
The Simpsons: New Neighbor

"Springfield? It can't be that bad...can it?" Join Leo as he moves into Springfield—a city with the title "America's Worst City." .... .... .... It's a story with some plot and plenty of lemons. Don't be excepting some sort of intricate, complex, perfect action novel, you hear? ... .... .... [A/N]: Since it's my first piece of writing, I wanted to start with something that allows for a lot of flexibility, hence I chose the Simpsons. As for why it's smut...uhh...well, who knows. In the future, I plan to do serious stories. Please give me lots of constructive criticism and advice. Thanks!

SpoiledTomato · TV
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10 Chs

Ch. 7 Marge Gets A New Job

Leo was ready. He had set the mood just right—candles flickering on the dining table, background music could be heard playing softly in the background, and the smell of freshly cooked food filled the air.

If it was any other day he would have cared less about any of that, but it was different today. He had a goal to achieve and those small things could help him achieve it so they quickly became important to him. 

When the doorbell rang, Leo grinned. He opened the door to see Marge standing there with a hint of shyness. In typical Leo behavior, he made a quick look at her outfit.

Like last time, It was impossible not to admire her. The sleeveless dark blue dress she wore had a neckline that plunged sensually, revealing just enough of her cleavage for one to get lost into fantasy. The line formed by her pressed-together large breasts was barely visible, and it only heightened his desire to see more. Moving lower, a black belt was tight around her waist and it accentuated the slender curves of her waist very well. He wasn't behind her, but he knew her ass was large and the tight dress made it so he could see hints of it from the front. She reminded him of an hourglass. One that he wanted. 

"Marge, you're looking absolutely stunning," Leo said, his voice smooth. "I'm so glad you could make it."

Marge smiled, a bit bashfully, and stepped inside. "Hello, Leo. Thank you for inviting me."

"Of course, it's my pleasure," Leo replied, putting on a charming grin. "Please, follow me." He extended his hand toward the hallway. "Try to stick close, it's easy to get lost in here."

As they walked through his home, Marge's eyes wandered, taking in the decor.

"Wow, Leo, I never imagined a house on the same street as mine could be so big! You've really bought yourself a gem."

"I was lucky to get it, I suppose." He then let out a small light sigh. "It's a little too big though, even more so for me. It's only my third day but I feel like it'll be easy to get a little… lonely."

If Cookie, who had offered to accompany him for life here, was hearing him now, Leo was sure she would have cursed him out for hours. 

But Marge knew none of that. Her expression softened, her eyes filling with empathy.

"I didn't think about that. A house like this, all by yourself? It must get a little quiet."

Leo feigned a sigh, playing into her sympathy.

"It does. A house is just walls without someone to share it with, right?" 

Marge nodded thoughtfully. Her home was anything but quiet—three kids, a semi-lazy husband, and constant chaos—but there was a loneliness there too. A different kind, one she rarely spoke of.

When they reached the dining room, Leo pulled out a chair for her, gesturing for her to sit.

"Please, have a seat."

Marge took her place, still admiring the setup. "Everything looks wonderful, Leo. Did you do all this yourself?"

"I did," Leo nodded, taking his own seat across from her. "Cooking is a big hobby of mine. It's something I love to do, and I'm glad I got the chance to share it with you tonight." Leo lied straight through his teeth. 

Marge stayed oblivious to his real thoughts. Her expression brightened instead.

"That's wonderful! I enjoy cooking too, though I don't get much time to try new recipes with the family always needing something." 

Hearing her, he smiled. "It sounds like you're a great cook. Maybe we can exchange recipes sometime." 

Marge laughed lightly, but her tone was self deprecating. "I don't know about that. Lately, my cooking seems to have lost its magic. The kids are always complaining, and Homer... Well, let's just say he has very specific tastes."

"I'm sure that has nothing to do with your cooking skills, Marge." Leo raised an eyebrow. "Homer, huh? Has he ever tried cooking for you?"

Marge's expression shifted to one of amusement. "He's tried, but let's just say it's not his strong suit. The last time, he tried to grill some fish, and I swear the thing was still flopping on the plate." 

Leo burst into laughter "You're kidding!" 

"I wish I were," Marge replied, shaking her head. "It was awful, but I couldn't tell him that."

"Still," replied Leo. "That's… impressive in its own way, I suppose. I've heard of bad cooks, but that's next level." 

Marge laughed with him, the atmosphere between them growing more comfortable. She hadn't expected to feel so at ease with Leo, but his charm and easygoing nature made it easy for her to lose any nerves or uncomfortablity. They continued eating, the conversation flowing naturally. Leo was careful to steer it in a way that would make Marge feel comfortable, but also curious about him. 

"So, Marge," Leo began, "I know you mentioned you like cooking. But what else do you enjoy? Any hobbies?" 

Marge hesitated, clearly not used to talking about herself.

"Hmm, well… I used to paint when I was younger. I loved it, but I haven't had much time for that lately."

"Painting?" Leo repeated. "That sounds fun. What kind of things did you paint?"

Marge smiled, a bit nostalgically. "Landscapes, mostly. Sometimes portraits. It was a way for me to relax and express myself."

Leo nodded thoughtfully. "Why did you stop?" 

Marge's smile faltered slightly. "Life, I guess. The kids take up a lot of my time, and then there's Homer. There's always something that needs to be done at home. I just… I don't have much time for painting anymore." 

Leo leaned forward, his voice soft and understanding.

"I get that. Life has a way of getting in the way of the things we love. But Marge, you shouldn't lose sight of what makes you happy. You deserve to have your own passions, your own time to enjoy the things that bring you joy." 

Marge looked down at her plate.

"I know you're right, but… it's hard. I feel guilty when I think about doing something just for myself. The kids need me, and Homer… well he's not exactly the most helpful." 

Leo's eyes flickered with the opportunity. He reached out, gently placing his hand on hers.

"You shouldn't feel guilty, Marge. You're a person too. You deserve to have things that are just for you. Taking care of yourself isn't selfish—it's necessary." 

Marge's cheeks flushed slightly at the contact, and she glanced up at him. "That's... very kind of you to say, Leo. I don't hear that very often."

Leo smiled warmly, his hand gave hers a light reassuring squeeze, enjoying the feeling of her hand in his. His thumb brushed lightly across her knuckles before he pulled his hand back.

"It's just the truth. I haven't known you for long at all, but I can already tell you're an incredible woman. Don't forget that." 

Marge's smile deepened, though a hint of sadness remained in her eyes. "Thank you. It's hard sometimes, balancing everything. The kids will be getting older, and they're always needing something new—school supplies, activities, clothes. It all adds up." 

Leo's ears perked up at that, sensing an opportunity to plant certain seeds for the future.

"I'm sure it does," he said. "It must be tough making sure they have everything they need." 

Marge nodded, her gaze distant for a moment. "It is. Bart, my son, is always getting into trouble, and Lisa, my daughter,... well, she's always excelling in school, which means more clubs, more events. Maggie's, our youngest, will soon grow out of her baby clothes. Sometimes, it feels like we're just working to keep up with all their needs."

Leo leaned back in his chair, watching her carefully. He ran the logistics through his head, seeing if what he was going to say was possible to execute before going through with it. Although he was the owner and founder of his company, he still had people he had to explain his actions to. But in the end, if he really wanted to do something then it would be inevitable.

"You know, Marge, my company, although focused on machinery, is looking to expand here in Springfield, especially in new sectors we haven't been in before. Which means we're opening a new branch, and we're looking for people to join our team. Have you ever thought about picking up a little extra work? It could help with some of those expenses."

Marge blinked, surprised by the offer. "Me? I don't know, Leo. I've tried a lot of jobs in the past—police officer, realtor, substitute teacher—and none of them really worked out."

"I understand that," Leo said, nodding sympathetically. "But this is different. It's something more suited to your talents."

Marge tilted her head, curious. "What kind of job are you talking about?" 

Leo smiled. "It's a position at a new branch we're opening called Eldian Photos. It's in the fashion market, and right now, we're looking for models."

"Models?" Marge repeated, her voice filled with surprise. "You think I could be a model?" 

"Absolutely," Leo said confidently. "You've got the looks, the poise—you'd be perfect." 

Marge's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and she shook her head. "I don't know, Leo. That's... I've never thought about something like that before. And I've got the kids to think about. They need me at home."

Leo nodded, prepared for her resistance. "I understand that. But think of it this way—you'd only have to work a few days a week, and you can choose the days that fit best with your schedule. It wouldn't take you away from the kids, and you'd be able to make a little extra money for them."

Marge hesitated, clearly torn. "I don't know... I'm not sure I'd be good at something like that."

Leo smiled reassuringly. "You don't have to commit to anything long-term. Just try it for a week. I'll pay you full salary, and if you don't like it, you can walk away. No pressure." 

Marge bit her lip, still uncertain. "It sounds tempting, but I'm worried I won't have enough time for everything—cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids like I was saying..."

Leo leaned forward in order to make his voice more persuasive.

"Marge, you already do so much for your family. Remember what I told you earlier, that you shouldn't feel guilty, you're a person too, you deserve to have things. This is something you can do for yourself. It won't take away from your responsibilities—it'll just give you a little more freedom. And who knows? You might even enjoy it. We can try to incorporate things you've been missing out on like painting within it."

Marge's fingers twisted together nervously as she considered his words.

"It's... a big decision. I don't know if I'm ready for something like that." 

Leo nodded, reading her hesitation. He could tell her pushed her just far enough, and it was time to let her process things on her own. It would be in her hands now.

"I get that, Marge," Leo answered her. "It's a lot to think about, and I wouldn't want you to rush into anything you're not comfortable with. Take your time, okay? You don't have to decide now, or even tomorrow. The offer's there whenever you're ready, no pressure."

The conversation drifted back to lighter topics as they finished their meal. Leo kept the tone casual, allowing Marge to relax and enjoy the rest of the evening without any pressure. He watched her as she spoke about the kids, their latest school events, and the occasional funny mishap with Homer. Despite their heavier conversation earlier, Marge seemed at ease now, laughing with him and enjoying the evening.

After dessert was finished, Leo walked her to the door. The evening air was cool as Marge stepped outside. She took a breath, the calm of the evening settling over her, but something lingered in her thoughts—Leo's words from earlier, about doing something for herself, about taking a chance. 

Leo's charm and effort had paid off. He could sense she had been pondering the idea throughout the evening, even if they hadn't brought it up again. 

Marge paused at the doorstep, hesitating for a moment before turning back to him. She looked at Leo with a mixture of uncertainty and determination.

"Leo," she began, her voice softer now. "I've been thinking about what you said earlier. About doing something for myself, about the opportunity you mentioned." 

Leo kept his expression calm, though inside, he felt a sense of triumph and excitement. He nodded, encouraging her to continue without rushing her decision. 

"I wasn't sure at first," Marge admitted, glancing down as if still debating it within herself. "But your words... they kept playing in my mind for the rest of the evening. The idea of doing something that's just for me, of... stepping out of the routine I've been stuck in."

She paused. "I think maybe you're right. Maybe I do need to take a chance on something new." 

Leo gave her a warm smile, careful not to let his excitement show too much.

"I'm really glad to hear that, Marge. You deserve it—an opportunity to do something different, something that's for you." 

Marge nodded. "I'll give it a try," she said with a small but determined smile. "I'll take the modeling job. It feels scary, but maybe that's a sign I should take the leap."

Leo stepped forward slightly, keeping his voice calm and reassuring.

"You won't regret it. I promise, we'll make sure everything fits around your schedule, and you'll have plenty of time for the kids. This is just a chance for you to explore something new, and I know you'll be amazing at it."

Marge's smile grew a little wider. "Thank you, Leo. I appreciate you believing in me."

"It's my pleasure, Marge," Leo replied smoothly. "Now, How about I get your phone number so that way I can send you the details tomorrow, and we'll get started whenever you're ready."

"Sure," she nodded.

After exchanging numbers, Marge took a step back, looking at Leo one last time before turning towards her house. As she walked away, Leo watched her, a satisfied smile creeping across his face. Everything had gone just as planned. Marge was on board now, and soon enough, she'd be exactly where he wanted her. 

[A/N]: Thank you for the kind comments. I'm open to hearing new ideas and constructive criticism.

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