
The side effect of Reincarnation

"Reincarnation is a mysterious and wonderful thing, isn´t it?" The old professor took a sip from his tea. Looking at his colleague in the opposite seat. "Just imagine the possibilities!" He spread his arms wide to indicate all the possibilities. "I am." His colleague answered sourly. "Let us assume that there is the thing called reincarnation. Then it must be a blessing for us not to remember our past lives." "Why do you say that? Just imagine If I had all the knowledge of my previous life or lives wouldn´t I be almost all-knowing?" The man smiled imagining having all the knowledge he couldn´t acquire in his lifetime. The other man just shook his head "You, my friend are far too greedy. Just imagining what would happen to a person remembering his past lives fills me with dread and pity. We are lucky not to remember anything if reincarnation is real. Thank God, that this does not happen." Hello there! Writer here. That one above is actually not part of the story, but when I thought about what the story is about that just pooped into my head. It is what this story is going for. Please give me a notice if that´s not how I was supposed to do it.

Mandrion_Abendberg · Fantasie
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41 Chs

4 Erwin

Hey Arn here! I was right! Arn is my name. It means falcon... According to my mother Gulda the bear, who visited me after my birth was actually my father and that was the name he chose for me. While telling me that my mother had a subtle pained expression on her face. Did that bearhole mess with my mother? He will definetly regret this. And there is something I need to tell you... I am actually a girl...

Shocking isn´t it? Arn is a girls name, apearantly. But to be honest up till now it wasn´t that much different... Sure going to the toilett in the wild is quite different, but nothing to be sorry for. That and I was always a little curious how a girl would feel in comparison to my old body... is that strange? Don´t know don´t care! Basically I´m still me and that is what counts right?

On the other hand I´m not sure if I could compare this body to my old one it feels like - even though I´m smaller than kids my age - I´m still bigger than girls in my old world... not sure though, but it feels a little off... well it doesn´t matter anyways.

You will surely think: How is he uhm... she suddendly able to speak and walk? Well I am five years old now, didn´t you read all those chapters on how I slept and slept and grew and slept and so on? NO? You didn´t miss much because there wasn´t anything exciting happening. Good for you! You got a timeskip while I had to live through all of this.

On another note: There is no system in this world! I mean I reincarnated and was ready to raise my level, but there are no such things as levels and my cheat power also didn´t show up.

Fine time to stop here now! Delusional time over and no more pretending to be in a light novel and explaining my circumstances to my readers! Because today is the day!

Yep! You heard right today is the day I finally meet other kids. Around my age?

When I arrived in the middle of our village a lot of teenagers, at least two heads taller than me are standing around. Yeah I know my mother is a giant and my father a half god, so call me Loki! But why is everyone else also so big? Am I adopted? And why is everyone looking at me as if looking down on me? No, I get it they are looking down on me... they are bigger than me. But that is not what I meant...

No! Stop being paranoid! You never know maybe they are actualy just curious.

"Hey, who let that little two year old running around alone?" One of them shouted and the others laughed as if hearing a joke.

Okay scratch that, they are hostile. But is that one a boy or a girl? I can´t seem to differentiate between boys and girls... and why do they look like Gohan? How did they even get that much muscle? *Sigh* and why don´t I?

"What? Nothing to say? Hey, someone take her back to her momy I think she need to grow some more." He/ she laughed loud again but this time no one joined. Not because I clared at them, but a tall man has joined the group. Long brown hair and a long brown beard with some braids here and there and absolutely enormous. But I think that bearhole was still bigger than him, not that I am proud or anything....b..baka! Huh? where did that come from? Somehow I couldn´t resist...

"Seems you all have plenty of stamina." He growled with and deep voice. Should I call him Moria?

"How about you all lose it by running ten laps around the village!"

His tone indicated that this was no question and I surely do not want to open my mouth right now so running it is.

"Listen I am in charge of all of you for the next five years! You will listen to my command or have some fun time with me. If I tell you to run, you will run! If you are slower than my pace you will run till evening! Now!" He belowed pointing in one direction.

I didn´t wait for the reactions of the rest but sprinted to the egde of the village the rest of the kids following me in great haste. But once I reached the egde I slowed down steadied my breathing and began running in a speed I believed to be just right for me. If it comes push to shove I just need to grit my teeth and power through it. It works as long as my motivation is strong enough.

In my old live I managed something similar to those proud soccer guys. They kept sprinting past me to mock me. They found it funny, because I took the running exercise in school seriously. In the end whenever I drew close they sprinted to keep distance. Well I didn´t pass them once but at least they were quite out of breath after the exercise. Somehow I found that very satisfying. Ahh old school memories how sweet!

Slow and steady wins the race! Two steps breath in three steps breath out. Rinse and repeat, victory! It worked out mostly as I thought. I didn´t score first place, but I had some breathing room left. The giant running behind us kept a slow enough pace for even the slowest of them, but from what I saw and heared, he kept hitting the last one. His breathing didn´t seem disturbed, not even a little bit. While some of them plopped to the ground like a puppet whose string has been cut.

"Okay! Now that you are ready I will tell you why you are here." He scrutinized every single one of us.

"From now on there will be a tournament every three weeks. You are allowed to challenge anybody and you must comply to those challenges. But be warned! There will be no glory in challenging weaklings." He glanced in my direction. Hey! I AM NOT WEAK, OKAY? Argh who am I kidding? Just thinking about those bolders rushing at me is enough to see my short life flash before my eyes.

"Only the strong and brave will gain recognition! Remember that since this will follow you for the rest of you lifes!"

Does that mean I won´t be challenged? That´s great! No need to be afraid then... although not challenging anyone will be jugded as cowardly...

"Now listen! You all will be trained by me, Erwin." He again glanced around at us.

"Listen to me and you will be strong and have fun beating the crap out of other people! Now first things first: If you see an enemy rush and punch them!" He made some gestures with his body and arm.

"If he is still standing after that, punch him again! most weaklings drop after one or two punches, but if you fight one of us you need more than that!"

He made a small dramatic pause.

"And that is when you punch him again!"

Looking proud he told us all about... well punching. It sems like the strategy for this village consists in running and punching. He also told us about his exploits against an army of "small people" and how many he punched to death. When I glanced at the other kids all of them looked at Erwin as you would an Idol or some famous person. You know with those glitter in their eyes. I could definetly see some stars in some eyes... Hey I think I can make out the difference between female and male kids now. The boys faces seem to scream: I want that! with stars in their eyes, while the females admired the strong and wise Erwin with glitter in their eyes. No wonder that the village is so small... if everybody uses the same method the death rate must be rather high.

"... and that is what you do against small people on horseback... wait till they are close and then rush them and punch them! First the horse and the if the small guy is still alive you either punch him or step on him. Both works wonders against those small people...."

He still isn´t finished? Is he going to talk till evening? What a waste of time...

"Hrm... that is all for today. Next week we will try some sparing. Try not to hurt each other during that time." He turned around but then turns back at us.

"Wait! I forgot something... after the five years training and fighting you will be choosen by one of our gods. After that ceremony you will train under another choosen one of the same god. Again for five years. How you fight and behave will behave an influence on which god will choose you. So ask your parents and let them tell you which god is best suited to you and try to get their blessing. Praying might also help...Dismissed!" He turns around and stamps away.

I just stood there frozen in place. Wait a second... what did he just say?