
The Sinful awakening of Dante

In a world much like our own, Dante leads a quiet life, blending into the background with his shy demeanor and nerdy interests. Despite his unassuming nature, he enjoys the support of a loving family and excels academically. However, his world is shattered when the most beautiful and popular girl in school manipulates him, leading to a brutal attack that nearly takes his life. As Dante lies on the brink of death, a mysterious and radiant woman intervenes, offering him a chance at redemption. With a dazzling smile, she alters his fate, plunging him into a world of mystery and adventure beyond his wildest imagination... "System aligning with host... System aligned. Welcome host to the 7 sins system" This story is my first attempt at writing but the concept came from a rpg table top that me and some friends created I hope you enjoy. The MC is based of my character from the table top mixed with my actual personality.

Stephen_Smith_0911 · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 1- Just a typical day... or so I thought.

Dante awoke to the soft chirping of birds outside his window, the morning sun filtering through the curtains to gently illuminate his room. Stretching his arms, he blinked away the remnants of sleep, his mind slowly transitioning from dreams to reality. With a yawn, he swung his legs out of bed, the cool wooden floor greeting his feet as he stood up.

Padding downstairs, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries greeted him, a comforting aroma that filled the cozy kitchen. Sara, his loving mother, was already bustling about, humming a tune as she prepared breakfast. Thomas, his father, sat at the table, buried behind a newspaper, only the top of his head visible.

"Morning, Mom," Dante greeted with a sleepy smile, shuffling over to the table.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Sara replied, her warm brown eyes crinkling at the corners as she glanced up from the stove. "Sleep well?"

Dante nodded, taking a seat at the table. "Yeah, I did. Anything exciting happening today?"

Sara chuckled softly, setting a plate of pancakes in front of him. "Just another ordinary day, dear. Eat up, you'll need your energy."

As Dante tucked into his breakfast, Thomas folded the newspaper and glanced over at him. "Don't forget your math test today, kiddo. You've been studying hard for it."

Dante groaned inwardly, the reminder of the impending test dampening his appetite slightly. "Thanks for the reminder, Dad," he muttered, mentally reviewing his notes.

Across the table, Amilia, his 14-year-old sister, bounced into the kitchen, her eyes bright with adoration as she caught sight of Dante. "Good morning, big brother!" she exclaimed, practically skipping over to him.

"Hey, Ami," Dante greeted with a fond smile, ruffling her hair affectionately. Despite her sometimes overwhelming enthusiasm, he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at her unwavering admiration for him.

After finishing his breakfast and bidding farewell to his family, Dante grabbed his backpack and headed out the door, the cool morning air greeting him as he stepped onto the sidewalk. The familiar route to school stretched out before him, the streets quiet and peaceful in the early hours.

Yet, despite the tranquil surroundings, Dante couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been plaguing him for the past few months. It was a sensation akin to being watched, a prickling at the back of his neck that refused to be ignored. He glanced around nervously, but the empty streets offered no answers, only deepening his sense of foreboding.

With a shake of his head, Dante quickened his pace, eager to put the unsettling feeling behind him. School awaited, along with the challenges of the day ahead. With a shake of his head, Dante quickened his pace, eager to shake off the unsettling feeling. School awaited, along with the challenges of the day ahead. As he walked, his thoughts drifted to the mysterious woman who had been in his dreams, her enigmatic presence lingering like a shadow in the corners of his mind. With another shake of his head he continues walking not noticing the figure lurking in the shadows.

welp first chapter down I hope you guys enjoyed it please fill free to leave comments I would love to hear from all of you.

Stephen_Smith_0911creators' thoughts