
Great News

The sun was rising, the people of the village had been walking for hours now. The hundreds of shinobi always stayed focus even though they were very tired, but their mission came first.

"Reijiro, do you think that Lord Kentaro has taken a good choice?" a shinobi asked to a short-haired motivated looking young man.

"A good choice? Like, making us move from the destroyed village to create a new one?" the shinobi nodded his head.

"Absolutely! Now is the perfect time to create a single and great village, it will only strengthen our union." Reijiro believed in Kentaro and his goals very much.

"What does creating a new village have to do with our union? We could've rebuilt the destroyed village." Reijiro shook his head to this.

"No, it seems like you don't understand. A new village, a new page in this land's history. We will be feeling home there since we'll all help building it."

In the Fujimoto clan's village, there were only enough houses for the clansmen of the Fujimoto and the Chinoike clan.

The Sara clan slept in the medical building and there was not enough place for all of them, many had to sleep outside.

The Ichika trained the kids in the training zone, they also slept there. Lucky ones slept in front of the stone gate with Lord Ichika.

"As for us, the Haru clan, we were living in that 'forest' five hundred meters further from the village." where they lived couldn't even be considered a forest, only bushes and three trees per ten meters could be found there.

"Now, we could create an institution where the kids would be trained to become real shinobi! Doesn't that seem cool to you? To learn the ways, we had to battle since our youngest age." Reijiro looked further to his right, his expression soon changed to an impressed one.

"WOW..." A beast so large that it could shadow an entire town was coming towards them. Its white body and fur showed its gracefulness, the beast had a head that looked like a dolphin, only that it had five horns.

When it ran, its five tails did not move but one could feel the power behind them. The hundreds of shinobi prepared to face the beast, as it was their mission to protect the people from any danger.

The beast slid and came to a halt, wind blew towards the people and the shinobi.

The hundreds of shinobi who had prepared to face it had lost their courage. They didn't dare to face such an intimidating beast.

A young man came forward and smiled at the beast, Reijiro had clearly understood Kentaro's order. They had to live in harmony with the tailed beasts.

"Ooooh great beast! Forgive my brethren for having brandished their weapons towards you. My name is Reijiro, a fervant follower of the unfathomable Lord Kentaro." Reijiro slightly bowed his head.

"I am no beast, Reijiro. My name is Kokuo, to see people and shinobi not attack me at sight is a first." Reijiro laughed nervously, they were all lucky to not have attacked it.

"hehe, yes. Lord Kentaro values those of your kind, we were made clear to not attack any of you! The land of stone will be your home. If one day you get attacked by ignorant fools, please do not take it to heart." Kokuo appreciated Reijiro's attitude.

"I won't. Where is Lord Kentaro? I would like to thank him personally." Reijiro looked around, he didn't see Kentaro.

"I am afr-" A voice interrupted Reijiro. It was Kentaro's voice, he was flying above everyone.

"Kokuo, may you be welcome in this land. It is my great pleasure to have you here. May I ask you a question?" Kokuo stayed silent for a few seconds.

'So, he is the supposed child of the prophecy? The one who would bring peace to the world.' Kokuo brandished her five tails gracefully, she presented herself to the one who was in charge.

"My name is Kokuo, I am a protector of this world together with my siblings. On behalf of them all, I thank you. What is your question?"

"Are Shukaku and Matatabi still mad at me for what I have done? How many other of your siblings will come to this land?" Those were important questions.

"Matatabi understands why you've sealed her, I guarantee you that she won't try to take revenge. As for the unstable Shukaku, he is only friendly to your sister. He promised that the first thing he would do would be to massacre you and all the villagers."

Based on that, Kentaro knew that unsealing Matatabi was the next thing to do. Shukaku was going to stay sealed for a long time.

"Son Goku, has talked to everyone about your plan of sheltering us. Chomei, Saiken and me are willing to trust you. Kurama couldn't be bothered, Gyuki wasn't willing to come because of the environment and it's the same with Isobu." Kokuo told everything to Kentaro.

Six of the nine had accepted to come to the land of earth. They placed their trust in him, Kentaro wouldn't dissapoint them.

"I am more than honored to have your trust. Kokuo, you and Chomei could go live west of the land. There, forests and fields are abundant, you will feel home there."

Kokuo gave a nod with her gigantic head, the people and shinobi made place for her. She began running west, Kentaro landed on the ground.

"I hope everyone heard clearly! Six of the nine would become part of our great family! I will not tolerate hostility towards them, you've seen it for yourselves, they aren't murderous beasts they are kind and intelligent!"

Kentaro motioned everyone to walk further, they had to reach the mountain ranges quickly. There was no time to waste, the village had to be constructed.

Kentaro walked to Rejiro who was still looking at the running Kokuo.

"What is your name?" Kentaro's voice took Raigen's attention. He looked at Kentaro in awe and quickly answered.

"M-my name i-is Reijiro! Lord Kentaro, I want to thank you for your great efforts!" he stood on guard, like a soldier.

"There is no need to thank me. Reijiro, I've seen how you treated Kokuo. Unlike the others, you didn't search for your weapon. Instead, you talked to her and put her at ease." Reijiro was honored by Kentaro's compliment.

"As a reward, you can come and train together with Mū. You won't be disappointed by the results, trust me." Kentaro walked further.

'Training with Lord Kentaro!? Wait, who the heck is Mū? Fuck, I can't dissapoint him, I'll have to be superior to Mū in every aspect of the training.' Reijiro returned to the lines of shinobi.

They were only getting closer to the destination. Soon, the construction of the village would start.