
The Sidekick's Masterpiece

A hopeful novelist named Aether faces rejection of his meticulously crafted works in a contest. Crush by disappointment; he never gives up. With his burning passion, he decides to mix his rejected stories to create something better. But, Uh-oh, he needs a cool ending, and he's got zero experience for it. "How do i end this thing without any real adventures?" So, he heads up to Sierra Madre, hoping for inspiration. But up there, things get crazy. He meets a fate he didn't see coming. "This wasn't in the plan." Suddenly, he transmigrated as Felix, an orphan destined to perish in the entrance exam at Avalon School. But wait. He'll actually be part of a legendary hero group in the future.

Iam_monarchi · Fantasie
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41 Chs


"Hey, guess what? There are actually three of them," the god added cheerfully.

"Three? Where can I find the other two?" I asked eagerly.

"They're located at the fourth and third wormholes, you won't be able to get them. Since you don't have a license yet."

"I will sneak in to get it."

"No way! Don't you dare mess with the story. There'll be consequences if you do!" the old man snapped his anger.

I couldn't help but feel more threatened by his spear than by him.

"Um...," I stammered, not quite sure how to respond.

"By the way, you've unlocked an augmented skill, craftsman, as your reward."

"Augmented skill, craftsman? Wasn't that a passive skill, like Sonia's undying mana skill?" I recalled.

"Yeah, you can add observation and an arcane book so that you can't forget your own story! You are too idiotic! "

"Okay?" I trailed off, bewildered by the old man's words.

"I'll be back when you're done with the third wormhole. Stick to the story; don't skip ahead to the boss. Help the main character, and you might just earn a legendary skilled craftsman. Don't mess this up," the old man warned before vanishing.

'Why the smoke?' I pondered, forgetting that the god could read my thoughts.

"Because it was cool!" the god replied, leaving me speechless.

I had no reaction, but a part of me found it ninja-cool, though an old man disappearing in smoke seemed more like he was ascending to heaven. Suddenly, a gun flew and hit me in the head.

"Don't be stupid," the old man's voice echoed in the room.

" Why do I feel like i am the only powerless in the story? Probably, i am still consider as not part of the story like a main character who have power in gh time goes by… 1" as I look into the augment skill craftsman. I went to sleep.




Elina, in the midst of mastering her new wand, while Sonia and Steve resting on a bench near the training ground.

"Why the serious face?" Steve asked Sonia, noting her lingering displeasure.

Sonia, after witnessing Felix's choice of a bag as a weapon, expressed her frustration. "Do you think that is fiendish or edish? I can't accept him after we get him as our porter; I think he will be like an evasive porter or an all-around porter. We do not need him for our next exploration exam; he can't even stick to the basics. People like that will drag teammates down! He probably gave up on becoming a hero! He can just retire after 1 year of working as a hero in government."

Sonia is really irritated with Felix after all she was the ne who initiated to invite him, but at the same time, she can really understand him. If you have a weapon to avalon, you can just take it as a souvenir. Even if he stops right now, he can get the bag. That bag was more valuable than the bag Felix used in the entrance exam.

"You can't be just like that! After all, he also greatly aided us in the entrance," Steve said, acknowledging Felix's reckless act while observing Elina practicing.

"Hmm," even Sonia glanced over at Elina.

"Fireball!" Elina cast, elevating her skill to the intermediate level. A massive fireball, a meter in diameter, hovered in the air, leaving Sonia and Steve in awe of the magic Elina was practicing.

With a flourish of her wand, *Boom!* The practice target disintegrated into dust. Elina, who was never showing her emotion, was so happy that she could cast stronger magic than she could on the entrance exam.

"Wow!" Steve nodded, and Sonia was truly impressed by Elina's display of power.




On a typical class day, much like any other, I was listening to the instructor's lecture.

"You can't know what kind of danger may happen, but still, needing to understand the wormhole is the best for the explorer."

I was listening to the lecture like I was really copying the board, but I could see the description from the book and the answer to the question from the lecture.

Thanks to my augment skill [observation]

"Thank you god for this augment skill," I muttered, witnessing letters seemingly float like holograms.

[The second wormhole was a great calamity to the whole world.]

"I can read everything, even a person's description, huh? "

Why is this Sonia looking at me? Am I that handsome to look at me like you want to eat me?

"Hey, Sonia, stop looking at him," Elina said like if I was doing some weird pose.


"Remember everything; firstly, memorize the monster name and also the wormhole; the written exam time is near! Dismissed!" the instructor announced, paving the way for the next class.

"Yehey! Practical training time!" I cheered, like my classmates, heading to the outdoor training ground, thrilled about the weapon assigned to me.

It was here.

As we listen to the instructor,

"This is about learning everything that may happen here, but as you know, this is physical learning; muscle memory and experience help you on the real battle field. I hope you will get more than that! Now I will announce the group. You may look at your name to see a five-man group! As you can see, the group is composed of five classes, but if the craftsman can be changed to another class for better balance, we will adjust your rank and class to be balanced for the battle! "

As the instructor is talking, we are already looking for group members. All have first names.

I can see my name.

[Group 4: mel-ranger, elina-mage, Felix-craftsman, ginger-swordsman, alisha-support]

"Oh, I'm with her! "As I look at Elina, she looks at me. I can't look.

But Mel Carson has the strongest basic attack damage in the group; only Steve can defeat her in terms of damage with sword skill.

"I will try to be friends with her." If I am friends with her, she can be reliable; she will never betray her comrade. That's the most characteristic I gave her.

Looking at her loli appearance, a middle high school girl.

Ginger, I don't know her much about her, but she led the entire platoon in the 4th wormhole. She is from another novel i create and this Alisha, I don't know her well too, It was my first time hearing her name.

I have used and read the Arcane book skill; I can only open it once every 6 months. I look for my own name, but I can't see it. What a useless skill with long cooldown. 

"Group four is here!" as Ginger called out to us. 

A swordsman; they are usually passive and aggressive personality; that's why they are usually pointed at as leaders.

Then we gather at the voice of Ginger, who's calling for us, Group 4.

"In retrospect, our recollections will not be shaped by the utterances of those against us, but by the quietude of companions we once knew."


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