- wa-wa-wait!!! didn't you guys wanted to see this guild?!" Akira asked hurriedly

"No not really, we just stop in front of this 'club' since the name was 'unique' I didn't really want to join this 'club' in the first place" Suzuki said as turns back

"Tha-thank you but wa-wait please I got some interesting things in my guild don't you want to see it?" Akira pleaded

"Like what?" Suzuki asked with a threatening tone

"Umm li-like this staff I have" Akira said nervously as she started to sweat bullets

"Eh~ what does it do?" Suzuki said uninterestedly

"Th-this staff can do magic you know?" Akira said as her eyes started to wonder

"Right show me" Suzuki said

"O-ok here goes!! EXPLOSION!!!" Akira said excitedly as she points her staff in another direction and press on something, then something flew from tip of the staff going a meter away from her then popped.

'The thing that popped was most likely to a be a fire cracker' every one there thought

"Wow~ so cool, ok then good bye" Suzuki said then he turn around again

"Please!!! don't leave me, don't you know how silent it is in that club room?! I felt like the dolls in there are looking at me!!!" Akira begged as she grab on to Suzuki's clothes

"And what does it have to do with me?" Suzuki said indifferently

"Enough Ryu-kun I think we should consider her feeling!!" Alicia said sounding annoyed, though Alicia never met Akira before she don't know why Suzuki is acting like this to her. This is the first time she has seen Suzuki being this cold to some one, Suzuki looks dumbfounded as he just realized what he just done wasn't very polite, it just that she remind him of a certain a arc wizard from somewhere.

"Ah!! my saviour!!" Akira said with a big smile as she shed a tear from her eye

"Ye-yes I'm sorry Alicia-san I don't know what has gotten into me" Suzuki said then he turns around and to look at Akira "I'm sorry Shima-san, I don't why I acted like that towards you" Suzuki said then he bow down at her

"Heh it's fine as you understand, someone like you should just beg for mercy in front of me" Akira said with a smug look then Suzuki grabbed her mask again " Ah!! yes yes yes I'm sorry I won't act like that again!!! please not my mask!!!" Akira pleaded then she starts crying

"Ryu-kun!!!" Alicia said looking like a mother who is angry at her son that is bullying his little sister, as for Natsuki's reaction she had ran out of breath from laughing too much, for Chitose she had stop encouraging Suzuki when Alicia intervened, and for Caroline since no one answered her, she tried to understand the situation by her self but it's still to confusing to her, right now she is confused that her eyes are spinning. after that Alicia forced Suzuki to seiza while Natsuki, Chitose and Caroline are comforting Akira who cried after what Suzuki has done to her

"Well Ryu-kun what do you have to say for your self?" Alicia said in a manner that is like a mother scolding her child

Suzuki doesn't know how to answer her, he didn't thought she would cry because of this then suddenly Suzuki felt a hand on his shoulder then Suzuki look at the owner of the hand it was Natsuki's

"Mom I don't think you should scold Ryu-onii-chan for this!!!" Natsuki said in a way that made her look like the elder sister

'Why are you so cool my little sister?!!' Suzuki retorted in his mind

"Mo-mom?! whose mother am I?! and why shouldn't I scold him? he did made her cry" Alicia said

"Mom listen here, first Akira-chan here dressed in a way that we kids called a 'chunni' and those kind of people will dress weirdly like her" Natsuki stated as she points at Akira.

"He-hey it's not weird, this is cool you know?!" Akira retorted but she was ignored by every one else

Suzuki was nodding to Natsuki statement 'But still does this family lives in a court?!!' Suzuki retorted in his mind

"Yes, she might have dressed weirdly is that enough to treat her like that?" Alicia asked

"Well here is the second reason, it's because she was acting to high and mighty, maybe just maybe Ryu-onii-chan got a little bit angry with her so he tried to stop her before she acts like that in front of some one else" Natsuki said very proudly

'Well I did got a little irk with the way she acts but I don't think I thought that far though?!' Suzuki retorted in his mind. Then all of the girls was looking at Akira, the person in question was feeling pressured by the stares then she gave up when Suzuki looks at her too.

"Yeah fine!! I'm sorry that I acted that way, so would you for give me 'Onii-chan'" Akira said the last part sarcastically. Suzuki felt like he need to take off her mask once more but he resist that feeling for now

"So that is it huh, sigh why didn't you just tell me that she irritated you Ryu-kun? I mean I can relate to that after all I have Chi-chan with me" Alicia said as she looks at Chitose lovingly while Chitose was tilting her head as she looks back at Alicia, it looks like a there is question mark on top of her head

"Alrighty then let us go some where else!!!" Chitose said vigorously

"Eh? you're leaving? ne~ ne~ where are you guys going ne~ can I go with you?" Akira asked playfully

"Don't you have a club to attend to?" Suzuki asked as he pats away the dust on his pants

"Not really I mean I'm the only one on that club" Akira said as she cross her hands behind her head

"Then why do you still have a room? aren't club with out five people can't use rooms? and more importantly a single person can't form a club can they?" Natsuki asked

"Well, let just say I got the permission from the principal" Akira said in a matter of fact tone

'Seriously what is wrong with this school higher ups!!!' Suzuki retorted in his mind, as Suzuki retorted he notice that Akira was looking at him with puppy eyes, this action done by Akira was quite effective 'Ugh, I still can endure this!!' Suzuki thought fighting the mental guilt he receive. Natsuki noticed the subtle change in Suzuki's face then she grin, she then went closer to Suzuki and tugged on his clothes

"What is it?" Suzuki asked

"Cmon Ryu-kun let her join us please~" Natsuki begged while holding her hands in front of her with big puppy eyes

Suzuki receive another mental impact from the cool looking girl 'Ugh!! Why is she joining her?!' Suzuki thought as he grit his teeth to endure. Chitose notice the change on Suzuki's face and copied what Natsuki do and then it was Alicia, her face was a bit red when she copied Natsuki then finally Caroline also followed the rest begging to Suzuki with puppy eyes though she still don't understand what is going on. In Suzuki's mind he can feel his guilt over flowing and crumbled under the puppy eyes of the beautiful girls

Suzuki sigh very deeply "Fine she could go with us" Suzuki said then a beautiful big smile appear on the girls faces

"But with one condition!" Suzuki said as he lift his finger, the girls were confused

"What is the condition Ryu-kun?" Akira asked

"Well I want you to give me that keychain you got there" Suzuki said as he points at Akira's belt, it was a key chain that is shaped like a wizard's hat with a tint of metallic shine on it

"You mean this? It's ok but why?" Akira asked in confusion as she shook the metallic keychain

"Well I got a little key chain collection going on and all of them has the same look like that one, so I just want to collect as much as I can" Suzuki said 'It's not like I'm lying about collecting them' Suzuki thought to reassure him self

"Oh if you are collecting them I also got one, I can give you if you want" Alicia said

"Eh? I think I also have one but it's shape is different though" Natsuki said as she study the keychain closely

Suzuki was shocked by this discovery 'To think that Alicia and Natsuki also had monster cores but why? do they have something in common that they get those cores?' Suzuki wondered

"Hey!! what are you guys talking about?" Chitose asked cheerfully

"Oh it's about Ryu-kun requesting to take the thing in Shi-chan skirt" Natsuki said while grinning mischievously

"Eh?!! Ryu-senpai is going to take something inside Shima-san skirt?!!" Chitose screamed with flushed face

"Ho-how le-lewd-desuwa!!!" Caroline screamed with a red face

"Natsuki!!! what did you told them!!!" Suzuki yell as he started chase Natsuki, as Suzuki and Natsuki chased each other Alicia with a tired face explained to Chitose and Caroline, the both of them felt embarrassed at what they just said to Suzuki. After Suzuki caught Natsuki and pinching her face to his heart content he return with Natsuki that he picked her by the scruff of her shirt

"So... it's about that hehe I'm sorry senpai for not asking you" Chitose said while avoiding eye contant, her face is still quite red

"Ye-yeah me too Ryu-kun I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions" Caroline said with blushed face

"No it's alright it was her fault that caused this misunderstanding" Suzuki said as he let go of Natsuki

"Aww~ c'mon Ryu-kun I was just joking around don't take to the heart" Natsuki said playfully

"If your joking around caused my reputation to drop why wouldn't I take it to the heart!!" Suzuki retorted then Natsuki scratch the back of her head while smiling cheerfully, when Suzuki was about to pinch Natsuki again his clothes was tugged by some one, it was Akira

"Here Ryu-kun you can take this" Akira said as she handed the keychain

"Is it alright?" Suzuki asked

"Yeah it's fine, it's not important and I think I found it under my bed if I remembered correctly so just take it" Akira said

"Oh thank you Shima-san" Suzuki said

"Yeah you can thank me by taking me with you!!!" Akira said a she puffed her flat chest with pride

"Sigh fine but are you sure you're going out looking like that" Suzuki said sounding tired as he points at Akira's cape

"Of course!!! an arc wizard such as my self won't remove my battle gear when we are going to war or when I'm at my own residence!!!" Akira proclaimed proudly as she flick her cape

"Then when is the last time you washed that!!" Suzuki retorted

"Sigh this is why shallow fools like you don't survive long, I have more than five pair of my gears!!!" Akira said as she look at Suzuki with pity

"What a waste of money!!!" Suzuki retorted

"No it was cheap actually I made this by buying unused fabric from a near by store so it just cost around 220 Juls" Akira said

"That is actually pretty cheap" Suzuki said

"Yeah at the pace I'm saving my money, I think I have more than 5000 Juls now" Akira said

Suzuki was depressed when he heard this 'Why did you waste all of your money for that game original Suzuki!!!' Suzuki thought

"Well let's go we still have more than enough time to go around the clubs" Alicia said

"That was fun Ryu-kun cmon let's go I want to see how much club does this school has" Natsuki said

"Yeah!!! finally we are going some where!!!" Chitose said she sounded like had waited in a line for a very long time

"Yeah lets go-desuwa, I'm interested in what other club we had-desuwa" Caroline said

"Yes, finally those commoner will know the greatness of my guild!!!" Akira said excitedly

"Right let's go" Suzuki said as they tour the rest of the non-sport clubs finding more 'unique' one in the process until the six of them went to the sport clubs

Well I hope you enjoyed reading this novel as I do making them. I have not much too talk about since the tests are coming close but I'm grateful for your support until now and those comment are appreciated. That is all for now

jefupleycreators' thoughts