
the silver moon

DaoistOdBYRJ · Teenager
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2 Chs


The kingdom cruesredor ,

One of the richest kingdoms , ruled by respected king aster and queen otsana

Both the emperor and the empress had always put their duty before anything , for them marriage was merely just a business contract .

For the first 4 years the queen couldn't birth a heir for the throne , everyone thought she was infertile until the year 1110 , December 4 , a miracle was born with eyes of gold and the skin as white as snow , Prince nova . The birth of a young lord made the whole kingdom light up with joy . King aster was overjoyed and nervous as he held the crown prince , all of his worries faded away as he heard the angelic boy cry .

The king had once begged the queen to abort the unborn child as it can be a big risk to her health , but the queen refused because she had already accepted wether or not she lives a heir must be born . For the sake of the kingdom and her .

For the welcoming of prince nova a grand banquet was held , royals from many distinctive kingdoms had attended the banquet. And everyone who saw the little prince , couldn't take their eyes of off him . The prince had gotten an overwhelming amount of gifts and love from everyone .

But there are a few people in the kingdom who despised the prince , the grand duke harauld ( kings step brother ) and duke vardla ( queens brother in law ) .

Perhaps if the prince wasn't born then their children would've gotten the throne , therefore rising in status and money.

You don't get the throne you earn it .

Despite being very young prince nova was very bright and capable for his age , he started speaking before he turned one and at 4 years old he had learned three languages . His manners and ethics were always in check . Even though people would call him mature for his age , he would barge into his parents work office and interfere in important meetings after all he's a child , and anytime that would happen the king would try to disregard his presence but ends up showering him with attention .

The royals were very protective of the little prince ,as the king had many nemesis .

One Day

"Mom ! , dad ! Can I please please please go to uncle haraulds house " excitedly said nova

" nova , they'll be busy , u don want to disturb them do you ? " said the queen as she tries to convince the prince to not go .

" but mom , I won't disturb aunt and uncle I will just play with my cousins " poor guy just wants an approval

" let , him go , it's his vacation , let him have fun for a little while" said the king , after hearing the approval nova rushed to his room to change his outfit and get ready to head to the grand duke haraulds house .( btw queen came to accompany him )

After a 20 minute carriage ride , the finally reached their destination.

Prince nova hurriedly rushed inside and hugged his cousin / best friend phoenix . Phoenix and nova are the same age .

Phoenix is grand dukes second son , many people pity phoenix as his mother passed away really early , unlike other kids phoenix doesn't really show much emotions . But nova shows enough emotions for both of them .

" phoenix ! I missed u a lot I couldn't come before because , I had t0 attend to many lessons " said nova as he holds phoenix's hands with a bright smile

" I missed you too , but not too much " said phoenix with a slight smile .

" aish , I know you missed me so much that you were gonna cry " nova said to tease phoenix

" no , I'm not a baby to cry for you , hmph ! "

( you are a literal baby phoenix u just 4 years old )