
The Silver Princess

LysanderNightshade · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Echoes of Betrayal

Dawn in the Demon Realm was unlike any other. There was no blue sky to announce the arrival of day, but rather a mix of dark and grey hues that slowly dispersed, as if the night did not want to retreat. Sophia woke up in her room, her body still sore from the battle against Elara. Every movement reminded her of how close she came to losing, and how difficult what was to come would be.

The duel with Elara had been just the beginning. Now there was the uncertainty of who would be next to challenge her, and more importantly, who was plotting her downfall from the shadows. Sophia knew that rivalries would not only be decided in open combat; intrigues and betrayals were everywhere, and she needed to stay one step ahead.

She got out of bed and walked to the mirror. The marks of battle were visible: small cuts that were beginning to heal, and the exhaustion reflected in her eyes. She allowed herself a moment of weakness, a long sigh, before deciding to prepare for the day. She knew that time was not on her side, and that staying stuck in her fears was not an option.

As she dressed, her mind kept thinking of the battle with Elara. Something didn't fit. The force with which Elara had attacked her, the aggression she had shown, was not simply the result of a desire to win. There was something else. A deeper motivation that drove Elara to destroy her at any cost. Sophia remembered Elara's look at the beginning of the duel: it was not that of a competitor, but that of someone with a thirst for revenge.

Sophia left her room, determined to investigate. She had to better understand her rivals if she wanted to survive in the Aren. Her first target was Calantha, the "Shadow Dancer." Sophia knew that Calantha enjoyed playing on emotions and manipulating those around her. If anyone knew the secrets and motivations of the other candidates, it would be her.

The path to Calantha's chambers was lined with ancient statues and tapestries that told the stories of demon kings past. Shadows danced around Sophia, and the feeling of being watched kept her on alert. Finally, she reached the door to Calantha's chambers and knocked softly.

—Forward —Calantha's voice was heard from inside, with that tone that always seemed to be laughing at something.

Sophia entered, finding herself in a room decorated with dark silks and dim lights that barely illuminated the place. Calantha was sitting on a divan, her eyes shining with amusement as she played with a small sphere of shadows between her fingers.

—Sophia, my dear. What a surprise to see you here so early. What brings you to my chambers? —Calantha asked, smiling with a kindness that Sophia knew was nothing more than a facade.

Sophia moved closer, keeping her gaze locked with Calantha's.

—I want to talk about Elara —He said directly —. His attack during the duel was... more intense than I expected. As if he had something personal against me.

Calantha laughed softly, letting the sphere of shadows dissolve into the air.

—Oh, Elara has always been intense. But if you're implying there was something more to her attack, I assure you I know nothing about it. —he said, although his smile revealed that he knew more than he was saying.

—I'm not implying anything, Calantha. —Sophia replied, crossing her arms. —. I'm saying that what happened in that duel wasn't just a competition. Elara wanted to destroy me, and I want to know why.

Calantha stared at her, as if she were assessing how far she could play with Sophia.

—Elara has her reasons, like all of us. —he finally said —. But if you want some advice, Sophia, I'd say don't worry so much about what other people think of you. Worry more about what you can do to them.

Sophia didn't answer right away. She knew Calantha wouldn't give her clear answers, but at least she had confirmed her suspicions: Elara had a personal reason for attacking her so ferociously.

—Thanks for the advice, Calantha —Sophia said in a tone of cold politeness, turning to leave.

—Oh, and Sophia —Calantha called her before she could leave —. Be careful. Not all of us are interested in winning the traditional way. Some prefer… shortcuts.

Sophia felt a chill run down her spine as she left the room. Calantha's words were a warning, and a clear one at that. The trials of the Aren were not just physical; the real danger lay in the betrayal lurking around every corner.

Sophia knew she couldn't trust anyone but herself. She had to be prepared for anything, because next time, the threat might not come from the front, but from the shadows.

The day progressed slowly, each hour filled with the feeling that something was about to happen. Sophia trained tirelessly, trying to keep her mind focused on the next test, but the worry about what Calantha had hinted at wouldn't leave her alone.

As night fell, the candidates were summoned back to the amphitheater. The next test would be announced, and Sophia mentally prepared herself for what was to come.

However, when she arrived, she noticed something strange. Elara was not present. The other candidates murmured among themselves, surprised by the absence. .

—Where is Elara? —Sophia asked, turning to Xanthe, who seemed calmer than the others.

—Don't know —Xanthe replied, her voice calm but with a tinge of concern. —. No one has seen her since this morning.

Sophia felt a pang of unease. Could it be that Elara had been eliminated? Or perhaps something worse had happened to her?

The Demon King's emissary appeared in the center of the amphitheater, and silence fell upon the candidates.

—The next test will be postponed —He announced in a serious voice —. One of the candidates has been... incapacitated.

The word echoed in Sophia's mind. "Incapacitated." That didn't sound like a simple elimination. Something had happened in the shadows, and she was more convinced than ever that betrayal was afoot.

Sophia knew she had to be on guard. The real enemy might be closer than she thought, and the Shadow Whirlwind was about to devour anyone who let their guard down

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