
The Silver Princess

LysanderNightshade · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Invisible Enemies

The air in Tenebrous had grown thicker, as if the Demon Realm itself was sensing the growing tension in the Aren. Dark clouds hung low over the city, and an eerie wind carried murmurs from hidden corners, carrying with it secrets and threats.

Sophia found herself in the inner gardens of the palace, a place she had sought out to find some peace. Elara's absence continued to weigh on her mind. There had been no further news of her whereabouts, and the silence on the matter was as disturbing as the disappearance itself. The other candidates were also on alert, and suspicion was beginning to take root in all of them.

As she walked among the silver flowers that reflected the faint light of the Demon Realm, Sophia felt the gazes of the other candidates on her back, even when she was alone. The time for trust was over; now every movement, every word, could be a weapon against her.

The sound of soft footsteps on the grass made her turn. It was Lysandra, the "Sorceress of the Moon." Her presence always brought with it an air of mystery, a tense calm that seemed to envelop her. Sophia had avoided approaching her in the past, aware of the powerful magic that ran through her veins, but right now, she couldn't afford to avoid any interaction.

—Sophia —Lysandra greeted, her voice low and melodious. —. I see you're restless.

Sophia nodded, not trying to hide her mood. She knew that Lysandra was not someone you could easily fool.

—It's hard not to be —He replied, his words measuredly neutral. —. With Elara missing, and the competition growing more dangerous by the moment, everyone is on edge.

Lysandra watched her carefully, as if evaluating each word before answering.

—Elara... was not eliminated by the Arena —Lysandra said finally, with a tone that hinted at knowledge of something darker. —. Something or someone intervened, but it wasn't the Demon King.

Sophia felt a chill. If what Lysandra said was true, then the danger was greater than she had imagined. There were forces at play that went beyond the competition to be the future queen of the Demon Realm.

—And what do you know about that? —Sophia asked, keeping her voice controlled. .

Lysandra let out a small, barely perceptible smile.

—I've been here long enough to understand how the shadows of this realm work. —said —. And I know there are things even the Demon King doesn't fully control. But as for Elara... her fate is uncertain, as is ours. All that's left to do is be cautious, Sophia. Don't trust anyone but yourself.

Sophia nodded slowly. Lysandra's words resonated with an uncomfortable truth, one she had felt ever since entering the Aren. The battle was not just physical; it was a game of intrigue where every misstep could be the last.

As Lysandra retreated, Sophia turned her attention to the silver flowers, attempting to calm her thoughts. However, the tranquility she sought remained elusive. She knew that the next challenge in the Aren could come at any moment, and that the trials would not be just a matter of strength or skill. The real challenge was surviving the traps hidden in the darkness.

Sophia wasn't alone for long. Shortly after Lysandra left, Xanthe appeared, her presence much more direct and energetic. The "Singer of the Night" was known for her ability to manipulate emotions through her music, and Sophia couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed in her company, though she kept her guard up.

—Sophia, I've heard rumors —said Xanthe, skipping the greetings and getting straight to the point. —. There is someone inside the palace who is pulling the strings to manipulate the Aren. And I am not referring to the candidates.

—What are you talking about? —Sophia asked, although she had an idea of what Xanthe was implying.

—The Council of Elders —Xanthe replied in a low tone. —. Some of them don't agree with the Demon King's decisions. They want to make sure that the next queen is someone they can control.

Sophia felt a mixture of fear and determination. If the council of elders was involved, then the conspiracy ran deeper than anyone had suspected. The problem wasn't just winning the Aren; now it was about surviving the poisonous politics engulfing the kingdom.

—So, you're saying that Elara could have been the victim of a conspiracy? —Sophia asked, her voice full of gravity.

Xanthe nodded.

—It's a possibility. We're all in danger, Sophia. This isn't just a game to decide who will be the next queen. It's a power struggle, and any weakness will be exploited.

Sophia knew she couldn't afford to be weak. The Aren was much more than a series of physical tests; it was a battlefield where the true enemy was hidden behind smiles and soft words.

—Thank you for telling me, Xanthe, Sophia said sincerely. —. But be careful too. If the council is involved, no one is safe.

Xanthe nodded before retreating, leaving her alone in the gardens once again. Sophia knew she had to prepare for what was to come. The shadows in the Demon Realm were moving, and the Shadow Whirlwind was about to reach its climax.

That night, Sophia barely slept, her mind constantly on alert. The conversation with Lysandra and Xanthe had revealed more than she had expected, and she knew the true danger was only beginning to unfold. With Elara gone and the intrigues surrounding the elder council, Sophia realized she had to be more cunning than ever.

The next day brought with it a new announcement from the Demon King. The candidates were once again summoned to the amphitheater, where a heavy, tense atmosphere enveloped them. The Demon King appeared, his presence majestic and imposing, with an expression that left no room for doubt: the situation had changed.

—The tests in the Aren will continue, he announced, his voice echoing in every corner of the amphitheater. —. But I must warn you that the challenges from now on will be much more dangerous. You will not only face your rivals, but also the shadows that lurk in this kingdom. Those who are not prepared will fall.

Sophia looked at the other candidates, seeing the same mixture of determination and fear on their faces that she felt. They all knew that the Aren was no longer a simple competition. Now, it was a war of power in which only the strongest and most cunning would survive.

As the Demon King retreated, Sophia felt something had irrevocably changed. The pieces were moving in a game far larger than she had imagined. And though she could trust no one, she knew she must press on. Every step she took brought her closer to her destiny, but also closer to the shadows that sought to devour her.

The Shadow Maelstrom spun faster than ever, and Sophia had to hold firm at its center, or be dragged into the darkness.

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