
What am i? (1)

You could see steam steadily rising into the air, the smell of peppermint shrowded the room as the sound of a waterfall rang behind a childlike figure.

You could see a figure through a curtain of sunshine, skin gleaming as soft rosy lips attached themselves to finely crafted china.

Lee, who at this moment couldn't be bothered to question the existence of a whole other world inside her soul. The cup of tea in her bowl as well as the fragrance it emitted felt like heaven in her body.

Standing in front of the relaxed Lee, was a man, he had a thin frame but excluding charm with his handsome face and pleasant smile that seemed permanently stick to his cleanly shaven face. With a sharp and questioning gaze coming from the clear doe eyes of the child, the man understood what she wanted to say without her saying it.

"Impatient one aren't you?" said the man, with a sigh he sat down on a chair that hadn't been there before, yet it appeared out of thin air, further confirming that whoever this man was, he was someone Lee wanted on her side.

Taking his time, the man sipped his tea, inhaling the addicting fragrance and giving her a soft smirk.

"I guess you could say that I'm a butler of sorts, my former master tasked me in guiding you in your most troubling time's for she knew that if she does succeed in getting you into this world, that you would need someone who you could trust."

Another sip, as he met Lee's eyes that seemed to convey incredulity. With a chuckle, he put his cup down beside him and although there being nothing but air beside him, his cup simply stayed there.

As he stood his mannerism changed and become more exaggerated in his gestures, you could almost see a spotlight aimed directly at the dramatic butler.

With a bow, the man gently grabbed her hand and brought it towards his lips " The name is Theobold Flax milady, but Theo is just fine." Lee sat there and stared at the man, although his deminer was nothing but gentle, his eyes held something that made Lee feel something she hasn't in a long time.


"Now I'm sure that you have questions regarding your situation, and I will do my utmost to try and answer them all, but there are certain things that I cannot tell you just yet," he said as he refiled the nearly drained tea in her cup.

Questions? Sure she had queries, anyone in her situation would, yet as she went to open her mouth, nothing came out. It was like everything in her head suddenly disappeared. So instead she said gestured for him to explain what he could

And again he seemed to get what she was saying without having to speak.

"It all started when humankind was at its early stages of evolution, back then humans were a rare existence, the world, filled with our kind, and other creatures alike lived peacefully with us as the rulers and they as the subjects.

Today we are known as God's; creatures worshiped by the pesky being's in hopes to win our favour for their insignificant desires. They seem to think that by doing this we can grant them wishes in exchange for their selfishly aimed loyalty."

As Theobold said this, his eyes seemed to glaze over with hidden anger and disgust. His usually pleasant face turned ugly in a split second and then returned to its gentle expression as if his sudden change was just a trick of the light.

"We were the reigning race for year's for we created the worlds that currently exist, worshiped by all and challenged by none, at least that was until that fateful day, a world unknown to us materialized and brought upon being's we didn't know existed dubbed, Titans.

Creatures of incredible strength, enough to match ours, enough to destroy the home's that we built, enough to challenge our supremacy. But these creatures weren't what we encountered that day that made us tremble in fear; it was the one who was able to summon those creature's, strong enough to destroy a God with just physical strength alone

That is where you, my dear, come in