
Protect Me!


"You never told me Marc was back to your mansion" Meredith erred her concerns as Cross wrapped her around his arms. 

"I should have told you. The idiot came begging and crawling for mercy after the wedding dinner. I would never have allowed him back if he wasn't family" 

"But you said he wouldn't step…"

"I know dearest. I know I promised to protect you from him and I will. I have already made it clear to him that if he as much as utter a word to you or cast weird glances at you, he would be locked up. Does that make you feel better?"

Meredith shook her head and he replied by raining kisses on her face and promising to take care of her. 

"Now, it's time for us to head to our offices as usual. I hope you are enjoying your new role there?" He changed the subject even though he knew Meredith wasn't really satisfied with his response about Marc. 

But she said nothing more. Her life with Cross had fallen into a nice pattern. They slept enveloped in each other's warmth and she woke up with him raining kisses on her body or eager to make love to her. She was supposed to be happy… she was a billionaire's wife but why wasn't she? 

She thought about these things as they got into the car towards Cross's Designer company. Valerie had asked her to escape with her, shouldn't she? She may seem like a free woman shuttling from home to their company but she knew someone was watching her… and she knew Cross would never let her go back to former life. It was all too sad! Maybe she should escape! Maybe it would work this time! She suddenly remembered the tracker! And she panicked 

"I have a tracker in my body! Embedded by the evil people in the Siren Home. I want to get it out" she said like she was about to cry. 

"I will do that today! I promise you! How dark could they possibly get? Why would they do this to a fellow human?" 

Cross felt enraged but he had no idea it was his father who owned such a place of ill repute. 

While Cross and Meredith drove out their gate, they had no idea Valerie was watching them, noting their movements and ready to report back to the Nun. 


"What have you found out so far?" The nun inquired when she returned to the home to provide her usual progress report. Marc was there, leaning casually against the table, his legs crossed, observing the conversation between the two women. It was evident that the nun was displeased by his presence, but she had no choice, as he was representing Mr. Machi.

Valerie eagerly shared every detail of Meredith's routine, her hopes rising for some form of reward. However, dealing with the management of the Siren Hime was unpredictable at best. Nevertheless, she was content with her role.

"How about the escape plan? Will it work for us? Has she agreed to it yet?" the nun inquired further.

Valerie shook her head, causing Marc to hit the table in fury. 

"Then you are not doing a good job! Do you need more punishments to make you understand how important it is to eliminate that bitch from my cousin's life"

"I don't want to be punished please ! It's not my fault! Please, she has a comfortable life now. She has Cross protcting her and while she's with she will not have that eagerness to escape like when she was in here!"

"The bitch has a point!" Marc breathed angrily. 

"Then we must find a way to make uncomfortable in his home!"

"How? Tell me, when my cousin has clearly fallen head over heels in love with her" 

"What of his ex, Beauty? If we can make Meredith uncomfortable enough to want to escape then we can have her back here!" The nun suggested

"That's a very long way to go. Cross is done with Beauty. Look, our best bet is Niki. If she won't escape with Valerie the we have to find a way to get Niki into Cross's home when he's not in the way. For now, Valerie… watch her and let us know their routine. Getting closer to her would be the best way to find her if she spends most of her time alone . Then we can choose the best time to target her!"

The nun and Valerie nodded to Marc's suggestion while they hoped it truly worked this time. If it didn't, then Mr.Machi would ruin the two of them. 

"This means a lot to Mr. Machi. If you mess this up, Valerie, you will be thrown into the hole"

"You are not left out either!" Marc threatened the nun. She inhaled heavily, knowing what he and his uncle were capable of. 


She couldn't believe she had finally arrived. As she took in the sights of the exotic city, with its beautiful cars and exotic-looking people, she was surrounded by stunning beauty unlike anything she had seen in her small town. Now that she was here, she felt a strange connection to Meredith.

Seeking refuge at a bus stop, she double-checked the address she had saved on her phone and hastily grabbed her bag to go in search of her sister. Today was the day; she was determined to find Meredith. She had meticulously researched the whereabouts of the billionaire's son, so it should be a breeze.

However, what she thought would be an easy task turned out to be quite the opposite. She had wandered all over the city, spending nearly all her money in pursuit of that specific address, and still came up empty-handed. Something inside her nagged at the idea of approaching her uncle with questions, suspecting he might be involved in her sister's disappearance.

Now, she sat on a bench, feeling utterly lost in this unfamiliar city. What should she do next? The question lingered in her mind until a stranger approached and asked what was troubling her. She quickly explained her mission and, thanks to a stroke of luck, found herself standing in front of a grand gate. Yet, she knew she couldn't simply stroll in without permission.

Thinking on her feet, she managed to lie her way through the main gate, posing as a potential maid, and, fortunately, there was a job opening within the estate. But now, the challenge was to locate Meredith's exact whereabouts. She followed an instinct that led her to the beautiful street and stopped in front of an imposing gate. There, on the porch, stood Meredith, looking every bit the wealthy woman she had become.

Zarah could hardly believe her eyes. Her sister was here, living in such luxury. She struggled to find her voice to call out. Finally, overcoming her shock, she uttered her sister's name, causing Meredith to turn abruptly. Her eyes widened with disbelief as she locked eyes with her little sister, who stared back with a mix of sadness and surprise.

"This can't be real! I must be dreaming," gasped Meredith in astonishment, as the two sisters faced each other once more.