
The Six Million Dollar Baby

The lives of two female boxers are forever upended following their fateful bout

HPR423_ · sci-fi
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23 Chs

Cage (III)

Epsilon Facility, the following day"These assholes are testing my patience," Ida said, while staring out her office window, "What don't they understand? We're doing this for their protection.""Ma'am," said Col. Chang, "I agree fully, but the rebels just don't see it that way."Ida then returned to her desk and sipped tea from her mug."What's the story behind these coded letters we found?" she asked Chang."It's how the rebels coordinate," Chang replied, "Since large, private gatherings are prohibited in the Green Zone, they set up these meetings in clandestine locations. They stash the notes various places that our guys are less likely to search.""Have we figured out what these notes say?""Not yet, but out best codebreakers are on it.""I see.""There's more, Ma'am; we think the rebels may be getting help from the inside.""You mean, someone in QSec is assisting them?"Chang nodded."It would explain how they were able to gain access to the barracks," he explained, "Plus, an insider could be showing them secret accessways, escape routes, and more.""Or worse," Ida began, "Depending on this traitor's clearance level, they could be leaking information on Operation: Pied Piper.""If any of that made it outside the walls, all hell would break loose.""No need to remind me. It's the reason why I'm never giving River anything beyond Green-level clearance. She can't be trusted with that kind of information.""Agreed."Ida then took another sip of her tea."Colonel," she said, "While we wait for those letters to be deciphered, I need you to increase patrols in the Green Zone, as well as the frequency of security checks on all operatives with Yellow-level clearance or higher. If there is a rat, we have to flush it out.""We will, Ma'am. That I can promise.""Then, once we find out where the rebels' next meeting spot is, we're gonna trap them like flies and eliminate before they cause any more damage.""Don't worry, we'll get them.""I trust that you will..."-"Defense, River," shouted one officer, "Defense!"Besides lodging, QSec's NJIT facility was home to numerous amenities including gyms, lounges, and game rooms for off-duty QSec officers to go and blow off steam. At the centre of the gym lay a boxing ring in which Mary sparred with Pvt. Roland. Both were wearing black sweatpants and black tank tops stained with sweat. All around the ring, various off-duty officers in workout clothing watched."What's wrong, River?" Roland taunted, "Thought you used to be a professional at this.""Maybe I'm just holding back," Mary retorted, "After all, wouldn't wanna ruin your face any worse than it already has."The crowd below responded with a chorus of Boos."Yo, Rol," one of them said, "You gonna take that shit?""Hell no!" Roland replied.Roland advanced on Mary and threw a series of jabs, which she blocked. She then ducked under his follow-up hook and landed an uppercut to his ribs."Aw, fuck," he said, "Nice shot.""There's more where that came from," Mary quipped.Following another brief exchange of punches, one of the officers called time. Mary and Rolan each headed to their respective corners and took a swig from their bottles. Just then, a QSec officer entered the gym and approached Mary's corner."Corporal?" he said, "Commander Reyes would like to see you.""I'm on my way," Mary replied.The officers in attendance booed."Just as it was getting good," one of them moaned."Consider this a draw, River," Rolan warned, "We're finishing this another time, ya hear?""Name the time and place," Mary said.After climbing out of the ring, Mary removed both her gloves and the gauze around her hands. She then put on her fatigues and stepped outside of the gym.-Elsewhere in the base, Cmdr. Reyes was showing a young recruit around."In those offices," he explained to the recruit, "Our scientists monitor air quality on a regular basis, to ensure no cross-contamination from the Yellow and Red Zones.""But the Green Zone is perfectly safe, right?" the recruit asked."Oh, of course. We only wear the masks as a precaution. Now, if someone dies for any reason, their body is to be brought to the Yellow Zone facility for autopsy, followed by cremation. No exceptions.""Right."While examining a neighbouring room, the recruit noticed a series of trash bags placed atop a table, each filled with clothing, toys and canned food."What's all that?" he asked, pointing."Donations," Reyes explained, "ShadowCell set up a website for cash donations, but physical goods, like food and clothing, come through here.""And then we distribute 'em, right?""Absolutely not. Anything coming through that wall is to be destroyed for security reasons. In fact, here: Wanna make yourself useful? You can start by taking some of those bags down to processing, up in D-Wing.""With all due respect, Commander, I was hoping to begin patrol today.""Yeah? Well, I got news for you, Private: This job isn't just cracking skulls and shooting people. There are a lot of shit jobs that need to get done too. Now, get to work."The recruit grumbled beneath his breath, then grabbed two of the trash bags and walked away. In that moment, Mary appeared."Commander," she said, saluting, "You wanted to see me?""At ease, River," Reyes said, "I hate to bother you on your off-hours, but there is a matter I wished to discuss with you in private.""I'm all ears, sir," Mary said."The codebreakers back at Epsilon think they may have already narrowed down where the rebels' next meet-up is. Ida will no doubt assign us to flush them out.""I'll be ready.""Good, because not only was I planning on bringing you along, but I will be giving you command of your own squad.""I-I don't know what to say.""Yeah, well, you showed me you can handle yourself well under stress yesterday following the blast. Those guys, they really listened to you.""I'm honoured, sir. I won't let you down.""Keep it up, River. This is who you were born to be."The pair saluted each other.-Days later, several QSec operatives gathered in a conference room where they each took a seat at a large table. Ida and Chang were visible on a large monitor."Our codebreakers determined that the rebels' next meeting is tonight beneath Penn Street Station," she explained, "As most of you know, the Newark Metro System has sat abandoned for decades, but the tunnels remain accessible via several above-ground access points."While Ida spoke, Mary, who was seated towards the front of table, twirled her pen in her hands. For a moment, she and Ida locked eyes."Our scouts narrowed down two possible entry points that the rebels have been using to access these tunnels," Ida continued, "The first is Penn Street Station, located along the Yellow-Zone wall. The second is Gateway Centre Plaza.""We're dispatching two strike teams," Chang took over from Ida, "The first team will enter via Penn Street Station, while the second will enter via Gateway. The plan is to corner the rebels and prevent escape. Are there any questions?"Everyone in the room shook their heads."Those rebels have threatened the safety and security of the Quarantine Zone for too long," Ida said, "Tonight, we rid them for good. Go grab your gear."-That night, the QSec officers split into two squads of six. Mary was placed in charge of Team 2, which also included Pvt. Roland. Commander Reyes and a few others remained above ground, keeping an eye out for any possible escapees."Team 1 checking in," said Sgt. Kay, the Team 1 leader."Team 2 checking in," said Mary."The rebels are expected to meet at the coordinates we forwarded to your tracker," Reyes said, "Team 1 will take point and smoke them out. Team 2 will intercept them when they try to escape. Are we clear?""Affirmative," Mary replied."Clear," Kay said, "Going in."The Gateway Plaza was a complex of mid-rise buildings that had been largely reduced to rubble following the blast, though the central parking structure remained intact. After entering through a side door, Mary led her squad through a passage leading underground."Be careful," she warned, "This place might be falling apart."Mary pulled out a small device, similar to the one used by Captain James on their mission in Ivory Coast, which displayed Team1's location as well as the coordinates for the rebels' meeting point."Which way, Corporal?" Roland asked."Left," Mary replied, "Stay close."While walking through one tunnel, the squad came across evidence of an encampment – Food scraps, some old mattresses and chairs and discarded clothing."Think the rebels have been living down here?" Roland asked."Wouldn't surprise me," Mary replied, "Team 2, we found the remains of a rebel encampment.""Roger that," Kay said, "Who knows how long these pricks have been...Hold up.""Team 1, what is it?""We just detected movement. Going to investigate.""Noted, stay sharp."The tunnel eventually led to a subway platform. The floor tiles were cracked and damaged while dust and debris from the damaged ceiling coated every square foot of the room. Before they could investigate further, the squad hear a rumble."Team 1," Mary said, "We heard an explosion. What's your status?"No response."Team 1," Mary repeated, "Acknowledge!""It's a trap," Kay cried, "Get..."Kay's voice was cut off by sound of gunfire. The squad could hear shooting from their location."We gotta help 'em," Roland said."Alright, squad," Mary acknowledged, "On my six, let's..."Before they could advance, several rebels emerged from both a security room and a nearby maintenance room."Jesus," said Roland, "It's a fuckin' ambush!""Take 'em out," Mary ordered.The squad took cover behind some pillars and benches and opened fire on the rebels."Command," Mary said, "This is Team 2. Team 1 is in possible danger, and we're pinned. How fast can we get reinforcements to them?""Reinforcements are en route to assist Team 1," Reyes replied, "ETA, three minutes. What's your status?""The rebels were waiting for us. We're holding our own for now.""Good. And River?""Yeah?""Give 'em Hell.""Will do, sir."She then turned to her squad."Alright, guys," she said, "Let's take 'em out!""HELL YEAH!" the squad responded.Mary and the others emerged from cover and fought their way through the rebels. From there, they climbed onto the tracks, where they encountered another wave of rebels."How many of these fuckers are there?" asked one officer."Keep pressing," Mary commanded, "We..."Mary glanced up and saw several wires suspended from the tunnel's ceiling, along with glowing red lights."Shit," she said, "This place is rigged to blow! Squad, retreat! RETREAT!"Roughly half of the squad managed to climb out of the tracks when the bombs went off, causing a massive cave-in. As it was now too late to climb back onto the platform, Mary and Roland instead sprinted deeper along the tunnel."Move!" she cried."Shit," Roland said, "We won't make it..."Mary and Roland threw themselves to the ground as tons of rubble came crashing down upon them. In minutes, the ordeal was over, and all was quiet once again.