
The Silver Mage

Silver Iris Roan was just a simple country-girl mage when all of a sudden, an invitation from a prestigious magic-user school made its on their front door, Zythyst School of Magic and Wonders. Now forced to attend the school of her nightmares, she soon met people from both her dreaded past and unexpected fated future. And as if playing with her misery, she unwillingly got involved in Karma del Caesar's business, an unexpected troublemaker whom she thought doesn't exist until a seeming fated encounter. ... "In a world where magic exists, there lived, me... And this is my story." - Silver Iris Roan

MoonPrinceXX · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Silver Iris Roan

Like every story out there, it all started like this; once upon a time, in a faraway land, where time seems to be forgotten by many, made its first stroke in history, together, with the cry of a newborn baby...

Born from a protracted line of mages, a young sprout opened its eyes, welcoming the unknown wonders, capturing every moment her blurry eyes could reach, embracing the forgotten memories that will soon be buried deep inside her developing mind.

Silver Iris Roan, named after her late grandfather and the flower that blooms alongside her, she was blessed and loved by many.

She grew up in a small town together with her whole family and lovely neighbors. Around their town, are large boulders circling them. Boulders that are blessed with powerful protective magic spell. It was said that these mighty enchantment will protect them from the vicious monsters and all kinds and forms of dark magic lurking beyond the barrier. Within the town, they are safe.

But along with safety, comes danger. A danger they never wish to speak about. The town embraced their sweet haven and feared the unknown from the other side of the barrier.

With this in mind, no one dares to go outside. And just like that, like everyone else, the town became her entire world.

But she knew that there was more beyond that invincible wall.

Passed through generations, a reading was made. A reading that would determine her fate.

A fate decided way before by her ancestors. She was told that she would see the world as a quest. A quest that she would face.

'Why me?' she asked. She questioned the fate that she believed should be decided by no one but her.

Driven by her young rebellious heart, she ran away from home, with nothing but a promise she made to herself, and that is to never follow the path someone else made for her, especially fate.

She found herself in another town similar, yet different from hers. She found a home in the arms of an old couple. With them, she wished to start a new life. A fated life she, herself, will weave for herself. And she did.

More years passed and she became a simple country girl who used her humble knowledge in magic to live a normal life helping her adoptive parents and the people around her. She was happy, incredibly happy that she couldn't ask for more.

And when she thought everything was finally going her way, fate, whom she thought she'd finally be free from and yet owned, appeared again. In a form of an invitation, she never even dared to dreamed of.

She always feared the unknown, the unknown fate kept on throwing at her. Little did she know, an invitation would make her break the promise she made to herself.

Written in a coal-colored ink mixed with magic, a school for people like her asked her to join them this school year as a new student.

It is a once in a blue moon opportunity for the school only give out invitations every ten years to aspiring mages that caught their attention. And she's one of them.

She should be happy, but instead...