
The Sick Team

The Modern era which was rising has suddenly ended and a new era arrived . The apocalypse era ! After escaping into a safe place and becoming a Boss to a group of survivors , Ethan who failed to awaken an ability still became popular among the group of survivors . But suddenly one day , a survivor has awakened a ability that changed the order of the group. People started to have second thoughts about working under Ethan and the plan to overthrow the leader appeared in their mind ! Ethan peaceful debauchery ended ! ................ "What do you mean that someone has awakened ability ?" "What ? Someone died today ?" "Wait ! Are you telling me that one of the survivor has a gun ?" "Crap! Who poisoned my food ?" "Why do I hear footsteps sounds from outside of my room in middle of night?" The group of survivors who had peaceful and easy going personally now suddenly became menance and killers ! "Um...Boss I heard that you are interested in men ?" "YOU GUYS CAN ALL GO TO HELL!"

Hollowlives · Horror
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

A New survivor? - 2

The situation has becoming more critical since a survivor Samuel awakened his ability . There are already people who are plotting to take his life to create chaos. And the worst thing is that he doesn't know who was with him or who is against him !

But one thing is confirmed that Gary is one of the survivor who is against him and Samuel may be another.

Samuel is a short tempered person . He was always the one who has pickup fights with other survivors for simple things. Every survivors had a hard time getting along with him so that's why not many people want to have a company with him.

But now since he was awakened , he became famous overnight .

"This is bad . I once punished him in the past for fighting ....don't tell me he will directly kill me in front of the others to establish his power or will he kick me out ? "

"or maybe he will just let me go?"

His mind started to race with various thoughts and all of them made his heart sank in despair .

"Since it all come to this point . Then why bother?"

After thinking for a half hour without getting any solution . He decided to face head on with them !

Running wasn't a option here !

The zombies will tear him to pieces!

So let's see what will be situation will leads too!

After taking a deep breath he walked outside with determination .

As long as he has a chance then he will use it to turn them against each other.

His mind already formed a plan !

The plan was 'extra-ordinary' one indeed !


In the big spacious hall,

This so called hall was nothing but a storage room of tunnel but now it become gathering hall for survivors. Due to the lack of lights availability inside , the survivors collected street lights and made their own light system in this tunnel.

The survivors now all gathered at the hall and they were all discussing in low voice . But the strange thing was that these survivors were all had their own group and each one of them were having serious expression .

There were only nine survivors gathered here and there people still not appeared including Ethan.

"I heard that Samuel awakened his ability ?Did you guys know what kind of ability he awakened?"

A tall yet slim lady said with curiousity to the person behind her.

Clara who was beside her said with uncertainty

"I also have no clue about it ... but I heard that he awakened his ability when he went outside to find food supply today!"

The tall lady wanted to say something but a handsome man who is not far away with them said in cold tone

"He awakened something like blades "

Clara frowned hearing the voice and she snorted in displeasure .

That person who said this was none other than Denmis who is ex boyfriend of Clara . They now already broke up with her and the reason for it was simple. Clara caught him cheating with one of the survivor behind her and worst of all he didn't even bother to explain about it!

This made her angry and she immediately broke up with him.

Denmis face become ugly seeing Clara ignoring him but he still didn't say anything and kept quiet , Leaving the tall lady in awkward silence.

When she was about to smooth them , a commotion could be heard which gathered the attention of the trio.

"It's Samuel"

"Ah he looks kinda different now "

"Yeah..... omg his hands are thicker than before !"

"Yeah also his hands are pale ?"

Samuel was 25 year old . He had a slightly good build but after awakening ability his physical structure changed a bit. Samuel both hands become thicker than normal hands and they become pale yellow which was quite disgusting to look at but no one dared to show disgust towards it .

If they can get ability like that then they don't mind even if their whole body become like that .

Samuel was soon surrounded by the survivors and everyone was looking at him in Envy and caution but also fear.

Samuel become proud feeling their attention towards him so he said with fake smile

"Hahah.....it's okay. You guys can rest assured now since I have awakened my ability ,killing the zombie would be easy now."

"Hahah....yeah "

"We will depend on you"

"Yes from now on Samuel is our guardian!"

Samuel who was feeling better saw a woman joined their hall but she was just staying at one of the corner , clearly showing lack of interest.

That woman had a proud yet cold face. She was leaning at the wall while focusing her on hands which held a military knife. She was 30 year old but her baby yet cute asian face is charming enough to attract even if she is low profile.

She is Mei! The woman who was working in police department before .

Samuel eyes flashed with unknown thoughts seeing her but he didn't go near her instead he started to chat with the survivors happily .

Samuel suddenly paused and said with a smile .

"Oh I think I forgot to say something important"

Hearing this the rest of the survivor become quiet while the cold Mei also looked at him curiously .

He didn't let them wait and soon said to them while turning back at the hall door .

"Ladies and gentlemen we will welcome our new survivor who is going to join our group . Please welcome our new member Sera."

Soon in front of the crowd a woman appeared slowly . The crowd become silent but only her footsteps sound could be heard inside the hall.

The woman looked like 30- 32 year old . She had a black hair and a round face with attractive eyes . She had a S shaped curvy body and her long white legs made many peple gulp in desire . What most striking about her is that she had a big chest which was threatening to come out of her clothes. Behind her was a cute loli holding the big beauty hands .

It's look like they were mother and daughter.

Soon the woman appeared in front of the people and she stopped few meters away from them .

She opened her mouth to speak

