

<p>Noah is a sickly boy who is only 14 on that time when he started to have the same dream over and over again<br/>every time he fell asleep at night noah would dream about a young boy with light brown hair<br/>he never saw his face and all noah could see is his back<br/>he was standing In front a man that man face is blurry so noah didn't know how does he look like<br/>that man is scolding the boy he said these things to him<br/>"WHY ARE YOU SO USELESS?!"<br/>"just why can't you like your older brother and sister?!"<br/>"I can't even believe it that you're actually my son...."<br/>"I'm sorry..."<br/>"you think apologizing is enough?!"<br/>"get out from my study room now you're dismissed"<br/>and after that the scenery would change this time the light brown haired boy is in his class<br/>with three guys in front of him<br/>it looks like the boy is being bullied by them<br/>and their face is also blurry just like that man <br/>one boy had long blonde hair that is tied into a ponytail,another one had short bright red hair it was a very unnatural hair color and the other boy that is seem to be the leader had jet-black hair<br/>those boy said some bad and mean stuff about he is very weak compared to his older sibling <br/>then the blonde haired boy hit his head with his hand and said <br/>"hey are seriously ignoring us?"<br/>"this shit don't you know who he is <br/>he is ***** ******* you know the young master of the ******* family "<br/>the light brown haired boy didn't say anything and just lowered his head then the red haired boy grabbed the boy by his collar<br/>"looks like this little shit need a little beating"<br/>before his fist landed on that boy face <br/>the scenery changed again <br/>this time the boy is different he look somewhat older<br/>he is sitting on his bed with his body facing the window in his room <br/>and then black hue that is mixed with blue and dark purple started emitting from his body <br/>it continued for several minutes after he is done with that <br/>the scenery once again changed from him sitting on his bed while facing the window next to his bed this time he is standing on a half destroyed building<br/>it's not just the building he is standing on is ruined but all the other tall,large and small building were all either half or completely destroyed<br/>this this he is an adult then he muttered this word <br/>" once again I fail...."<br/>and right after that scene Noah would wake up and just to find out that it was already morning even though he felt like the dream is short <br/>Noah had the same over and over again<br/>but one day on his 17th birthday he had a different dream <br/>this time he is not in a study where there would be a boy who is being scolded by a man<br/>Noah find himself in a vast green field there is nothing there except for the grass that is as tall as his ankle<br/>Noah suddenly started walking in a certain direction it as if he knows where he is going<br/>after a few minutes of walking he saw large boulder and on the top of the boulder a man with light brown hair is sitting on it<br/>Noah stopped walking and stared at that man Noah saw a beautiful and finely crafted bow but it had a crack in the middle of it<br/>then the man uttered this word to him<br/>"On the night of a full moon the rain would come to accompany you and on that time your new journey would start with him"<br/>"I wish you the best kid...."<br/>and right after he said that Noah woke from his sleep but as Noah grow older he started to forget about his dream<br/>the dream that he always had when he fell asleep has been forgotten by him as the time goes by and just like that he didn't remember anything at all</p>

if there's a misspelling please tell so I can fix it

Qiran4creators' thoughts