
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 33: The Occasion of Guldan

Guldan, who was once again in the depths of the canyon, was playing listlessly with his fingers with his back to the flag.

And above the flag, that bull-headed skeleton had already been smashed into its brain, and the soul ghost fire inside began to gradually collapse, the disguised fifth-order soul fluctuations spreading out continuously.

This was the source of the fluctuation of the fifth-order ghost fire, and it was also the response Guldan came up with.

Isn't the other side relying on the fact that there are too many people? Then let's find a way to make them less crowded.

By drawing all the cannon fodder here, as long as the duo didn't react to something wrong the first time, the Black Knights who wouldn't be affected would definitely be able to stop them in a group.

Stopping and killing all two of them was impossible, but forcibly stalling one and cooperating with Sara to kill him shouldn't be too much of a problem.

As for whether the two will cooperate with each other in the matter of a joint escape?

If they really had that kind of brain, would they have done that loot grabbing thing before?

Grabbing a side lance, he swept it out with a snap, directly breaking the arm of the skeleton soldier next to him who was trying to do something wrong.

Guldan, who had done all this, glared at him viciously, frightening the skeleton soldier to hastily dodge away.

It had to be said that the temptation of the Fifth Order Soul Ghost Flame was indeed great.

Obviously, these skeletal soldiers had already signed a soul oath with Guldan, and the soul fragments were being pinched in Guldan's hands.

And all under his nose.

But it was in this situation that this group of skeleton soldiers would actually still be tempted by instinct to get that flame, and it was no wonder that this flame would draw all the undead within the entire city over.

Rumbling footsteps sounded, and the densely packed undead came overwhelmingly, looking like a tidal wave from afar!

Seeing this scene Guldan was so frightened that his bones shook and he hurriedly turned around and fled, as for the flag he threw it on the spot.

Going for the flag at this point would be a death wish!

Carry this deadly streamer, and whoever takes it will be set on fire!

They just want the flame, don't they? Give it to them!

Leading his minions, he hurriedly ducked into the hiding place he had dug long ago and blocked the hole with white bones, leaving only some small gaps.

Through the gap, Guldan looked at the undead fighting outside and couldn't help but smack his lips secretly.

What a great scene this is! A group of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th order undead were killing each other like crazy at this moment.

Anyone who dares to reach for that flame will be opened on the spot!

Guldan had just witnessed a tall, fourth-order undead dryad being bitten in the crotch by a first-order skeleton rat storming up just because he ate that soul ghost fire ......

With the lure of higher level flames, this group of low level undead completely ignored the level suppression, even the first level skeleton soldiers, at this time, dared to wheel their big bone sticks to knock the brains of the fourth level undead, simply arrogant.

And as more and more undead died in battle, the scene began to get more and more chaotic.

Some of the guys who couldn't grab the fifth-order ghost flames started to fight for the souls of those who died in battle, leading to more fights and more undead deaths.

"Look! Look at those douchebags out there! That's what happens when you don't grow a brain!"

Looking at the chaotic melee outside, Guldan shook his head and sighed while commanding the skeleton soldiers to go over and support the bunker with their bones, while ordering the ten Black Knights following around to keep an eye on the skeletons, and not to let this group of brainwashed people make any stupid mistakes.

Raising his arms around the right and left guardians on either side, Guldan shook his head in smugness.

"That's why it's important to find a smart boss, like me! Don't look at my low strength! But I have a good brain! You see! Those high powered people out there are still being fooled!"

The two juniors who were embraced by Guldan were no one else but his right and left guardians who had only recently been promoted.

The one on the left was the Armorless Knight, the Black Knight who had his armor forcibly stripped by Guldan, and was now made vice-captain.

The one on the right, on the other hand, was the skeleton soldier who had generously volunteered to wear Sara's armor half a month ago, threatened to become Sara's No. 1 stand-in, now called White Bone Vanguard, and likewise a vice-captain.

There was supposed to be a third one, the Skeleton Soldier II warrior who was given a second disguise by Guldan, pretending to be Sara to lead the cannon fodder team that lured the Beast of Skeletons and Derchii to rush out of the city.

It was a pity that that brother didn't have a very good life and GG'd on the spot, so Guldan only had two vice-captains nowadays.

Patting the two on the shoulder, Guldan had a solemn face.

"The two of you are also considered to have followed me for more ...... days! Have already made great achievements in battle! After Your Excellency has risen to greatness! I'm sure I'll have you guys by my side uh uh uh uh uh!"

Before the words were finished, the pile of white bones used as a cover suddenly exploded! It turned out to be a large-sized skeleton soldier that was thrown off and directly knocked the cover open.

As the cover disappeared and the people hiding inside the pit were exposed, the undead that were fighting all around them lunged at them with little to no hesitation.

This was because the innermost Guldan was in the presence of a fourth-order Soul Ghost Flame that had yet to be digested!

A second-order trash! How dare he take such an expensive treasure! Plate him!

The frightened Guldan didn't even think about it, and shook his hand and pushed out the two capable bruisers beside him, while he himself hurriedly ran to the innermost part.


Miserable howls rang out, and ten Black Knights hastened to form a shield wall in front of him, as for those skeleton soldiers ......

Looking at a large portion of the Skeleton Soldiers, actually excitedly running towards the high level soul ghost fire in the distance, completely disobeying his command, Guldan was furious and stomped his feet.

It was also fortunate that there was still a portion of the skeleton minions who were loyal and followed orders to stand in front of him, forming a complete line of defense with the black warriors.

This included the white-boned pioneer.

Seeing that the White Bone Vanguard was so unflinching, Guldan was so excited that he burst into tears, and as soon as he did, he ripped it into the innermost part of the team, along with the armorless knight.

"Good brother! Righteous enough! Come here! Don't stand so far away! Get in front of me! I'm afraid of strangers!"

Hiding behind the two vice-captains, Guldan cautiously looked at the battlefield in front of him, probing his head all the time for fear of being blown up by someone else.

At this moment, the undead outside had already fought with his squad, and it was fortunate that the cave was deep enough and had a narrow terrain, which avoided the fate of the crowd being swarmed.

As for why it was dug so deep? It was all because Guldan had absorbed the lessons learned from his last bloodshed.

The killing continued, although Guldan's side was considered to be strong, the problem was that the undead outside were equally not weak.

Especially after a fourth-ranked undead had set its sights on them and the black warriors had exhausted their javelins, Guldan's side of the battle line began to hold up.

Just as Guldan was contemplating whether to pull off his head and play dead, reinforcements finally arrived.

With the head of Dechii hanging from his waist, Sara leads the Black Knights Legion to kill the scene! And quickly found the location of Guldan and the others! Like a god descending from the heavens, he resolved that fourth-ranked undead!

A large number of green souls exploded! Turning into colorful light! Instantly tearing the fourth-ranked undead into pieces!

Sara led the brigade into the cavern and came face to face with Guldan pouncing on him and holding him in a death grip.

And Guldan, too, cried out in tears.

"Boss!!! You're finally here!"

While shouting, the skull on his head offered to nibble on Sara.

Not an adjective, a real nibble on Sara, a hard nibble.

This also managed to get a hard slap from Sara, which spun the skeleton around in place three times.